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MetTel maintains an Online Pricing Catalog for agency customers to
query and view pricing for the following services.

CLIN Case Number Category Service Desc OLP No List Price Service Class ID Start Date Stop Date EOS Date EOL Date Notes Mod ID
MS90002 10 {1} The intelligent hybrid security based DDoS (distributed denial of service) consists of three components. Global threat intelligence, on premises security and network based security. The solution identifies DDoS attacks, web attacks, know and unknown malware based threats. The MetTel Anti DDoS System (ADS), which is a DDOS mitigation tool, is deployed in MetTel Core network that can scale to support hundreds of Gbps of inspected traffic. It is deployed in-line and it monitors the incoming traffic for signs of DDoS attack. It is also deployed out-of-path, which uses a Network Traffic Analyzer (NTA) that monitors traffic flow. At the core of the ADS are innovative, multi-stage detection engines. All packets are subjected to a series of analyses, checks, and validations to accurately identify both legitimate and attack traffic. 1000 f 5008 11/1/2020 4/30/2021 me00335r01c
MS90002 10 {1} The intelligent hybrid security based DDoS (distributed denial of service) consists of three components. Global threat intelligence, on premises security and network based security. The solution identifies DDoS attacks, web attacks, know and unknown malware based threats. The MetTel Anti DDoS System (ADS), which is a DDOS mitigation tool, is deployed in MetTel Core network that can scale to support hundreds of Gbps of inspected traffic. It is deployed in-line and it monitors the incoming traffic for signs of DDoS attack. It is also deployed out-of-path, which uses a Network Traffic Analyzer (NTA) that monitors traffic flow. At the core of the ADS are innovative, multi-stage detection engines. All packets are subjected to a series of analyses, checks, and validations to accurately identify both legitimate and attack traffic. 1000 f 5011 5/1/2021 4/30/2022 me00335r01c
MS90003 1 {2} Tenable Network Security, Inc.; Nessus (commercial); SERV-NES; Vulnerability Scanner – Network mapping and scanning 2100 f 5001 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
MS90003 2 {2} Strategic Cyber LLC; Cobalt Strike (commercial); 1-user license; Adversary simulation – Offensive testing (full suite of tools) 3500 f 5001 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
MS90003 3 {2} PortSwigger Ltd.; Burp Suite (commercial); Standard Version; Web ApplicationTesting – Security testing for web vulnerabilities 350 f 5001 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
MS90003 4 {3} Guidance Software Inc.; Encase Forensic; Standard Version; Forensic Software – Digital analysis 4400 f 5001 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
MS90003 5 {3} AccessData Group, LLC; Forensic Toolkit (FTK); Standard Version; Forensic Software – Digital analysis 5100 f 5001 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
MS90003 6 {3} Hex-Rays SA; IDA Pro; IDAPRONW and HEXX64W; Disassembler and Decompiler – Reverse engineer malware 2500 f 5001 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
MS90003 7 {3} Magnet Forensics Inc.; Magnet IEF; Mobile and Buisness; Forensic Software – Digital analysis 4000 f 5001 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
MS90001 8 {1} The intelligent hybrid security based DDoS (distributed denial of service) consists of three components. Global threat intelligence, on premises security and network based security. The solution identifies DDoS attacks, web attacks, know and unknown malware based threats. The MetTel Anti DDoS System (ADS), which is a DDOS mitigation tool, is deployed in MetTel Core network that can scale to support hundreds of Gbps of inspected traffic. It is deployed in-line and it monitors the incoming traffic for signs of DDoS attack. It is also deployed out-of-path, which uses a Network Traffic Analyzer (NTA) that monitors traffic flow. At the core of the ADS are innovative, multi-stage detection engines. All packets are subjected to a series of analyses, checks, and validations to accurately identify both legitimate and attack traffic. 0 f 5000 9/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00306r03c
MS90002 9 {1} The intelligent hybrid security based DDoS (distributed denial of service) consists of three components. Global threat intelligence, on premises security and network based security. The solution identifies DDoS attacks, web attacks, know and unknown malware based threats. The MetTel Anti DDoS System (ADS), which is a DDOS mitigation tool, is deployed in MetTel Core network that can scale to support hundreds of Gbps of inspected traffic. It is deployed in-line and it monitors the incoming traffic for signs of DDoS attack. It is also deployed out-of-path, which uses a Network Traffic Analyzer (NTA) that monitors traffic flow. At the core of the ADS are innovative, multi-stage detection engines. All packets are subjected to a series of analyses, checks, and validations to accurately identify both legitimate and attack traffic. 1000 f 5000 9/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00306r03c
MS90002 10 {1} The intelligent hybrid security based DDoS (distributed denial of service) consists of three components. Global threat intelligence, on premises security and network based security. The solution identifies DDoS attacks, web attacks, know and unknown malware based threats. The MetTel Anti DDoS System (ADS), which is a DDOS mitigation tool, is deployed in MetTel Core network that can scale to support hundreds of Gbps of inspected traffic. It is deployed in-line and it monitors the incoming traffic for signs of DDoS attack. It is also deployed out-of-path, which uses a Network Traffic Analyzer (NTA) that monitors traffic flow. At the core of the ADS are innovative, multi-stage detection engines. All packets are subjected to a series of analyses, checks, and validations to accurately identify both legitimate and attack traffic. 1000 f 5012 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00335r01c
CLIN Case Number Plan Description Term County Jurisdiction ID OLP OLP Type Discount Class ID Price Start Date Price Stop Date Mod ID
WL01001 37 Bahrain – Mobility Standard 120055 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 38 Bangladesh – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120056 0.84 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 39 Bangladesh – Mobility Standard 120056 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 40 Barbados – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120057 0.9 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 41 Barbados – Mobility Standard 120057 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 42 Belarus – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120058 0.76 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 43 Belarus – Mobility Standard 120058 0.7 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 44 Belgium – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120059 0.56000000000000005 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 45 Belgium – Mobility Standard 120059 0.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 46 Belize – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120060 0.7 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 47 Belize – Mobility Standard 120060 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 48 Benin – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120061 1.38 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 49 Benin – Mobility Standard 120061 1.32 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 50 Bermuda – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120062 2.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 51 Bermuda – Mobility Standard 120062 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 52 Bhutan – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120063 2.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 53 Bhutan – Mobility Standard 120063 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 54 Bolivia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120064 0.7 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 55 Bolivia – Mobility Standard 120064 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 56 Bosnia – Herzegovina – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120065 0.94 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 57 Bosnia – Herzegovina – Mobility Standard 120065 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 58 Botswana – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120066 0.74 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 59 Botswana – Mobility Standard 120066 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 60 Brazil – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120067 0.64 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 61 Brazil – Mobility Standard 120067 0.3 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 64 British Virgin Islands – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120068 3.16 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 65 British Virgin Islands – Mobility Standard 120068 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 66 Brunei – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120069 3.04 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 67 Brunei – Mobility Standard 120069 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 68 Bulgaria – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120070 1.2 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 69 Bulgaria – Mobility Standard 120070 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 70 Burkina Faso – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120071 2.06 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 71 Burkina Faso – Mobility Standard 120071 1.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 72 Burundi – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120073 5.38 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 73 Burundi – Mobility Standard 120073 5.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 74 Cambodia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120074 2.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 75 Cambodia – Mobility Standard 120074 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 76 Cameroon – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120075 1 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 77 Cameroon – Mobility Standard 120075 0.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 78 CANADA – Mobility Standard 120076 0.18 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 79 Cape Verdi Island – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120077 1.78 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 80 Cape Verdi Island – Mobility Standard 120077 1.66 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 81 Cayman Islands – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120078 3.18 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 82 Cayman Islands – Mobility Standard 120078 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 83 Central African Rep – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120079 3.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 84 Central African Rep – Mobility Standard 120079 3.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 85 Chad – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120080 3.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 86 Chad – Mobility Standard 120080 3.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 89 Chile – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120081 0.7 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 90 Chile – Mobility Standard 120081 0.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 91 China – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120082 0.28000000000000003 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 92 China – Mobility Standard 120082 0.26 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 93 Christmas & Cocos Islands – Mobility Standard 120083 9.6 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 94 Christmas & Cocos Islands – Mobility Standard 120084 9.6 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 95 Colombia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120085 0.44 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 96 Colombia – Mobility Standard 120085 0.34 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 97 Comoros – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120086 4.1399999999999997 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 98 Comoros – Mobility Standard 120086 3.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 99 Cook Island – Mobility Standard 120088 9.8000000000000007 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 100 Costa Rica – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120089 0.54 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 101 Costa Rica – Mobility Standard 120089 0.54 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 102 Croatia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120090 0.9 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 103 Croatia – Mobility Standard 120090 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 104 Cuba – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120091 2.38 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 105 Cuba – Mobility Standard 120091 2.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 106 Cyprus – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120303 0.64 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 107 Cyprus – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120304 5.48 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 108 Cyprus – Mobility Standard 120303 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 109 Cyprus – Mobility Standard 120304 5.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 110 Czech Rep – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120093 0.68 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 111 Czech Rep – Mobility Standard 120093 0.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 112 Dem Republic Congo – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120266 5.38 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 113 Dem Republic Congo – Mobility Standard 120266 5.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 114 Denmark – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120094 0.56000000000000005 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 115 Denmark – Mobility Standard 120094 0.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 116 Diego Garcia – Mobility Standard 120095 12.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 117 Djibouti – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120096 1.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 118 Djibouti – Mobility Standard 120096 1.