FIS has forged a very strong partnership with MetTel. And you can see this primarily in
our SD-WAN service offering and all the various components of it.
All the way from the very beginning of consulting with the new client. MetTel is involved in providing demos in a production environment, which really allows the perspective client to really understand what the solution’s all about–lifecycle maintenance.
MetTel is involved in upgrading our hardware on a regular basis. The gateways, the orchestrator,
all of that stuff. They provide call center and tier three augmentation support.
They’re involved in helping us evolve the product.
One of the things we’re looking at right now is moving to an XLA based service offering. And, MetTel is heavily engaged in that. And, a variety of other things. Tools, integration, custom reporting,
you know, all those kinds of things. This has led to, in my opinion, our service offering becoming one of the best in the industry.
And we see that in the substantial growth, in sales opportunities as well as customer retention on contract renewals and our high NPS scores.