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Le Duff had the right infrastructure in place (MetTel SD-WAN) to transition easily to take-out and curbside orders at its restaurants when the pandemic hit, according to Monty Montgomery, Senior IT Director at Le Duff.
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Le Duff had the right infrastructure in place (MetTel SD-WAN) to transition easily to take-out and curbside orders at its restaurants when the pandemic hit, according to Monty Montgomery, Senior IT Director at Le Duff.
We closed the restaurants. You couldn’t come in and eat, so that was a huge impact because most people came in and ate. Again, we had a good foundation and the right platform in place to have that level of reliability. We had positioned the Wi-Fi in a lot of cases and even included Wi-Fi outside. We were able to take one of the devices, plug a payment terminal into it, and carry it outside. Now, we had connectivity in the parking lot to either take an order, pick up an order, or ring in an order from scratch and take payment right at the curb. I didn’t have to knock down walls or change anything other than plugging in a terminal and loading up that one terminal because I had the right infrastructure in place.