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 135 Dominica – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120097 1.18 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 136 Dominica – Mobility Standard 120097 1 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 137 Dominican Republic – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120098 0.5 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 138 Dominican Republic – Mobility Standard 120098 0.36 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 139 East Timor – Mobility Standard 120305 2.76 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 142 Ecuador – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120100 0.82 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 143 Ecuador – Mobility Standard 120100 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 144 Egypt – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120101 0.68 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 145 Egypt – Mobility Standard 120101 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 146 El Salvador – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120102 0.74 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 147 El Salvador – Mobility Standard 120102 0.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 148 Equatorial Guinea – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120103 3.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 149 Equatorial Guinea – Mobility Standard 120103 3.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 150 Eritrea – Mobility Standard 120104 1.78 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 151 Estonia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120105 1.28 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 152 Estonia – Mobility Standard 120105 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 153 Ethiopia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120106 2.1 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 154 Ethiopia – Mobility Standard 120106 2.04 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 155 Faeroe Island – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120107 3 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 156 Faeroe Island – Mobility Standard 120107 3 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 157 Falkland Island – Mobility Standard 120108 4.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 158 Fed States Micronesia – Mobility Standard 120176 6.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 159 Fiji Islands – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120109 1.1399999999999999 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 160 Fiji Islands – Mobility Standard 120109 0.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 161 Finland – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120110 0.52 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 162 Finland – Mobility Standard 120110 0.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 163 France – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120111 0.34 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 164 France – Mobility Standard 120111 0.14000000000000001 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 165 French Antilles – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120112 3.4 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 166 French Antilles – Mobility Standard 120112 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 167 French Guiana – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120113 4.76 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 168 French Guiana – Mobility Standard 120113 4.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 169 French Polynesia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120114 7.04 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 170 French Polynesia – Mobility Standard 120114 6.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 173 Gabon Republic – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120115 2.3199999999999998 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 174 Gabon Republic – Mobility Standard 120115 2.12 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 175 Gambia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120116 1.22 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 176 Gambia – Mobility Standard 120116 1.18 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 177 Georgia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120117 1.74 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 178 Georgia – Mobility Standard 120117 1.56 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 179 Germany – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120118 0.54 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 180 Germany – Mobility Standard 120118 0.14000000000000001 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 181 Ghana – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120119 0.84 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 182 Ghana – Mobility Standard 120119 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 183 Gibraltar – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120120 3.38 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 184 Gibraltar – Mobility Standard 120120 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 187 Greece – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120121 0.46 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 188 Greece – Mobility Standard 120121 0.14000000000000001 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 189 Greenland – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120122 3.28 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 190 Greenland – Mobility Standard 120122 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 191 Grenada – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120123 1.06 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 192 Grenada – Mobility Standard 120123 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 193 Guadeloupe – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120124 3.54 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 194 Guadeloupe – Mobility Standard 120124 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 195 Guantanamo Bay – Mobility Standard 120126 3.58 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 196 Guatemala – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120127 0.52 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 197 Guatemala – Mobility Standard 120127 0.48 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 198 Guinea Bissau – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120128 3.7 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 199 Guinea Bissau – Mobility Standard 120128 3.36 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 200 Guinea Republic – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120129 3.7 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 201 Guinea Republic – Mobility Standard 120129 3.36 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 202 Guyana – Mobility Standard 120130 1.72 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 203 Haiti – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120131 0.88 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 204 Haiti – Mobility Standard 120131 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 205 Honduras – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120132 0.78 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 206 Honduras – Mobility Standard 120132 0.74 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 207 Hong Kong – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120133 0.34 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 208 Hong Kong – Mobility Standard 120133 0.18 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 209 Hungary – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120134 0.9 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 210 Hungary – Mobility Standard 120134 0.52 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 211 Iceland – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120135 1.34 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 212 Iceland – Mobility Standard 120135 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 213 India – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120136 0.6 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 214 India – Mobility Standard 120136 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 215 Indonesia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120137 0.72 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 216 Indonesia – Mobility Standard 120137 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 217 Inmarsat Aero – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180029 20.89 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 218 Inmarsat Aero – Mobility Standard 180029 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 219 Inmarsat Atlantic East Mini M – Mobility Standard 180036 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 220 Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) I4-Americas – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180041 20.89 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 221 Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) I4-Americas – Mobility Standard 180041 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 222 Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) I4-Asia Pacific – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180043 20.89 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 223 Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) I4-Asia Pacific – Mobility Standard 180043 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 224 Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) I4-EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180042 20.89 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 225 Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) I4-EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Mobility Standard 180042 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 226 Inmarsat Fleet (Maritime) I4-Americas – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180038 20.89 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 227 Inmarsat Fleet (Maritime) I4-Americas – Mobility Standard 180038 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 228 Inmarsat Fleet (Maritime) I4-Asia Pacific – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180040 20.89 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 229 Inmarsat Fleet (Maritime) I4-Asia Pacific – Mobility Standard 180040 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 230 Inmarsat Fleet (Maritime) I4-EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180039 20.89 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 231 Inmarsat Fleet (Maritime) I4-EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) – Mobility Standard 180039 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 232 Inmarsat Global Express (GX) I5-AOR – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180047 20.89 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 233 Inmarsat Global Express (GX) I5-AOR – Mobility Standard 180047 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 234 Inmarsat Global Express (GX) I5-IOR – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180048 20.89 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 235 Inmarsat Global Express (GX) I5-IOR – Mobility Standard 180048 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 236 Inmarsat Global Express (GX) I5-POR – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180049 20.89 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 237 Inmarsat Global Express (GX) I5-POR – Mobility Standard 180049 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 238 Inmarsat Indian A – Mobility Standard 180045 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 239 Inmarsat Pacific A – Mobility Standard 180046 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 240 Inmarsat Swift (Aeronautical) Atlantic (AOR) – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180044 20.89 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 241 Inmarsat Swift (Aeronautical) Atlantic (AOR) – Mobility Standard 180044 20.89 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 242 Iran – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120138 5.44 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 243 Iran – Mobility Standard 120138 5.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 244 Iraq – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120139 1.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 245 Iraq – Mobility Standard 120139 1.78 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 246 Ireland – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120140 0.38 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 247 Ireland – Mobility Standard 120140 0.14000000000000001 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 248 Iridium – A – Mobility Standard 180026 9 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 249 Iridium – B – Mobility Standard 180027 9 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 250 Israel – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120141 0.3 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 251 Israel – Mobility Standard 120141 0.18 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 252 Italy – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120142 0.72 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 253 Italy – Mobility Standard 120142 0.14000000000000001 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 254 Ivory Coast – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120143 5.46 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 255 Ivory Coast – Mobility Standard 120143 5.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 256 Jamaica – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120144 0.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 257 Jamaica – Mobility Standard 120144 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 258 Japan – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120145 0.38 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 259 Japan – Mobility Standard 120145 0.14000000000000001 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 260 Jordan – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120146 0.84 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 261 Jordan – Mobility Standard 120146 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 262 Kazakhstan – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120147 0.57999999999999996 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 263 Kazakhstan – Mobility Standard 120147 0.4 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 264 Kenya – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120148 1.1599999999999999 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 265 Kenya – Mobility Standard 120148 0.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 266 Kiribati – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120149 1.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 267 Kiribati – Mobility Standard 120149 1.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 268 Korea North – Mobility Standard 120150 6.