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Revolutionizing Fleet & the Mobile Workforce with Multi-Carrier Connectivity

global esims

MetTel’s Single SIM Can Change the Way You Work

In today’s increasingly mobile and interconnected world, managing a mobile workforce presents unique challenges. Organizations often struggle to provide consistent connectivity for their employees, leading to decreased productivity and hindered data collection. However, a solution has emerged that tackles these obstacles head-on: the multi-carrier Single SIM.

As a leading mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) and a Managed Mobility and IoT connectivity provider, MetTel understands the challenges faced by businesses in managing their mobile workforce. It starts by ensuring that each employee has strong connectivity through their mobile device, regardless of where they work or travel. This would traditionally mean engaging with multiple mobile carriers—possibly even dozens—and purchasing various devices, each with a carrier-specific SIM card. These devices would then need to be distributed out to the workforce depending on where they are located. MetTel’s Single SIM simplifies all of this because one SIM card can connect to more than 650 carriers in over 165 countries. It intelligently roams to find the strongest mobile signal in any location, regardless of carrier.

In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and advantages of adopting the global Single SIM, and how it can revolutionize the way organizations manage their mobile workforces.

Enhanced Connectivity & Coverage

Poor or limited connectivity can severely impact both employees and managers. With the Single SIM, users can seamlessly switch between different wireless carriers, ensuring access to the best networks and coverage wherever they are located. By leveraging our extensive network of 650+ carriers across 165 countries, our customers’ employees receive devices that can connect from anywhere, eliminating the frustration of being off the grid. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for devices used internationally, as the need for local SIM cards or costly roaming charges is eliminated.

Cost Savings

Roaming charges can quickly add up, especially for organizations with a global presence or frequent travelers. By utilizing a multi-carrier Single SIM card, businesses can significantly reduce costs as devices automatically switch between local carriers, selecting the best carrier signal in each location, resulting in substantial savings for the organization versus managing multiple carrier contracts and carrier-specific devices.

Enhanced Security

In an era where data security is of paramount importance, the Single SIM offers enhanced protection. With two-pronged device verification at both the IP and signaling levels, users can trust that their information is fully safeguarded. Additionally, with eSIM-enabled devices, the risk of unauthorized access or loss of SIM cards is greatly reduced, ensuring heightened security for sensitive business data.

Flexibility & Remote Management

The multi-carrier Single SIM provides users with unmatched flexibility. Whether devices travel internationally or domestically, devices switch between carriers automatically based on which carrier is available with the best mobile connectivity. Moreover, the remote management capabilities of eSIMs enable carriers to remotely update SIM card information, allowing for seamless plan changes, terminations, or activations. This level of flexibility empowers organizations to adapt quickly to changing circumstances and scale their wireless plans as their mobile workforce evolves.

Consolidation & Streamlined Operations

By adopting the Single SIM, organizations can unlock the power of enterprise mobility management. Our solution consolidates mobile services with a single provider, eliminating the complexities of managing relationships, multiple contracts, and billing with multiple carriers. Our comprehensive dashboard provides a centralized hub for managing all mobile services, streamlining operations, and reducing administrative burdens.

The Single SIM in Action – 3 Case Studies

1. Transportation Company

A key provider of ground transportation services to the United States Postal Service (USPS), faced significant challenges in managing their large fleet of vehicles and drivers, as well as ensuring compliance with both FMCSA and USPS requirements. With over 2,000 drivers spread across 33 states and numerous USPS facilities, they were juggling relationships with multiple carriers in order to ensure that all of their drivers had coverage and connectivity throughout the different regions of the country. Even with multiple carriers, they still didn’t have complete coverage and had to contend with spotty connectivity and dead zones. In addition, managing relationships with multiple carriers was costly and time-consuming. Lastly, they lacked the ability to see one comprehensive snapshot of their entire fleet. They had to stitch together monitoring, reporting, and analytics from their different carriers in order to see the complete picture of their fleet.  

To address these challenges, we provided them with the MetTel IoT connectivity solution and enterprise mobility services, offering a seamless framework for mobile connectivity, ELD-compliant in-vehicle tablets, and USPS trailer tracking proof of delivery. This allowed each member of their geographically distributed and mobile workforce to maintain connectivity by always accessing the strongest mobile network within range. In addition, the IoT Single SIM allowed the organization to work with just one provider, MetTel, to distribute devices to their entire workforce with one portal for monitoring, reporting and analytics. MetTel’s fleet management service delivered field-ready devices and managed the operational aspects of deployment; MetTel enabled the organization to focus on its core business while also enjoying significant efficiencies and cost savings.

2. City of Phoenix, AZ

Because of its rapid growth in the past decade, the City of Phoenix – the 5th most populous city with a population of 1.7 million – realized that it had to become more efficient in how it offers and delivers citywide services within its Public Works and Water Departments. City leaders’ goals for digital transformation included the automation of proof of service, inspections, and record keeping. Their digitization goals expanded beyond the efficiency of automated administration and paperwork; they also wanted to revolutionize the way services were delivered. They needed a solution for smart route planning and dispatching that would better ensure the safety of its drivers and vehicles.

MetTel delivered a complete, managed-service program to the City of Phoenix to address the city’s digital transformation needs. This included providing Public Works and Water Department drivers with rugged tablets, each loaded with MetTel’s IoT Single SIM. This enabled the drivers to access the strongest mobile connection as they moved about the city, keeping them connected to the central office and internet-based tools. Additionally, the City of Phoenix now has a single view into its workforce. This includes location-based intelligence, industry-leading driver safety scoring, and vehicle diagnostics tools.

This resulted in improving workforce productivity by 17%; cutting vehicle operating expenses by over $30K per month; enhancing driver safety; increasing insurance safety ratings; reducing fuel cost by 14%; and decreasing idling and unplanned trips for a savings of over $250K annually.

3. Recycling & Waste Management

With a 36,000-member team, one of the largest providers of waste disposal in the United States lacked visibility into its equipment and the everyday wear and tear of its vehicle fleet. They wanted to be more energy efficient, reduce fuel consumption, save on costs, and digitize vehicle and employee tracking and routing.

Part of MetTel’s solution for the company included providing tailored rugged tablets for all drivers, each loaded with MetTel’s Single SIM. This allowed each driver to stay connected, as the Single SIM used intelligent roaming to find the best mobile signal, regardless of carrier. These tablets have become the lifeline of their business, serving as the main source of conducting business from driver timekeeping to rerouting and dispatch. In addition, working with just one provider means that the company now has a single-pane view of its workforce and fleet. This includes location-based intelligence, industry-leading driver safety scoring, and vehicle diagnostics for maintenance and repairs. The real-time visibility has allowed the company to realize savings through efficiencies in fuel consumption and costs through route information and issue resolution.

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As one of the most forward-thinking cities in the nation, Phoenix was among the first to adopt smart city technologies. It partnered with MetTel to provide its fleet management and mobile workforce solutions as part of the smart city case study.

Read Case Study

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