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  1. POTS Replacement

    POTS Transformation Without the Pain

    An Exploration of the Myths Surrounding POTS Replacement Continued Copper Retirement You probably know by now that Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) is being phased out. The FCC initiated the phase-out of copper POTS lines due to their various disadvantages and challenges. This transition was propelled by regulatory changes, notably FCC Order 15-97, which allowed…

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  2. telephone lines being transformed with digital signals

    A Guide to POTS Lines Going Away: 3 Reasons to Replace Your POTS Lines

    Why Companies Depend on Plain Old Telephone Services (POTS) First of all, what is POTS? Plain old telephone services, or POTS, have been around in some form since 1876. But by the mid-2010s, many businesses began taking steps to reduce dependency on POTS, partly due to the mass migration to VoIP and partly due to…

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  3. digital transformation hospitality

    Digital Transformation in Hospitality

    As the hospitality industry strives to continually enhance the guest experience, many companies have been embracing digital transformation. In addition to helping to create a pleasant and memorable guest experience, digital transformation brings with it other benefits, such as brand reinforcement, competitive advantage, efficiency, resilience, and cost savings. This blog post will discuss three specific…

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  4. disaster preparedness

    Disaster Preparedness for Your Network and Communications

    Our collective experience of going through the COVID-19 pandemic and the pace and magnitude at which we’re experiencing or hearing about natural disasters have caused many to become more vigilant about disaster preparedness. Many are asking themselves, What is my disaster plan for my family, myself, my community, my company? A key component of a…

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  5. government technology connection

    How Government Agencies Can Stay Ahead of POTS Replacement

    Wireline Decommissioning & POTS Replacement – Current State About 10 years ago I asked my parents to upgrade their internet service from DSL to the local carrier fiber-based service. My mom was all in because it meant better video calls with her grandkids. My dad was dubious. He was concerned because he heard that once…

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  6. woman talking on phone in office

    Turning a Copper Retirement Imperative into a Digital Transformation Opportunity

    Extra Space Storage Modernizes Their Network As local exchange carriers are decommissioning service and raising rates for local telephone service, organizations are feeling pressure to move away from copper / POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) voice infrastructure and support. Extra Space Storage (NYSE: EXR) felt this pressure and turned their copper retirement into an opportunity…

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  7. business woman holding a phone in front of a computer screen

    A Digital Solution for the Sunsetting of Plain Old Telephone Service

    Something big is happening in the world of IT communications. Over the past few years, quietly and discreetly, the world’s biggest telecom providers have been retiring their physical copper lines to fully digitalize their plain old telephone service (POTS). This digital transformation is better for telecommunications carriers/network providers and businesses alike, as copper networks are…

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