
Episode 1: Understanding MDaaS with Tim Hanley

Mobile devices are indispensable for most people, so staying connected is critical in managing work responsibilities—especially in today’s hybrid workplace. Accidental breaks or unexpected complications in a mobile device can bring a workday to a screeching halt. Instead of throwing the broken phone into the “cell phone cemetery” that IT professionals dread, companies are increasingly recycling or replacing the device with ease using MetTel’s Mobile Device as a Service (MDaaS) solution for enterprise mobility.

MetTel’s technology partners enable us to provide a secure environment with strict privacy standards. We are also constantly monitoring the system and making sure that all security protocols are up-to-date. By using MDaaS, organizations can ensure their data is safe and secure, even when accessed remotely.

Max Silber, MetTel’s VP of Mobility and IoT, and his wife Erika Silber host Techie & the Biz, a video podcast that examines and simplifies major business technology trends. Tim Hanley, MetTel’s SVP of Channel, joined Max and Erika for a live discussion on Understanding MDaaS, from deployment through recycling, including the benefits of cost-efficiency and security.