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  1. iot in transportation - smart trucks crossing a bridge

    Exploring the Future of IoT in Transportation and Logistics

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is at the heart of positive disruptions across all industries, and the transportation and logistics sector is no exception. This interconnected network of “things” includes devices, appliances, and other innovative technologies. Over time, it has emerged as a driving force behind major advancements, overcoming the many challenges companies in transport…

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  2. enterprise mobility smartphone

    Unleash Your Workforce: The Advantages of Enterprise Mobility Management

    As remote and hybrid work continue to be the norm, employees are increasingly using their laptops and smartphones to communicate and work. This offers tremendous benefits in terms of flexibility and productivity, but it also introduces complex challenges in managing, supporting, and securing these devices. How do you ensure seamless connectivity, maintain cost-effectiveness, and support…

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  3. digital transformation strategy

    Embracing the Future: Building Your Digital Transformation Strategy

    Blockbuster is one of the greatest cautionary tales in business history. The downfall of this leading video store chain is a lesson on what happens when a company doesn’t evolve. Why? Because there will always be someone else who will use technology to its full advantage and deliver a better experience. In Blockbuster’s case, Netflix…

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  4. Successful female banker using smartphone outdoors while standing near his office background yellow neon lights, young woman professional manager working on mobile device near skyscraper at night

    BYOD vs. COPE: Which is Better?

    Driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, the business landscape has experienced a drastic shakeup, with a shift toward remote and hybrid environments that has changed how we work. Did you know that 12% of the workforce works fully remotely, while 28% operate in hybrid environments? These new working patterns come with benefits like more freedom and…

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  5. Lori Thomas on stage at the MetTel 2023 Innovation Summit

    2023 MetTel Innovation Summit – Innovating for Stability with AI, Automation & Multi-Level Cybersecurity

    We recently held our 2023 MetTel Innovation Summit at the JW Mariott Resort in San Antonio. The 9th edition was our biggest and best yet (like everything else in Texas)!  It was great to see so many familiar faces in person as well as a number of first-time attendees and special guests. As always, our…

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  6. pointing at laptop

    Everything as a Service: The Newest Addition to the Service Economy

    We’re familiar with software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and even infrastructure as a service (IaaS). So many “as-a-service” models now exist that some brands are consolidating them all into one offering: everything as a service (or XaaS). Of course, XaaS is far more than just thrusting all the various “as-a-service”…

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  7. Person with head buried in the keyboard of a laptop.

    4 Ways to Overcome the Shadow of the Pandemic Workplace: Technology Fatigue

    The pandemic has indelibly shaped the way we do business, and we may never go back to the way we functioned before it. As Michael Dell recently reasoned in an op-ed, we need to stop thinking about the future through the lens of a post-Covid world. This is no longer the new normal—it is now our…

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  8. person working

    Taking Mobile Management to the Next Level

    Handling mobile device-as-a-service needs lets customers more quickly adapt in today’s flexible workplaces. Mobile devices have become an essential part of daily life and work, surpassing the desktop as the primary way that people now access the internet. Consider the following: As the number of mobile devices has grown, so has the need to effectively manage…

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  9. Rising Emerging Technology Adoption to Accelerate Enterprise Innovation This Year

    Rising Emerging Technology Adoption to Accelerate Enterprise Innovation this Year

    Shortly after the world was brought to its knees by the Great Recession of 2008, the modern IT communications market started taking shape fueled largely by one of the greatest expansions of technology the world had seen. Everything from cloud, the explosion of mobile, the commoditization of data center hardware, and the emergence of software-defined…

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  10. Digital landscape image.

    The 10 IT Trends That Will Change The Way We Do Business

    As we turn the calendar page on 2021, what has been a challenging two years in the midst of the pandemic is finally giving way to hope and promise for the new year. As the pandemic greatly accelerated companies’ digital transformations and their use of innovative technologies, the new normal will see businesses needing to…

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  11. Person using Microsoft Teams External Calling while working remotely

    How to Leverage Microsoft Teams for External Calling

    As Microsoft Teams’ popularity increases, there’s still one feature companies were missing: external calling. Until now. The increase in remote work is driving people to Microsoft Teams Between April and October 2020, Microsoft grew from 75 million daily active users to 115 million daily active users. This 50% increase in users in just a few…

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  12. Digital Transformation

    Five Steps to Digital Transformation Success: Rotech Healthcare’s DX Journey

    Since 2019, Rotech Healthcare, a national leader in providing ventilators, oxygen, sleep apnea treatment, wound care solutions, and home medical equipment, has been undergoing digital transformation (DX) to become completely paperless in order to improve operational efficiencies and service patients more effectively. We defined a roadmap and strategy for our digital transformation and executed that…

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  13. Featured blog - Innovation Summit 2020: Preparing for a New World Order - Lori Thomas

    Innovation Summit 2020: Preparing for the Digital New World Order

    Digital Transformation (DX) can be a loaded term; it means different things to different people. Even when you ask organizations that are measuring it what DX means, such as Gartner and IDC, you might get different definitions. However, no matter what our own definition is we can agree that we all share the same digital…

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