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 269 Korea South – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120151 0.22 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 270 Korea South – Mobility Standard 120151 0.14000000000000001 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 273 Kuwait – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120152 0.92 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 274 Kuwait – Mobility Standard 120152 0.92 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 275 Kyrgyzstan – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120153 0.68 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 276 Kyrgyzstan – Mobility Standard 120153 0.66 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 277 Laos – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120154 3.04 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 278 Laos – Mobility Standard 120154 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 279 Latvia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120155 0.82 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 280 Latvia – Mobility Standard 120155 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 281 Lebanon – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120156 0.88 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 282 Lebanon – Mobility Standard 120156 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 283 Lesotho – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120157 1.82 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 284 Lesotho – Mobility Standard 120157 1.7 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 285 Liberia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120158 1.2 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 286 Liberia – Mobility Standard 120158 1.18 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 287 Libya – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120159 2.04 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 288 Libya – Mobility Standard 120159 1.96 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 289 Liechtenstein – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120160 2.2200000000000002 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 290 Liechtenstein – Mobility Standard 120160 0.2 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 291 Lithuania – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120161 0.8 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 292 Lithuania – Mobility Standard 120161 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 293 Luxembourg – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120162 0.62 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 294 Luxembourg – Mobility Standard 120162 0.2 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 297 Macedonia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120164 1.42 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 298 Macedonia – Mobility Standard 120164 1.1200000000000001 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 299 Madagascar – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120165 4.76 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 300 Madagascar – Mobility Standard 120165 4.58 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 301 Malawi – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120166 1.02 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 302 Malawi – Mobility Standard 120166 0.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 303 Malaysia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120167 0.42 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 304 Malaysia – Mobility Standard 120167 0.36 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 305 Maldives Republic – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120168 2.96 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 306 Maldives Republic – Mobility Standard 120168 2.96 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 307 Mali Republic – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120169 2.3199999999999998 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 308 Mali Republic – Mobility Standard 120169 2.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 309 Malta – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120170 1.86 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 310 Malta – Mobility Standard 120170 1.48 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 311 Marshall Islands – Mobility Standard 120171 6.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 314 Mauritania – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120172 1.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 315 Mauritania – Mobility Standard 120172 1.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 316 Mauritius – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120173 2.52 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 317 Mauritius – Mobility Standard 120173 2.52 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 318 Mayotte Island – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120174 5.8 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 319 Mayotte Island – Mobility Standard 120174 5.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 320 Mexico – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180020 0.5 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 321 Mexico – Mobility Standard 180020 0.18 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 322 Moldova – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120178 3.16 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 323 Moldova – Mobility Standard 120178 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 324 Monaco – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120179 0.64 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 325 Monaco – Mobility Standard 120179 0.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 326 Mongolia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120180 3.06 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 327 Mongolia – Mobility Standard 120180 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 328 Montenegro – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120320 1.26 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 329 Montenegro – Mobility Standard 120320 0.84 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 330 Montserrat – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120181 3.04 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 331 Montserrat – Mobility Standard 120181 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 332 Morocco – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120182 1.22 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 333 Morocco – Mobility Standard 120182 0.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 334 Mozambique – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120183 2.88 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 335 Mozambique – Mobility Standard 120183 2.58 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 336 Myanmar – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120072 7.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 337 Myanmar – Mobility Standard 120072 7.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 338 Namibia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120184 1.9 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 339 Namibia – Mobility Standard 120184 1.62 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 340 Nauru – Mobility Standard 120185 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 341 Nepal – Mobility Standard 120186 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 342 Netherlands – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120187 0.56000000000000005 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 343 Netherlands – Mobility Standard 120187 0.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 344 Netherlands Antilles – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120188 0.57999999999999996 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 345 Netherlands Antilles – Mobility Standard 120188 0.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 346 New Caledonia – Mobility Standard 120189 6.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 347 New Zealand – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120190 0.68 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 348 New Zealand – Mobility Standard 120190 0.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 349 Nicaragua – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120191 0.88 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 350 Nicaragua – Mobility Standard 120191 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 351 Niger Republic – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120192 1.92 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 352 Niger Republic – Mobility Standard 120192 1.88 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 353 Nigeria – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120193 1.2 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 354 Nigeria – Mobility Standard 120193 0.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 355 Niue Island – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120194 9.8000000000000007 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 356 Niue Island – Mobility Standard 120194 9.8000000000000007 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 357 Norfolk Island – Mobility Standard 120195 9.6 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 358 Norway – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120196 0.52 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 359 Norway – Mobility Standard 120196 0.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 360 Oman – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120197 2.2000000000000002 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 361 Oman – Mobility Standard 120197 2.1800000000000002 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 362 Pakistan – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120198 0.7 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 363 Pakistan – Mobility Standard 120198 0.66 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 364 Palau – Mobility Standard 120199 2.62 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 365 Palestine – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120307 0.52 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 366 Palestine – Mobility Standard 120307 0.5 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 367 Panama – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120200 0.74 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 368 Panama – Mobility Standard 120200 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 369 Papua, New Guinea – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120201 2.14 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 370 Papua, New Guinea – Mobility Standard 120201 2.14 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 371 Paraguay – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120202 0.84 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 372 Paraguay – Mobility Standard 120202 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 373 Peru – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120203 0.9 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 374 Peru – Mobility Standard 120203 0.5 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 375 Philippines – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120204 0.46 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 376 Philippines – Mobility Standard 120204 0.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 379 Poland – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120206 0.74 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 380 Poland – Mobility Standard 120206 0.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 381 Portugal – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120207 0.57999999999999996 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 382 Portugal – Mobility Standard 120207 0.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 383 Qatar – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120208 1.96 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 384 Qatar – Mobility Standard 120208 1.92 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 385 Republic of Congo – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120087 3.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 386 Republic of Congo – Mobility Standard 120087 3.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 387 Reunion Island – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120209 5.8 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 388 Reunion Island – Mobility Standard 120209 5.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 389 Romania – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120210 1 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 390 Romania – Mobility Standard 120210 0.64 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 391 Russia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120211 0.44 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 392 Russia – Mobility Standard 120211 0.4 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 393 Rwanda – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120212 2.42 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 394 Rwanda – Mobility Standard 120212 2.42 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 399 Sao Tome – Mobility Standard 120220 3.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 400 Saudi Arabia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120221 0.86 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 401 Saudi Arabia – Mobility Standard 120221 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 402 Senegal Rep – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120222 1.52 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 403 Senegal Rep – Mobility Standard 120222 1.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 404 Serbia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120223 1.26 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 405 Serbia – Mobility Standard 120223 0.84 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 406 Seychelles – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120224 2.64 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 407 Seychelles – Mobility Standard 120224 2.64 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 408 Sierra Leone – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120225 1.2 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 409 Sierra Leone – Mobility Standard 120225 0.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 410 Singapore – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120226 0.26 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 411 Singapore – Mobility Standard 120226 0.26 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 412 Slovakia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120227 0.7 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 413 Slovakia – Mobility Standard 120227 0.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 414 Slovenia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120228 1.62 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 415 Slovenia – Mobility Standard 120228 1.1599999999999999 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 416 SOLOMON IS – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120229 2.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 417 Solomon Islands – Mobility Standard 120229 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 418 Somalia Republic – Mobility Standard 120230 5.