
Episode 5: The Power of Customer Engagement with Lori Thomas

In this episode of the Techie & the Biz podcast, Lori Thomas, SVP of Strategic Engagement and Transformation (SET) at MetTel, explains how she formed customer engagement for MetTel’s top clients through her consulting organization, and her focus on women in technology leadership. Lori describes the importance of a positive customer experience and how it is a critical element of any business that involves an interaction between a customer and a company. It encompasses every touchpoint throughout the customer journey, from initial awareness and purchase to post-sale support and beyond.

Lori understands better than anyone that a positive customer experience can foster brand loyalty and long-term customer relationships, ultimately driving business growth. The host, Max Silber, MetTel’s VP of Mobility and IoT, discusses her technology career over the last few decades and how that laid the foundation for her customer engagement leadership role at MetTel. Lori is a firm believer that having a deep interest in emerging technology is a great foundation for understanding digital trends and applies that to customer engagement.