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  1. What is managed network services

    Guide to Managed Network Services: What You Need to Know

    Managing your network infrastructure can be challenging and resource-intensive. A managed network services provider simplifies these challenges by handling various aspects of your business’s network operations, from routine maintenance to advanced security. This enables your company to offload tasks such as network management, operations, upgrades, and troubleshooting to experts, while also ensuring that IT failures…

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  2. hurricane construction equipment flood disaster preparedness

    A Case Study in Disaster Preparedness

    Hurricane Ian, a Category 5 Storm We have become accustomed to hearing about natural disasters on a regular basis. And some of us have had the unfortunate experience of living through one or more of these events. The pace and magnitude at which we’re experiencing natural disasters has caused many to become more vigilant about…

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  3. finance and cyber security

    The Role of Networking and Communications in Financial Cyber Security

    Some of the biggest and most expensive hacks of all time have targeted financial institutions. Equifax. Capital One. JP Morgan. All of these impacted millions of accounts and cost institutions billions in damages. Financial institutions will always be a target for hackers based on the sensitive nature of their data, making it imperative for these…

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  4. enterprise mobility smartphone

    Unleash Your Workforce: The Advantages of Enterprise Mobility Management

    As remote and hybrid work continue to be the norm, employees are increasingly using their laptops and smartphones to communicate and work. This offers tremendous benefits in terms of flexibility and productivity, but it also introduces complex challenges in managing, supporting, and securing these devices. How do you ensure seamless connectivity, maintain cost-effectiveness, and support…

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  5. digital transformation hospitality

    Digital Transformation in Hospitality

    As the hospitality industry strives to continually enhance the guest experience, many companies have been embracing digital transformation. In addition to helping to create a pleasant and memorable guest experience, digital transformation brings with it other benefits, such as brand reinforcement, competitive advantage, efficiency, resilience, and cost savings. This blog post will discuss three specific…

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  6. Iot in manufacturing

    The Future of Production: Exploring IoT in Manufacturing

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is nothing short of revolutionary. Interconnected devices have opened up a whole new world of possibilities, from self-driving cars to connected buildings and homes. IoT has transformed the way work is done across all industries. In this blog post, we’ll explore how IoT is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry and discuss…

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  7. disaster preparedness

    Disaster Preparedness for Your Network and Communications

    Our collective experience of going through the COVID-19 pandemic and the pace and magnitude at which we’re experiencing or hearing about natural disasters have caused many to become more vigilant about disaster preparedness. Many are asking themselves, What is my disaster plan for my family, myself, my community, my company? A key component of a…

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  8. digital transformation strategy

    Embracing the Future: Building Your Digital Transformation Strategy

    Blockbuster is one of the greatest cautionary tales in business history. The downfall of this leading video store chain is a lesson on what happens when a company doesn’t evolve. Why? Because there will always be someone else who will use technology to its full advantage and deliver a better experience. In Blockbuster’s case, Netflix…

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  9. internet of things network challenges

    10 Common Challenges of IoT & How to Avoid Them

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is helping to drive the next phase of digital transformation. It has great potential to redefine how we live and work. From streamlining operations in industries to providing unprecedented convenience in homes, the applications of IoT are vast and transformative. However, realizing the benefits of this technological wave is not…

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  10. network security

    Fortifying Your Business: The Benefits of Network Security

    Any savvy business leader knows that network and security go hand-in-hand. However, it’s getting harder than ever to shield modern businesses from evolving cyber threats and ever-increasing data breaches. In fact, Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that the damage from hacks and breaches will hit $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. Add to that the fact that networks…

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  11. sdwan technology retail

    Powerful Benefits of Managed SD-WAN for Retail

    The retail industry poses significant challenges, stemming not only from the ever-changing technology landscape but also from formidable competitors like Amazon and macro-level obstacles such as the Covid-19 pandemic. These unpredictable hurdles will endure, emphasizing the imperative for retailers to be adaptable in their approach. For small businesses, we can see these challenges reflected in…

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  12. teleheatlh iot in healthcare

    10 Ways IoT is Revolutionizing Telehealth

    The many benefits of IoT in healthcare extend to patients, practitioners, healthcare enterprises, and affiliate industry components like cybersecurity companies and insurance underwriters. But what do these IoT telehealth solutions look like in the real world? Let’s look at some of the ways IoT in healthcare is transforming the telehealth landscape. 1. Remote Patient Monitoring…

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  13. 4 SD-WAN Trends to Watch in 2023

    Modern networks have come a long way from the traditional on-premise, single-location architectures. Today, businesses are getting into hybrid and cloud setups. These contemporary network models offer unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency, enabling organizations to seamlessly integrate multiple locations, data centers, and cloud services into a cohesive and agile network infrastructure.  Unfortunately, this poses a…

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  14. 10 Smart City Trends that are Changing the World

    As urban areas continue to evolve and adapt to the demands of a rapidly changing world, the concept of smart cities has emerged as a transformative force. With the integration of advanced technologies and data-driven solutions, there is an opportunity for cities to become more efficient and sustainable than ever before.  In this blog post,…

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  15. Successful female banker using smartphone outdoors while standing near his office background yellow neon lights, young woman professional manager working on mobile device near skyscraper at night

    BYOD vs. COPE: Which is Better?

    Driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, the business landscape has experienced a drastic shakeup, with a shift toward remote and hybrid environments that has changed how we work. Did you know that 12% of the workforce works fully remotely, while 28% operate in hybrid environments? These new working patterns come with benefits like more freedom and…

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