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 419 South Africa – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120231 1 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 420 South Africa – Mobility Standard 120231 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 423 Spain – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120232 0.64 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 424 Spain – Mobility Standard 120232 0.14000000000000001 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 425 Sri Lanka – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120233 2.04 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 426 Sri Lanka – Mobility Standard 120233 1.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 427 St Pierre & Miquelon – Mobility Standard 120216 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 428 St Vincent & Grenadines – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120217 0.7 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 429 St Vincent & Grenadines – Mobility Standard 120217 0.7 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 430 St. Helena – Mobility Standard 120213 5.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 431 St. Kitts/Nevis – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120214 1.1000000000000001 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 432 St. Kitts/Nevis – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120032 3.2 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 433 St. Kitts/Nevis – Mobility Standard 120214 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 434 St. Kitts/Nevis – Mobility Standard 120032 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 435 St. Lucia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120215 0.7 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 436 St. Lucia – Mobility Standard 120215 0.7 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 437 St. Pierre & Miquelon – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120216 3.34 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 438 Sudan – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120234 1.82 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 439 Sudan – Mobility Standard 120234 1.78 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 440 Suriname – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120235 2.54 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 441 Suriname – Mobility Standard 120235 2.54 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 442 Swaziland – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120236 1.78 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 443 Swaziland – Mobility Standard 120236 1.54 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 444 Sweden – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120237 0.7 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 445 Sweden – Mobility Standard 120237 0.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 446 Switzerland – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120238 0.64 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 447 Switzerland – Mobility Standard 120238 0.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 448 Syria – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120239 5.52 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 449 Syria – Mobility Standard 120239 5.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 450 Taiwan – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120240 0.24 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 451 Taiwan – Mobility Standard 120240 0.12 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 452 Tajikistan – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120241 0.62 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 453 Tajikistan – Mobility Standard 120241 0.62 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 454 Tanzania – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120242 1.08 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 455 Tanzania – Mobility Standard 120242 0.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 456 Thailand – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120243 0.52 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 457 Thailand – Mobility Standard 120243 0.48 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 460 Togo – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120244 2.38 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 461 Togo – Mobility Standard 120244 2.2400000000000002 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 462 Tokelau – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120308 9.8000000000000007 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 463 Tokelau – Mobility Standard 120308 9.8000000000000007 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 464 Tonga Islands – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120245 3.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 465 Tonga Islands – Mobility Standard 120245 3.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 466 Trinidad & Tobago – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120246 0.96 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 467 Trinidad & Tobago – Mobility Standard 120246 0.7 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 468 Tunisia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120247 1.1599999999999999 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 469 Tunisia – Mobility Standard 120247 0.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 470 Turkey – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120248 0.92 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 471 Turkey – Mobility Standard 120248 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 472 Turkmenistan – Mobility Standard 120249 0.9 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 473 Turks & Caicos Islands – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120250 3.2 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 474 Turks & Caicos Islands – Mobility Standard 120250 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 475 Tuvalu – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120251 2.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 480 UK – Mobility Standard 120255 0.12 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 481 Ukraine – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120253 0.62 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 482 Ukraine – Mobility Standard 120253 0.52 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 483 United Arab Emirates – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120254 0.78 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 484 United Arab Emirates – Mobility Standard 120254 0.76 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 485 Uruguay – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120256 0.86 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 486 Uruguay – Mobility Standard 120256 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 487 Uzbekistan – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120257 0.62 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 488 Uzbekistan – Mobility Standard 120257 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 489 VANUATU SS – Mobility Standard 120258 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 492 Venezuela – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120259 0.72 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 493 Venezuela – Mobility Standard 120259 0.4 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 494 Vietnam – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120260 1.1200000000000001 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 495 Vietnam – Mobility Standard 120260 1.08 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 496 Wallis & Futuna – Mobility Standard 120262 6.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 499 Yemen – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120265 1.96 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 500 Yemen – Mobility Standard 120265 1.96 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 501 Zambia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120267 0.8 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 502 Zambia – Mobility Standard 120267 0.57999999999999996 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 505 Zimbabwe – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120268 1.18 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 506 Zimbabwe – Mobility Standard 120268 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 507 Zanzibar (Province Of Tanzania) – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120318 1.08 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 508 Zanzibar (Province Of Tanzania) – Mobility Standard 120318 0.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 509 South Sudan – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120272 1.82 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 510 South Sudan – Mobility Standard 120272 1.78 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 511 French Southern Territory – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120314 9.6 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 512 French Southern Territory – Mobility Standard 120314 9.6 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 513 Kosovo – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120306 1.26 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 514 Kosovo – Mobility Standard 120306 0.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 515 Martinique – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120310 3.4 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 516 Martinique – Mobility Standard 120310 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 517 Western Sahara – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120263 12 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 518 Western Sahara – Mobility Standard 120263 10 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 519 Macau, Special Administrative District – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120163 1.58 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 520 Macau, Special Administrative District – Mobility Standard 120163 1.58 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 521 Azores – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120300 1.1599999999999999 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 522 Azores – Mobility Standard 120300 0.32 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 523 Australian External Territory – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120309 10 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 524 Australian External Territory – Mobility Standard 120309 8 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 525 Easter Island – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120099 2.1 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 526 Easter Island – Mobility Standard 120099 1.1399999999999999 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 527 British Indian Ocean Territories – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120313 10 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 528 British Indian Ocean Territories – Mobility Standard 120313 8 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 529 Pitcairn Island – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120205 10 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 530 Pitcairn Island – Mobility Standard 120205 8 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 531 Thuraya Sat – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180037 18 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 532 Thuraya Sat – Mobility Standard 180037 16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 533 Vatican City – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120312 0.48 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 534 Vatican City – Mobility Standard 120312 0.12 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 535 San Marino – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120219 2.88 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 536 San Marino – Mobility Standard 120219 2.5 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 537 Chatham Island – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120302 0.68 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 538 Chatham Island – Mobility Standard 120302 0.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 539 Global Sat – Mobile – Mobility Standard 180025 16 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 540 Global Sat – Mobility Standard 180025 18 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 541 Samoa – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120264 2.52 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 542 Samoa – Mobility Standard 120264 2.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 1 Afghanistan – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120038 3.98 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 2 Afghanistan – Mobility Standard 120038 3.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 3 Albania – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120039 0.96 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 4 Albania – Mobility Standard 120039 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 5 Algeria – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120040 0.86 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 6 Algeria – Mobility Standard 120040 0.78 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 7 American Samoa – Mobility Standard 179627 0.74 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 8 Andorra – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120042 1.38 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 9 Andorra – Mobility Standard 120042 0.94 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 10 Angola – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120043 0.82 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 11 Angola – Mobility Standard 120043 0.68 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 12 Anguilla – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120044 3.22 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 13 Anguilla – Mobility Standard 120044 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 14 Antarctica – Casey – Mobility Standard 120045 9.6 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 15 Antigua & Barbuda – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120046 0.92 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 16 Antigua & Barbuda – Mobility Standard 120046 0.7 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 17 Argentina – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120047 0.72 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 18 Argentina – Mobility Standard 120047 0.36 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 19 Armenia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120048 1.4 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 20 Armenia – Mobility Standard 120048 1.18 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 21 Aruba – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120049 3.18 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 22 Aruba – Mobility Standard 120049 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 23 Ascension Island – Mobility Standard 120050 5.38 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 24 Australia – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120051 0.46 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 25 Australia – Mobility Standard 120051 0.14000000000000001 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 28 Austria – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120052 0.52 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 29 Austria – Mobility Standard 120052 0.16 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 30 Azerbaijan – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120053 0.7 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 31 Azerbaijan – Mobility Standard 120053 0.22 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 34 Bahamas – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120054 0.5 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 35 Bahamas – Mobility Standard 120054 0.48 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 36 Bahrain – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120055 0.74 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 476 Tuvalu – Mobility Standard 120251 2.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 477 Uganda – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120252 1.02 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 478 Uganda – Mobility Standard 120252 0.98 WIRELINE 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
