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  1. iot in transportation - smart trucks crossing a bridge

    Exploring the Future of IoT in Transportation and Logistics

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is at the heart of positive disruptions across all industries, and the transportation and logistics sector is no exception. This interconnected network of “things” includes devices, appliances, and other innovative technologies. Over time, it has emerged as a driving force behind major advancements, overcoming the many challenges companies in transport…

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  2. global esims

    Revolutionizing Fleet & the Mobile Workforce with Multi-Carrier Connectivity

    MetTel’s Single SIM Can Change the Way You Work In today’s increasingly mobile and interconnected world, managing a mobile workforce presents unique challenges. Organizations often struggle to provide consistent connectivity for their employees, leading to decreased productivity and hindered data collection. However, a solution has emerged that tackles these obstacles head-on: the multi-carrier Single SIM….

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  3. iot solutions for enterprises

    Enterprise Clients Prefer IoT Providers with “Off the Shelf” Solutions

    Among the many factors that are driving more and more organizations to adopt IoT solutions for enterprises, “ease of deployment” might be the most important. Companies and businesses are looking for an easier route to IoT deployment that won’t bog them down with customized requirements and other professional service engagements that will slow them on…

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  4. iot deployment challenges

    IoT Deployment Challenges Shouldn’t Be a Roadblock to Adoption

    While a recent survey examining the state of IoT adoptions in the enterprise world described 78% of IoT projects as “somewhat successful,” the same report indicates that most organizations are moving forward with plans for digital transformation. In fact, if anything, the pandemic over the last year and a half is only increasing companies’ resolve…

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  5. smart city project

    Four “Must Haves” for a Smart City Project Partner

    When you consider the fact that 89% of the U.S. population (and 68% of the world population) is projected to live in urban areas by the year 2050*, the need for smarter, more efficient technologies to help these areas manage city-wide operations is becoming more and more critical. There is a lot of talk right…

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  6. smart city initiatives

    Answers to Three Common Smart City Questions

    Smart city initiatives are a way for communities to respond to challenges of sustainability and efficiency. With the world’s population expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030 and 60% of this population living in urban areas, cities are facing unprecedented pressures. Smart cities have implemented tech in innovative ways to overcome these challenges. 1. What…

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