WL01001 479 UK – Mobile – Mobility Standard 120255 0.52 WIRELESS 2005 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
CLIN Case Number SRE Type Manufacturer Model Number Part Number UPC Model Part Description Device Size Rated for Efficiency Energy Standard Ratings OLP No List Price Device Class ID SRE MRC Options Start Date Stop Date EOS Date EOL Date Notes Mod ID
EQ90001 1043 C VMWare VC010G-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M VC10G-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M Velocloud 10G – 12 Month VC010G-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M VMware SD-WAN 10 Gbps Premium Service Subscription for 1 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway 1 f 14400 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1044 S Arista DCS-7010T-48-F DCS-7010T-48-F Arista 7010T, 48x RJ45 (100/1000), 4 x SFP+ (1/10GbE) switch 1 f 7995 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00906r04c
EQ90001 1045 S Dell PowerEdge R440 Dell PowerEdge R440 Rack Server 5 f 2579 f 6022 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00906r04c
EQ90001 1042 S Adtran Netvanta 3148 17003148F1 A fixed-port, Ethernet router supporting converged access and high-quality voice services. Provides 4 routed, autosensing Gigabit interfaces and an 8-port Ethernet switch. Ideal for carrier bundled service up to 500Mbs. 3 f 2885 f 6111 {12,24,36,48} 2/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00878r01c
EQ90001 1197 S Polycom G2200-48820-025 G2200-48820-025 VVX 250 4-line Desktop Business IP Phone 2 f 239 f 6103 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: ScanSource Quote 0021219874.pdf me00911r01c
EQ90001 1198 A Polycom 2200-48872-001 2200-48872-001 PSU VVX 150/250/350/450, CCX 400 NA/JPN 2 f 18 f 6103 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: ScanSource Quote 0021219874.pdf me00911r01c
EQ90001 1670 S Polycom RealPresence Trio 8800 G2200-66070-001 Polycom RealPresence Trio 8800 – Conference VoIP phone – with Bluetooth interface – IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n (Wi-Fi) – 5-way call capability – SIP, SDP – TAA Compliant 2 f 1749 f 6103 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2023 7/31/2027 Link: me01314r01c
EQ90001 1671 S Adtran NetVanta 1570-24-370W 17101574PF1 24-port, Layer 3, Gigabit switch with four 10Gbit/s SFP+ ports. The switch also supports PoE and PoE+ functionality up to 370 watts of power budget 3 f 1975 f 6162 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2023 7/31/2027 File: WB-0001526344.pdf me01326r01c
EQ90001 1672 A Adtran 19IN SDX RACKMOUNT BRACKET-24/4 1700519F1 19IN SDX RACKMOUNT BRACKET-24/4 (Adtran Rackmount) 1 f 15 f 6000 3/1/2023 7/31/2027 File: WB-0001526344.pdf me01326r01c
EQ90001 1673 A Adtran SDX WALLMOUNT BRACKET-24 PORT 1700520F1 SDX WALLMOUNT BRACKET-24 PORT (Adtran Wallmount) 1 f 15 f 6000 3/1/2023 7/31/2027 File: WB-0001526344.pdf me01326r01c
EQ90001 1674 C Cisco XFP10GLR-192SR-L= XFP10GLR-192SR-L= Low Power multirate XFP supporting 10GBASE-LR and OC-192 SR 2 f 5171.74 f 6164 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2023 7/31/2027 Link: me01176r01c
EQ90001 1005 S Fortinet FIM-7904E-USG FIM-7904E-USG FIM-7904E-USG 3 f 84167 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1678 C Cisco SNTC-24X7X4 Cisco ISR 4431 CON-SNTP-ISR4431K SMARTnet Premium service with all of the features of SMARTnet service, fastest response time for replacement parts, 4-hr or 2-hr response time for advance replacement parts 24×7, including Cisco-observed holidays. 1 f 2794.65 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2023 7/31/2027 Link: me01377r01c
EQ90001 1675 A Polycom G2200-48890-025 G2200-48890-025 VVX EM50 Expansion Module. TAA Compliant 1 f 247 f 6166 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2023 7/31/2027 Link: me01368r01c
EQ90001 1676 B Polycom G2200-66850-025 G2200-66850-025 Poly Trio 8300 NR (no radio) openSIP 2 f 549 f 6165 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2023 7/31/2027 Link: me01368r01c
EQ90001 1677 B Polycom G2200-48840-225 G2200-48840-225 TAA-VVX 450 DESKTOP PHONE,POE,GSA,RE-CHI 2 f 443.95 f 6103 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2023 7/31/2027 Limk: me01368r01c
EQ90001 1679 B VeloCloud SD-WAN – Edge 510N VC-510N-SO-36-P VMware SD-WAN Edge 510N Appliance, Deployment: Software Orchestrator for 3 years 2 f 486 f 6167 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2023 7/31/2027 FILE: Q-130058-20230502-0001 me01403r01c
EQ90001 1680 B VeloCloud SD-WAN – Edge 610N VC-610N-SO-36-P VMware SD-WAN Edge 610N Appliance, Deployment: Software Orchestrator for 3 years 2 f 739 f 6167 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2023 7/31/2027 FILE: Q-130058-20230502-0001 me01403r01c
EQ90001 1681 B VeloCloud SD-WAN – Edge 620N VC-620N-SO-36-P VMware SD-WAN Edge 620N Appliance, Deployment: Software Orchestrator for 3 years 2 f 1257 f 6167 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2023 7/31/2027 FILE: Q-130058-20230502-0001 me01403r01c
EQ90001 1682 B VeloCloud SD-WAN – Edge 640N VC-640N-SO-36-P VMware SD-WAN Edge 640N Appliance, Deployment: Software Orchestrator for 3 years 2 f 2300 f 6167 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2023 7/31/2027 FILE: Q-130058-20230502-0001 me01403r01c
EQ90001 1014 S Fortinet FCT-USG-10-LIC FCT-USG-10-LIC FortiClient USG License (Perpetual) FortiClient License for FIPS-certified VPN client, supports up to 10 clients. 3 f 50 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1015 S Fortinet FCT-USG-50-LIC FCT-USG-50-LIC FortiClient USG License (Perpetual) FortiClient License for FIPS-certified VPN client, supports up to 50 clients. 3 f 250 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1016 S Fortinet FCT-USG-100-LIC FCT-USG-100-LIC FortiClient USG License (Perpetual) FortiClient License for FIPS-certified VPN client, supports up to 100 clients. 3 f 500 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1017 S Fortinet FCT-USG-1000-LIC FCT-USG-1000-LIC FortiClient USG License (Perpetual) FortiClient License for FIPS-certified VPN client, supports up to 1,000 clients. 3 f 5000 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1018 S Fortinet FMG-300E-USG FMG-300E-USG FortiManager-300E-USG 3 f 34668 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 144 C Cisco GLC-SX-MMD GLC-SX-MMD 1000BASE-SX SFP transceiver module, MMF, 850nm, DOM 2 f 612.63 f 6003 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1683 B VeloCloud SD-WAN – Edge 680N VC-680N-SO-36-P VMware SD-WAN Edge 680N Appliance, Deployment: Software Orchestrator for 3 years 2 f 3370 f 6167 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2023 7/31/2027 FILE: Q-130058-20230502-0001 me01403r01c
EQ90001 1022 S Fortinet FMG-3000F-USG FMG-3000F-USG FortiManager-3000F-USG 3 f 138672 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1023 S Fortinet FMG-3700F-USG FMG-3700F-USG FortiManager-3700F-USG 3 f 231120 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 150 C Cisco GLC-LH-SMD GLC-LH-SMD 1000BASE-LX/LH SFP transceiver module, MMF/SMF, 1310nm, DOM 3 f 1213.46 f 6003 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1684 C Cisco CON-SSC4P-C8304T2X CON-SSC4P-C8304T2X SOLN SUPP 24X7X4OS Cisco Catalyst C8300 f 4330 f 6140 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1027 S Fortinet FAZ-2000E-USG FAZ-2000E-USG FortiAnalyzer-2000E-USG 3 f 34668 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1685 C Cisco DNA-P-T0-E-3Y DNA-P-T0-E-3Y Cisco DNA Essentials On-Prem Lic 3Y – upto 25M (Aggr, 50M) f 1350 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1686 C Cisco DNA-P-T1-E-3Y DNA-P-T1-E-3Y Cisco DNA Essentials On-Prem Lic 3Y – upto 200M (Aggr, 400M) f 2549.88 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1030 S Fortinet FAZ-3700F-USG FAZ-3700F-USG FortiAnalyzer-3700F-USG 3 f 173340 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1687 C Cisco DNA-P-T2-E-3Y DNA-P-T2-E-3Y Cisco DNA Essentials On-Prem Lic 3Y – upto 1G (Aggr, 2G) f 5000.04 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1032 S Fortinet FSA-3000E-USG FSA-3000E-USG FortiSandbox-3000E-USG 3 f 114250 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1688 C Cisco DNA-P-T0-E-5Y DNA-P-T0-E-5Y Cisco DNA Essentials On-Prem Lic 5Y – upto 25M (Aggr, 50M) f 2299.8000000000002 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1689 C Cisco DNA-P-T1-E-5Y DNA-P-T1-E-5Y Cisco DNA Essentials On-Prem Lic 5Y – upto 200M (Aggr, 400M) f 4300.2 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1035 S Fortinet FWB-600D-USG FWB-600D-USG FortiWeb-600D-USG 3 f 18606 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1690 C Cisco DNA-P-T2-E-5Y DNA-P-T2-E-5Y Cisco DNA Essentials On-Prem Lic 5Y – upto 1G (Aggr, 2G) f 8350.2000000000007 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1037 S Fortinet FWB-2000E-USG FWB-2000E-USG FortiWeb-2000E-USG 3 f 50847 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1038 S Fortinet FWB-3000E-USG FWB-3000E-USG FortiWeb-3000E-USG 3 f 106309 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1039 S Fortinet FWB-4000E-USG FWB-4000E-USG FortiWeb-4000E-USG 3 f 199335 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1691 C Cisco DNA-P-T0-A-3Y DNA-P-T0-A-3Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 3Y – upto 25M (Aggr, 50M) f 3399.84 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1041 S Fortinet FDC-1000F-USG FDC-1000F-USG FortiDeceptor-1000F-USG 3 f 44940 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1692 C Cisco DNA-P-T1-A-3Y DNA-P-T1-A-3Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 3Y – upto 200M (Aggr, 400M) f 5349.96 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1693 C Cisco DNA-P-T2-A-3Y DNA-P-T2-A-3Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 3Y – upto 1G (Aggr, 2G) f 12600 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1694 C Cisco DNA-P-T3-A-3Y DNA-P-T3-A-3Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 3Y – upto 10G (Aggr, 20G) f 38250 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1695 C Cisco DNA-P-T0-A-5Y DNA-P-T0-A-5Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 5Y – upto 25M (Aggr, 50M) f 5599.8 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1696 C Cisco DNA-P-T0-A-7Y DNA-P-T0-A-7Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 7Y – upto 25M (Aggr, 50M) f 7849.8 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1697 C Cisco DNA-P-T1-A-7Y DNA-P-T1-A-7Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 7Y – upto 200M (Aggr, 400M) f 12449.64 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1698 C Cisco DNA-P-T2-A-7Y DNA-P-T2-A-7Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 7Y – upto 1G (Aggr, 2G) f 29349.599999999999 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1699 C Cisco DNA-P-T3-A-7Y DNA-P-T3-A-7Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 7Y – upto 10G (Aggr, 20G) f 89099.64 f 6143 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_AU147239048TV me01508r01c
EQ90001 1700 C Cisco MEM-C8500L-32GB MEM-C8500L-32GB Cisco C8500L-32GB Memory upgrade 1 f 4731.54 f 6170 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1701 C Cisco MEM-C8500L-64GB MEM-C8500L-64GB Cisco C8500L-64GB Memory upgrade 1 f 7097.31 f 6170 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1702 A Cisco SFP-H10GB-ACU7M SFP-H10GB-ACU7M Active Twinax cable assembly, 7m 1 f 425.84 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1703 A Cisco SFP-H10GB-ACU10M SFP-H10GB-ACU10M Active Twinax cable assembly, 10m 1 f 484.98 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1704 A Cisco SFP-10G-SR-S SFP-10G-SR-S 10GBASE-SR SFP Module, Enterprise-Class 2 f 860.98 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1705 A Cisco SFP-10G-SR SFP-10G-SR 10GBASE-SR SFP Module 2 f 1220.52 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1706 A Cisco GLC-BX-D GLC-BX-D 1000BASE-BX SFP, 1490NM 2 f 1537.75 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1707 A Cisco GLC-BX-U GLC-BX-U 1000BASE-BX SFP, 1310NM 2 f 1537.75 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1708 A Cisco GLC-EX-SMD GLC-EX-SMD 1000BASE-EX SFP transceiver module, SMF, 1310nm, DOM 2 f 2359.86 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1709 A Cisco SFP-10G-LR-S SFP-10G-LR-S 10GBASE-LR SFP Module, Enterprise-Class 2 f 2365.77 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1710 A Cisco GLC-BX40-D-I GLC-BX40-D-I 1000BASE-BX40 SFP, 1550NM 2 f 3075.5 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1711 A Cisco GLC-BX40-DA-I GLC-BX40-DA-I 1000BASE-BX40 SFP, 1490NM 2 f 3075.5 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1712 A Cisco GLC-BX40-U-I GLC-BX40-U-I 1000BASE-BX40 SFP, 1310NM 2 f 3075.5 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 522 S Fortinet FGR-60D-USG FGR-60D-USG FortiGateRugged-60D-USG 3 f 1496 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 523 S Fortinet FGR-60D-USG-BDL-810-12 FGR-60D-USG-BDL-810-12 FortiGateRugged-60D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2692.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 524 S Fortinet FGR-60D-USG-BDL-810-36 FGR-60D-USG-BDL-810-36 FortiGateRugged-60D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 5086.3999999999996 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 525 S Fortinet FGR-60D-USG-BDL-810-60 FGR-60D-USG-BDL-810-60 FortiGateRugged-60D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7480 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 526 S Fortinet FGR-60D-USG-BDL-950-12 FGR-60D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGateRugged-60D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2468.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 527 S Fortinet FGR-60D-USG-BDL-950-36 FGR-60D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGateRugged-60D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4413.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 528 S Fortinet FGR-60D-USG-BDL-950-60 FGR-60D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGateRugged-60D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6358 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1713 A Cisco GLC-ZX-SMD GLC-ZX-SMD 1000BASE-ZX SFP transceiver module, SMF, 1550nm, DO 2 f 4725.63 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1714 A Cisco SFP-10G-LR SFP-10G-LR 10GBASE-LR SFP Module 2 f 4882.17 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1715 A Cisco SFP-10G-LR-X SFP-10G-LR-X 10GBASE-LR SFP Module for Extended Temp range 2 f 4962.21 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1716 A Cisco GLC-BX80-U-I GLC-BX80-U-I 1000BASE-BX80 SFP, 1490NM 2 f 6151 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1717 A Cisco SFP-10G-BXD-I SFP-10G-BXD-I SFP+ Bidirectional for 10km, downstream 2 f 6151 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1718 A Cisco GLC-BX80-D-I GLC-BX80-D-I 1000BASE-BX80 SFP, 1570NM 2 f 6151 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1719 A Cisco SFP-10G-ER-S SFP-10G-ER-S 10GBASE-ER SFP Module, Enterprise-Class 2 f 9344.7900000000009 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1046 S FS UM-GASFP 100/1000Base-X UM-GASFP 100/1000Base-X FS UM-GASFP 100/1000Base-X SFP Slot Gigabit Ethernet Media Converter 2 f 105.99 f 6029 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00906r04c
EQ90001 536 S Fortinet FG-60E-USG FG-60E-USG FortiGate-60E-USG 3 f 752 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 537 S Fortinet FG-60E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-60E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-60E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1353.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 538 S Fortinet FG-60E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-60E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-60E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2556.8000000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 539 S Fortinet FG-60E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-60E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-60E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3760 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1236 C Cisco C8300-PIM-BLANK C8300-PIM-BLANK Cisco Catalyst 8300 Edge PIM Blank 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 1720 A Cisco SFP-10G-ER SFP-10G-ER 10GBASE-ER SFP Module 2 f 11828.85 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1721 A Cisco SFP-10G-BX40D-I SFP-10G-BX40D-I SFP+ Bidirectional for 40km, downstream 2 f 15377.51 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1722 A Cisco SFP-10G-BX40U-I SFP-10G-BX40U-I SFP+ Bidirectional for 40km, upstream 2 f 15377.51 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1723 A Cisco SFP-10G-ZR SFP-10G-ZR Cisco 10GBASE-ZR SFP10G Module for SMF 2 f 18926.259999999998 f 6171 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1724 A Cisco PWR-CC1-500WAC PWR-CC1-500WAC POE power supply for C8300 Routers 2 f 2365.77 f 6172 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 1725 A Cisco C-SM-16P4M2X C-SM-16P4M2X Switch Module for Cat83000 series router 2 f 4725.63 f 6169 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01508r01c
EQ90001 540 S Fortinet FG-60E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-60E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-60E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1240.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 541 S Fortinet FG-60E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-60E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-60E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2218.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 542 S Fortinet FG-60E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-60E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-60E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3196 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 543 S Fortinet FWF-60E-A-USG FWF-60E-A-USG FortiWiFi-60E-USG 3 f 867 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 544 S Fortinet FWF-60E-A-USG-BDL-811-12 FWF-60E-A-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiWiFi-60E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1560.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 545 S Fortinet FWF-60E-A-USG-BDL-811-36 FWF-60E-A-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiWiFi-60E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2947.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 546 S Fortinet FWF-60E-A-USG-BDL-811-60 FWF-60E-A-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiWiFi-60E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4335 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 547 S Fortinet FWF-60E-A-USG-BDL-950-12 FWF-60E-A-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiWiFi-60E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1430.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 548 S Fortinet FWF-60E-A-USG-BDL-950-36 FWF-60E-A-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiWiFi-60E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2557.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 549 S Fortinet FWF-60E-A-USG-BDL-950-60 FWF-60E-A-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiWiFi-60E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3684.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 144 C Cisco GLC-SX-MMD GLC-SX-MMD 1000BASE-SX SFP transceiver module, MMF, 850nm, DOM 2 f 589.91 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 9/30/2022 me01508r01c
EQ90001 150 C Cisco GLC-LH-SMD GLC-LH-SMD 1000BASE-LX/LH SFP transceiver module, MMF/SMF, 1310nm, DOM 3 f 1173.93 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 9/30/2022 me01508r01c
EQ90001 564 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG FG-61E-USG FortiGate-61E-USG 3 f 983 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1726 S Fortinet SP-FG300E-PS SP-FG300E-PS AC power supply for FG-300E/500E/600E 2 f 856 f 6174 {12,24,36,48} 11/1/2023 7/31/2027 Link: me01468r01c
EQ90001 1727 S Algo 02-122997 02-122997 Algo 8301 IP Paging Adapter and Scheduler 1 f 395 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 11/1/2023 7/31/2027 Link: me01468r01c
EQ90001 571 S Fortinet FWF-61E-A-USG FWF-61E-A-USG FortiWiFi-61E-USG 3 f 1098 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 572 S Fortinet FWF-61E-A-USG-BDL-811-12 FWF-61E-A-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiWiFi-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1976.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 573 S Fortinet FWF-61E-A-USG-BDL-811-36 FWF-61E-A-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiWiFi-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3733.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 574 S Fortinet FWF-61E-A-USG-BDL-811-60 FWF-61E-A-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiWiFi-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 5490 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 575 S Fortinet FWF-61E-A-USG-BDL-950-12 FWF-61E-A-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiWiFi-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1811.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 576 S Fortinet FWF-61E-A-USG-BDL-950-36 FWF-61E-A-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiWiFi-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3239.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 577 S Fortinet FWF-61E-A-USG-BDL-950-60 FWF-61E-A-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiWiFi-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4666.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1200 S Cisco C8200L-1N-4T C8200L-1N-4T Cisco Catalyst 8200L with 1-NIM slot and 4x1G WAN ports 2 f 2365.77 f 6134 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1047 S Cisco 11775 GLC-LH-SM-20 Cisco GLC-LH-SM-20 x2 Cisco GLC-LH-SM-20 Compatible 1000BASE-LX/LH SFP 1310nm 20km DOM LC SMF Transceiver Module 2 f 11.99 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00906r04c
EQ90001 592 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG FG-80E-POE-USG FortiGate-80E-POE-USG 3 f 1387 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 599 S Fortinet FG-80E-USG FG-80E-USG FortiGate-80E-USG 3 f 1156 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 600 S Fortinet FG-80E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-80E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-80E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2080.8000000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 601 S Fortinet FG-80E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-80E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-80E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3930.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 602 S Fortinet FG-80E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-80E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-80E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 5780 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 603 S Fortinet FG-80E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-80E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-80E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1907.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 604 S Fortinet FG-80E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-80E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-80E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3410.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 605 S Fortinet FG-80E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-80E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-80E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4913 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 613 S Fortinet FG-81E-POE-USG FG-81E-POE-USG FortiGate-81E-POE-USG 3 f 1734 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 614 S Fortinet FG-81E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-81E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-81E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3121.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 615 S Fortinet FG-81E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-81E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-81E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 5895.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 616 S Fortinet FG-81E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-81E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-81E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 8670 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 617 S Fortinet FG-81E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-81E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-81E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2861.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 618 S Fortinet FG-81E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-81E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-81E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5115.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 619 S Fortinet FG-81E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-81E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-81E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 7369.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 620 S Fortinet FG-81E-USG FG-81E-USG FortiGate-81E-USG 3 f 1387 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 621 S Fortinet FG-81E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-81E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-81E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2496.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 622 S Fortinet FG-81E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-81E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-81E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4715.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 623 S Fortinet FG-81E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-81E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-81E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 6935 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 624 S Fortinet FG-81E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-81E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-81E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2288.5500000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 625 S Fortinet FG-81E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-81E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-81E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4091.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 626 S Fortinet FG-81E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-81E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-81E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5894.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 634 S Fortinet FG-100E-USG FG-100E-USG FortiGate-100E-USG 3 f 2312 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 635 S Fortinet FG-100E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-100E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4161.6000000000004 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 636 S Fortinet FG-100E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-100E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7860.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 637 S Fortinet FG-100E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-100E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 11560 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 638 S Fortinet FG-100E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-100E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3814.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 639 S Fortinet FG-100E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-100E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6820.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 640 S Fortinet FG-100E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-100E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 9826 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 641 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG FG-100EF-USG FortiGate-100EF-USG 3 f 2312 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 655 S Fortinet FG-101E-USG FG-101E-USG FortiGate-101E-USG 3 f 3467 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 656 S Fortinet FG-101E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-101E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 6240.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 657 S Fortinet FG-101E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-101E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 11787.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 658 S Fortinet FG-101E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-101E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 17335 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 659 S Fortinet FG-101E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-101E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5720.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 660 S Fortinet FG-101E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-101E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 10227.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1203 S Cisco M2USB-32G M2USB-32G Cisco Catalyst 8000 Edge M.2 USB 32GB 2 f 2129.19 f 6135 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 661 S Fortinet FG-101E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-101E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 14734.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 669 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG FG-200E-USG FortiGate-200E-USG 3 f 4163 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 683 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG FG-201E-USG FortiGate-201E-USG 3 f 5316 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 697 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG FG-300E-USG FortiGate-300E-USG 3 f 7276 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 704 S Fortinet FG-301E-USG FG-301E-USG FortiGate-301E-USG 3 f 8436 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 705 S Fortinet FG-301E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-301E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 15184.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 706 S Fortinet FG-301E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-301E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 28682.400000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 707 S Fortinet FG-301E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-301E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 42180 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 708 S Fortinet FG-301E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-301E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 13919.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 709 S Fortinet FG-301E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-301E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 24886.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1204 C Cisco NETWORK-PNP-LIC NETWORK-PNP-LIC Network Plug-n-Play Connect for zero-touch device deployment 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 710 S Fortinet FG-301E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-301E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 35853 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 718 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG FG-500E-USG FortiGate-500E-USG 3 f 9014 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 725 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG FG-501E-USG FortiGate-501E-USG 3 f 10170 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 746 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG FG-800D-USG FortiGate-800D-USG 3 f 13857 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 753 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG FG-900D-USG FortiGate-900D-USG 3 f 18779 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1205 S Cisco C8200-NIM-BLANK C8200-NIM-BLANK Cisco Catalyst 8200 Edge NIM Blank 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 760 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG FG-1000D-USG FortiGate-1000D-USG 3 f 22674 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1048 S Cisco 20363 GLC-SX-MM-RGD Cisco GLC-SX-MM-RGD x2 Cisco GLC-SX-MM-RGD Compatible 1000BASE-SX SFP 850nm 550m Industrial DOM LC MMF Transceiver Module 2 f 10.99 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027–SFP-miniGBIC-transceiver-module–GigE/ me00906r04c
EQ90001 1049 S Cisco GLC-T GLC-T Cisco GLC-T x2 Cisco GLC-T Compatible 1000BASE-T SFP Copper RJ-45 100m Transceiver Module 2 f 34.99 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00906r04c
EQ90001 1050 S FS 40193 SM-LCU-LCU-DX-FS-3M-PVC FS SM-LCU-LCU-DX-FS-3M-PVC 3m (10ft) LC UPC to LC UPC Duplex OS2 Single Mode PVC (OFNR) 2.0mm Fiber Optic Patch Cable 1 f 11.99 f 6029 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027–3-m–yellow/ me00906r04c
EQ90001 1051 S FS 40233 OM4-LC-LC-DX-FS-3M-PVC FS OM4-LC-LC-DX-FS-3M-PVC 3m (10ft) LC UPC to LC UPC Duplex OM4 Multimode PVC (OFNR) 2.0mm Fiber Optic Patch Cable 1 f 14.99 f 6029 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027–3-m/ me00906r04c
EQ90001 1052 S FS 40222 SM-LCU-SCU-DX-FS-3M-PVC FS SM-LCU-SCU-DX-FS-3M-PVC 3m (10ft) LC UPC to SC UPC Duplex OS2 Single Mode PVC (OFNR) 2.0mm Fiber Optic Patch Cable 1 f 11.99 f 6029 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027–3-m–yellow/ me00906r04c
EQ90001 1053 S FS 40275 OM4-LC-SC-DX-FS-3M-PVC FS OM4-LC-SC-DX-FS-3M-PVC 3m (10ft) LC UPC to SC UPC Duplex OM4 Multimode PVC (OFNR) 2.0mm Fiber Optic Patch Cable 1 f 39.99 f 6029 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00906r04c
EQ90001 1054 S FS 40237 SM-SCU-SCU-DX-FS-3M-PVC FS SM-SCU-SCU-DX-FS-3M-PVC 3m (10ft) SC UPC to SC UPC Duplex OS2 Single Mode PVC (OFNR) 2.0mm Fiber Optic Patch Cable 1 f 22.8 f 6029 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00906r04c
EQ90001 1055 S FS 17235 OM4-SC-SC-DX-FS-3M-OFNP FS OM4-SC-SC-DX-FS-3M-OFNP Customized Duplex OM4 Multimode LC/SC/FC/ST/LSH/MU/MTRJ Fiber Optic Patch Cable 1 f 22.99 f 6029 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00906r04c
EQ90001 1056 S Cisco CP-8841-K9++= CP-8841-K9++= Cisco IP Phone 8841 for TAA 2 f 543.71 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ5 S Perle S-1000-M1SC05U 5040894 Gigabit Ethernet Media Converter. 1000BASE-T to 1000Base-BX 1310nm TX/1550nm RX single strand fiber, multimode 2 f 649 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2019 2/29/2020 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ10 S Transition Networks N/A SGFEB1013-130-NA Provides a cost effective method for integrating 1000Base-SX/LX fiber into a 10/100/1000Base-T copper environment. 2 f 480 f 6004 {12,24,36} 6/1/2019 2/29/2020 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ8 S Perle S-1000-S2SC40 5050094 Gigabit Ethernet Stand-Alone Media Converter. 1000Base-T (RJ-45) [100 m/328 ft.] to 1000Base-EX 1310 nm single mode (SC) [40 km/24.9 miles] 2 f 1129 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2019 2/29/2020 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ3 S Perle S-110-M1SC2U 5040914 10/100 Fast Ethernet Media and Rate Converter, 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-BX 1310nm TX/1550nm RX single fiber,multimode 2 f 321 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2019 2/29/2020 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ4 S Transition Networks N/A SBFTF1029-105-NA 10/100BASE-TX 100BASE-FX 1550NM TX/1310NM RX SNGL FBR SM SC 2 f 635 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2019 2/29/2020 File Name: WB-0000867165.pdf me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ9 S Transition Networks N/A SBFTF1013-105-NA Supports 10/100 Bridging 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-FX Media Converter. It support the following Interfaces/Ports: 2 Total Number of Ports, 1 Network (RJ-45) Port, 1 SC Ports, and supports a maximum distance of 1.24 Miles 2 f 255 f 6004 {12,24,36} 6/1/2019 2/29/2020 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ5A S Perle S-1000-M1SC05D 5040884 Gigabit Ethernet Media Converter. 1000BASE-T to 1000Base-BX 1550nm TX / 1310nm RX single strand fiber, multimode (SC) [550 m/1804 ft] 2 f 649 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2019 2/29/2020 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ3A S Perle S-110-M1SC20 5040904 10/100 Fast Ethernet Media and Rate Converter, 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-BX 1550nm TX/1310nm RX single fiber, multimode 2 f 321 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2019 2/29/2020 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ7A S Transition Networks N/A TN-GLC-FE-100LX SFP module installs SFP port allowing for 100Base-LX interfaces to the network through the SFP connector. 2 f 195 f 6004 {12,24,36} 6/1/2019 2/29/2020 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ7 S Transition Networks N/A SGFEB1040-330-NA 2-port Fast Ethernet bridging media converter connects network devices to network devices on a 100Base-FX Fast Ethernet fiber network. 2 f 515 f 6004 {12,24,36} 6/1/2019 2/29/2020 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ1 S Blackbox N/A MT1511A Features a single V.35 data port, an RS-232 console port, a separate SNMP management port, complete SNMP management with real-time alarm messages can be delivered to SNMP managers. 2 f 1483.44 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2019 2/29/2020—V-35-with-DSX/MT1511A me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ4 S Transition Networks N/A SBFTF1029-105-NA 10/100BASE-TX 100BASE-FX 1550NM TX/1310NM RX SNGL FBR SM SC 2 f 635 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 File Name: WB-0000867165.pdf me00263r01c
EQ90001 1201 C Cisco CON-SSSNT-C8200TL1 CON-SSSNT-C8200TL1 SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Cisco Catalyst 8200L with 1-NIM slot and (12 months) 1 f 412 f 6140 {12} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 788 S Fortinet FG-1500D-USG FG-1500D-USG FortiGate-1500D-USG 3 f 34668 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 789 S Fortinet FG-1500D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1500D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1500D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 62402.400000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 790 S Fortinet FG-1500D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1500D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1500D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 117871.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 791 S Fortinet FG-1500D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1500D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1500D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 173340 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 792 S Fortinet FG-1500D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1500D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1500D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 57202.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 381 S Arista DCS-7020SR-24C2-F DCS-7020SR-24C2-F 10Gig Access router designed for data center deployments with 24 SFP+ ports for a 10 GbE connection and two ports of 100 GbE with a full range of optics and cables. 2 f 14038.99 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2020 10/31/2020 me00338r01c
EQ90001 793 S Fortinet FG-1500D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1500D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1500D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 102270.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 794 S Fortinet FG-1500D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1500D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1500D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 147339 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 795 S Fortinet FG-1500DT-USG FG-1500DT-USG FortiGate-1500DT-USG 3 f 34668 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 796 S Fortinet FG-1500DT-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1500DT-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1500DT-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 62402.400000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 797 S Fortinet FG-1500DT-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1500DT-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1500DT-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 117871.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 798 S Fortinet FG-1500DT-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1500DT-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1500DT-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 173340 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 799 S Fortinet FG-1500DT-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1500DT-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1500DT-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 57202.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 800 S Fortinet FG-1500DT-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1500DT-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1500DT-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 102270.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 801 S Fortinet FG-1500DT-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1500DT-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1500DT-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 147339 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1057 S Cisco CP-8851NR-K9++= CP-8851NR-K9++= Cisco IP Phone 8851 No Radio variant for TAA 2 f 649.23 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1058 S Cisco EXPWY-1200-K9= EXPWY-1200-K9= Cisco Expressway Series Multi-purpose 1200 Appliance 2 f 24050.13 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 816 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG FG-2000E-USG FortiGate-2000E-USG 3 f 50385 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 823 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG FG-2200E-USG FortiGate-2200E-USG 3 f 56683 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1539 S Vardata VMWARE-1G-SX-TAA VMWARE-1G-SX-TAA VMware SFP+ Transceiver; 1000BASE-SX 550M 850NM LC MMF. TAA COMPLIANT 1 f 76 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 11/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Quote_QU-26589_1663702419799.pdf me01212r01c
EQ90001 1202 S Cisco MEM-C8200-16GB MEM-C8200-16GB Cisco Catalyst 8200 Edge 16GB memory 1 f 1892.62 f 6135 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 830 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG FG-2201E-USG FortiGate-2201E-USG 3 f 60462 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 837 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG FG-2500E-USG FortiGate-2500E-USG 3 f 56683 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1059 C Cisco CON-SSSNT-EXPWY12K CON-SSSNT-EXPWY12K SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Cisco Expressway Series Multi-purpose 12Service Duration: 12 Months f 1650.78 f 6005 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 851 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG FG-3000D-USG FortiGate-3000D-USG 3 f 62981 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 858 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG FG-3100D-USG FortiGate-3100D-USG 3 f 75577 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 494 S Polycom Polycom VVX 150 2200-48810-025 Polycom VVX 150 2-Line IP Phone – 2200-48810-025 2 f 55.99 f 6103 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2021 9/30/2021 me00682r01c
EQ90001 27 S Adtran NetVanta 3448 Chassis 4200821G1#VPN Access router for frame relay and point-to-point connectivity. Includes modular network interface and 2 integral 10/100BaseT Ethernet ports. Also includes integrated 8 Port Fully-Managed Layer 2 Ethernet Switch. 3 f 1095 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 11/30/2021 11/30/2021 IPVS-1 me00773r01c
EQ90001 35 S Adtran NetVanta 3448 Chassis with 8xPoE ports 4200821G11#120 Access router for frame relay and point-to-point connectivity. Includes modular network interface and 2 integral10/100BaseT Ethernet ports. Also includes integrated 8 Port Fully-Managed Layer 2 Ethernet Switch with Power over Ethernet 3 f 1590 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 11/30/2021 11/30/2021 IPVS-1 me00773r01c
EQ90001 865 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG FG-3200D-USG FortiGate-3200D-USG 3 f 88173 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1060 S Cisco EXP-CPU-6134 EXP-CPU-6134 3.2 GHz 6134/130W 8C/24.75MB Cache/DDR4 2666MHz 2 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1061 S Cisco EXP-HD2T7KL12N EXP-HD2T7KL12N 2 TB 12G SAS 7.2K RPM LFF HDD 2 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1062 S Cisco EXP-TPM2-002 EXP-TPM2-002 Trusted Platform Module 2.0 for UCS servers 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1063 S Cisco EXP-MRAID1GB-KIT EXP-MRAID1GB-KIT SAS RAID KIT for C220M5L 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1064 S Cisco EXP-PSU1-770W EXP-PSU1-770W 770W AC Hot-Plug Power Supply for 1U C-Series Rack Server 3 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1065 C Cisco EXP-BZL-C220M5 EXP-BZL-C220M5 C220 M5 Security Bezel 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1066 S Cisco EXP-SD-32G-S EXP-SD-32G-S 32GB SD Card for UCS servers 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1067 S Cisco EXP-PCIE-ID10GF EXP-PCIE-ID10GF Intel X710-DA2 dual-port 10G SFP+ NIC 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1068 S Cisco EXP-MR-X16G1RT-H EXP-MR-X16G1RT-H 16GB DDR4-2933-MHz RDIMM/1Rx4/1.2v 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1069 S Cisco EXP-MSTOR-SD EXP-MSTOR-SD Mini Storage Carrier for SD (holds up to 2) 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1070 S Cisco R2XX-RAID1 R2XX-RAID1 Enable RAID 1 Setting 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1071 C Cisco LIC-EXP-BASE-K9 LIC-EXP-BASE-K9 License Key Software Encrypted f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1072 C Cisco SW-EXPWY-12.X-K9 SW-EXPWY-12.X-K9 Software Image for Expressway with Encryption, Version X12 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1073 S Cisco ISR4331-V/K9 ISR4331-V/K9 Cisco ISR 4331 UC Bundle, PVDM4-32, UC License 3 f 6843.72 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1074 C Cisco CON-SSSNC-ISR431K9 CON-SSSNC-ISR431K9 SOLN SUPP NCDCisco ISR 4331 UC Bundle PVDM432 UC LService Duration: 12 Months f 805.3 f 6005 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1075 C Cisco SL-4330-IPB-K9 SL-4330-IPB-K9 IP Base License for Cisco ISR 4330 Series f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1076 C Cisco SL-4330-UC-K9 SL-4330-UC-K9 Unified Communication License for Cisco ISR 4330 Series f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1077 S Cisco PWR-4330-AC PWR-4330-AC AC Power Supply for Cisco ISR 4330 3 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1078 S Cisco PVDM4-32 PVDM4-32 32-channel DSP module 1 f 0 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1079 S Cisco MEM-FLSH-4G MEM-FLSH-4G 4G Flash Memory for Cisco ISR 4300 (Soldered on motherboard) 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1080 S Cisco MEM-43-4G MEM-43-4G 4G DRAM (1 x 4G) for Cisco ISR 4300 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1081 C Cisco SM-S-BLANK SM-S-BLANK Removable faceplate for SM slot on Cisco 2900,3900,4400 ISR 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1082 C Cisco SISR4300UK9-175 SISR4300UK9-175 Cisco ISR 4300 Series IOS XE Universal f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1083 S Cisco NIM-2MFT-T1/E1 NIM-2MFT-T1/E1 2 port Multiflex Trunk Voice/Clear-channel Data T1/E1 Module 2 f 2446.02 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1085 S Cisco NIM-2FXS/4FXOP NIM-2FXS/4FXOP 2-Port FXS/FXS-E/DID and 4-Port FXO Network Interface Module 2 f 1597.51 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1086 S Cisco CAB-AC CAB-AC AC Power Cord (North America), C13, NEMA 5-15P, 2.1m 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1087 S Cisco ISR4351-V/K9 ISR4351-V/K9 Cisco ISR 4351 UC Bundle, PVDM4-64, UC License 3 f 16906.830000000002 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1088 C Cisco CON-SSSNC-ISR4351V CON-SSSNC-ISR4351V SOLN SUPP NCDCisco ISR 4351 UC Bundle PVDM464 UC LService Duration: 12 Months f 2020 f 6005 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1089 C Cisco SL-4350-IPB-K9 SL-4350-IPB-K9 IP Base License for Cisco ISR 4350 Series f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1090 C Cisco SL-4350-UC-K9 SL-4350-UC-K9 Unified Communication License for Cisco ISR 4350 Series f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1091 S Cisco PWR-4450-AC PWR-4450-AC AC Power Supply for Cisco ISR 4450 and ISR4350 3 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1093 C Cisco POE-COVER-4450 POE-COVER-4450 Cover for empty POE slot on Cisco ISR 4450 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1095 S Cisco PVDM4-64 PVDM4-64 64-channel DSP module 1 f 0 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1096 C Cisco NIM-BLANK NIM-BLANK Blank faceplate for NIM slot on Cisco ISR 4400 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1103 S Cisco ISR4431-V/K9 ISR4431-V/K9 Cisco ISR 4431 UC Bundle, PVDM4-64, UC License 3 f 20233.78 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1104 C Cisco CON-SSSNC-ISR4431V CON-SSSNC-ISR4431V SOLN SUPP NCD Cisco ISR 4431 UC Bundle, PVDM4-64, UC LicenseService Duration: 12 Months f 2343 f 6005 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1105 S Cisco PWR-4430-AC PWR-4430-AC AC Power Supply for Cisco ISR 4430 3 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1106 S Cisco PWR-4430-AC/2 PWR-4430-AC/2 AC Power Supply (Secondary PS) for Cisco ISR 4430 3 f 860.28 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1108 C Cisco SL-44-IPB-K9 SL-44-IPB-K9 IP Base License for Cisco ISR 4400 Series f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1109 C Cisco SL-44-UC-K9 SL-44-UC-K9 Unified Communication License for Cisco ISR 4400 Series f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1110 S Cisco MEM-44-4G MEM-44-4G 4G DRAM (1 x 4G) for Cisco ISR 4400 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1111 S Cisco MEM-FLSH-8G MEM-FLSH-8G 8G eUSB Flash Memory for Cisco ISR 4430 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1113 S Cisco MEM-4400-DP-2G MEM-4400-DP-2G 2G DRAM (1 DIMM) for Cisco ISR 4400 Data Plane 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1115 C Cisco SISR4400UK9-175 SISR4400UK9-175 Cisco ISR 4400 Series IOS XE Universal f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1119 S Cisco ISR4451-X-V/K9 ISR4451-X-V/K9 Cisco ISR 4451 UC Bundle, PVDM4-64, UC Lic 3 f 28711.63 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1120 C Cisco CON-SSSNC-ISR4451 CON-SSSNC-ISR4451 SOLN SUPP NCD Cisco ISR 4451 UC Bundle, PVDM4-64, UC LicService Duration: 12 Months f 3893 f 6005 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1122 S Cisco PWR-4450-AC/2 PWR-4450-AC/2 AC Power Supply (Secondary PS) for Cisco ISR 4450 3 f 860.28 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1135 S Cisco NIM-4MFT-T1/E1 NIM-4MFT-T1/E1 4 port Multiflex Trunk Voice/Clear-channel Data T1/E1 Module 2 f 4731.54 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1136 S Cisco PVDM4-128 PVDM4-128 128-channel DSP module 1 f 7312.38 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1137 S Cisco BE6M-M5-K9 BE6M-M5-K9 Cisco Business Edition 6000M (M5) Appliance, Export Restr SW 1 f 13974.2 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1138 C Cisco CON-SNT-BE6MM5K9 CON-SNT-BE6MM5K9 SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco Business Edition 6000M (M5) AppliaService Duration: 12 Months f 394.33 f 6005 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1139 S Cisco BE6K-PSU BE6K-PSU Cisco UCS 770W AC Power Supply for Rack Server 3 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1140 S Cisco BE6K-RAIDCTRLR BE6K-RAIDCTRLR Cisco 12G Modular RAID controller with 2GB cache 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1141 S Cisco BE6K-DISK BE6K-DISK 300GB 12G SAS 10K RPM SFF HDD 2 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1142 S Cisco R2XX-RAID5 R2XX-RAID5 Enable RAID 5 Setting 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1143 S Cisco BE6K-RAM-M5-NEW BE6K-RAM-M5-NEW 16GB DDR4-2933-MHz RDIMM/1Rx4/1.2v 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1144 S Cisco BE6K-CPU BE6K-CPU 2.2 GHz 4114/85W 10C/13.75MB Cache/DDR4 2400MHz 2 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1145 S Cisco CAB-9K12A-NA CAB-9K12A-NA Power Cord, 125VAC 13A NEMA 5-15 Plug, North America 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1146 C Cisco BE6K-VIRTBAS-7X BE6K-VIRTBAS-7X Cisco BE Embedded Virt. Basic 7x, BE6K only f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1147 C Cisco CON-ECMU-BE6KVIRX CON-ECMU-BE6KVIRX SWSS UPGRADES Cisco BE Embedded Virt. Basic 7x, BE6K oService Duration: 12 Months f 90 f 6005 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1163 S Cisco CS-DESK-NR-K9 CS-DESK-NR-K9 Cisco Webex Desk – NO RADIO 3 f 5638.85 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1164 C Cisco CON-SSSNT-CSDESKNR CON-SSSNT-CSDESKNR SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Cisco Webex Desk – NO RADIOService Duration: 12 Months f 561 f 6005 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1165 S Cisco PWR-CORD-USA-B PWR-CORD-USA-B Power Cord for United States of America 2m 10A 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1166 S Cisco CAB-USBC-1.8M- CAB-USBC-1.8M- USB C – USB C Cable, 1.8 meters long 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1167 S Cisco CAB-ETH-3M-GR- CAB-ETH-3M-GR- CAB 3m GREY ETHERNET 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1168 S Cisco CS-DESK-FG- CS-DESK-FG- Fabric Speaker Grille for Webex Desk Series 2 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1169 S Cisco CS-DESK-STAND- CS-DESK-STAND- Desk Stand for Webex Desk Series 4 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1170 S Cisco PSU-12VDC-70W-GR- PSU-12VDC-70W-GR- Powersupply – AC/DC, 12V, 6.25A, grey 3 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1171 S Cisco CS-KITPRO-PTZ4K-K9 CS-KITPRO-PTZ4K-K9 Room Kit Pro PTZ 4K – Codec Pro, PTZ 4K, Room Navigator 1 f 30002.27 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1172 C Cisco CON-3SSNT-CSZKITPR CON-3SSNT-CSZKITPR 3Y SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Room Kit Pro PTZ 4K – Codec Pro, PTZ 4KService Duration: 36 Months f 8370 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1174 S Cisco CS-CODEC-PRO+ CS-CODEC-PRO+ Codec Pro for Auto Expand 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1175 S Cisco CAB-DV10-8M+ CAB-DV10-8M+ Network cable (ethernet) 8 meter 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1176 S Cisco CS-CPRO-ANT+ CS-CPRO-ANT+ Antennas for Codec Pro 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1177 S Cisco CS-T10-TS+ CS-T10-TS+ Cisco Webex Room Navigator – Table stand version 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1178 S Cisco CS-CAM-PTZ4K+ CS-CAM-PTZ4K+ Pan-Tilt-Zoom 4K 20x Camera 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1179 S Cisco PSU-12VDC-40W2 PSU-12VDC-40W2 Power Supply 12 VDC 40W 3 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1180 S Cisco CS-KITPLPTZ4K-K9 CS-KITPLPTZ4K-K9 Room Kit Plus PTZ 4K- Codec Plus, PTZ 4K Camera and Navigtor 1 f 17624.990000000002 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1181 C Cisco CON-3SSNT-CSKITP9L CON-3SSNT-CSKITP9L 3Y SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Room Kit Plus PTZ 4K- Codec Plus, PTZ 4Service Duration: 36 Months f 4917 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1183 S Cisco CS-CODEC-PLUS+ CS-CODEC-PLUS+ Cisco Webex Codec Plus 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1188 S Cisco PSU-12VDC-70W-GR+ PSU-12VDC-70W-GR+ Powersupply – AC/DC, 12V, 6.25A, grey 3 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1189 C Synergy Sky SKY-CLOUD-CONNECT SKY-CLOUD-CONNECT Synergy SKY Cloud Connect Service – Qty 548 Rooms for 12 Months f 131520 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1190 C Synergy Sky SKYSUITE-LICENSE-500-999 SKYSUITE-LICENSE-500-999 Synergy SKY SUITE software license, 500-999 meeting rooms – Qty 548 Rooms for 12 Months f 256464 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1191 C Synergy Sky SKYSERVICE-INSTALL-PLUS SKYSERVICE-INSTALL-PLUS Synergy SKYSERVICE-INSTALL-PLUS Installation Support Synergy SKY Suite – more than 100 rooms f 16800 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: WWT BOMs for UCS VTS_Mandatory & Optional.xlsx me00906r04c
EQ90001 1192 S Avaya J159 700515854 Avaya J159 IP PHONE TAA 2 f 370 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00906r04c
EQ90001 1193 S Avaya 9408 700508196 Avaya 9408 TELSET FOR CM/IE UpN TAA ICON 2 f 633 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00906r04c
EQ90001 1194 S Avaya J179 700513629 AVAYA J179 IP PHONE NO PWR SUPP TAA 2 f 455 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00906r04c
EQ90001 1195 S Avaya J189 700512397 Avaya J189 GSA (TAA) IP Phone 2 f 555 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 me00906r04c
EQ90001 1196 S Digi EX50 EX50 Digi EX50 5G Cellular Router 3 f 1459.99 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027—GLOBAL–5G-NR-SUB-6-GHZ-W–4G-3G–LTE-FALLBACK–GNSS–WI-FI-6-2X2-DB/# me00906r04c
EQ90001 1427 C CradlePoint Mobile Performance Renewal MB01-NCESS-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Performance Essentials Plan f 246 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1428 C CradlePoint Mobile Performance Renewal MB03-NCESS-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Performance Essentials Plan f 738 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1429 C CradlePoint Mobile Performance Renewal MB05-NCESS-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Performance Essentials Plan f 1230 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1430 C CradlePoint Mobile Performance Advanced MB01-NCADV 1-yr NetCloud Mobile Performance Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 204 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1431 C CradlePoint Mobile Performance Advanced MB03-NCADV 3-yr NetCloud Mobile Performance Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 612 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1462 C CradlePoint IOT PCN Renewal TD03-NCESS-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan for Private Cellular Networks f 252 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1247 C Cisco CON-SSSNP-ISR4321K CON-SSSNP-ISR4321K SOLN SUPP 24X7X4 Cisco ISR 4321 (2GE2NIM4G FLASH4G DRAMIPB) 12M 1 f 815.64 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ISR 4321 (2GE,2NIM,4G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1248 C Cisco FL-4320-PERF-K9 FL-4320-PERF-K9 Performance on Demand License for Cisco 4320 Series 1 f 1182.8900000000001 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ISR 4321 (2GE,2NIM,4G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) w Performace License – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1249 C Cisco CON-SSSNP-ASR1ECK9 CON-SSSNP-ASR1ECK9 Cisco SOLN SUPP 24X7X4 Cisco ISR 4321 ASR1002-X 20G VPN+FW Bundle K9 AES license 12M 1 f 5233 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1250 C Cisco CON-SSSNP-SLASR1AM CON-SSSNP-SLASR1AM Cisco SOLN SUPP 24X7X4 Cisco ISR 4321 Cisco ASR 1000 Advanced Enterprise Services E-Delivery PAK 12M 1 f 1196 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1251 C Cisco CON-SSSNP-FLSA520G CON-SSSNP-FLSA520G Cisco SOLN SUPP 24X7X4 Cisco ISR 4321 Upgrade from 5 Gbps to 20Gbps License for ASR 1002-X 12M 1 f 3002 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1252 C Cisco CON-SSSNP-FLSASRFW CON-SSSNP-FLSASRFW Cisco SOLN SUPP 24X7X4 Cisco ISR 4321 FW License for ASR1000 Series 12M 1 f 938 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1253 C Cisco CON-SSSNP-FLSA12X CON-SSSNP-FLSA12X Cisco SOLN SUPP 24X7X4 Cisco ISR 4321 IPSEC E-Delivery PAK for ASR1002-X 4G Crypto BW 12M 1 f 1219 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1254 S Cisco ASR1002-HX ASR1002-HX Cisco ASR1002-HX System,4x10GE+4x1GE, 2xP/S, optional crypto 2 f 163268.71 f 6141 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-HX System,4x10GE+4x1GE, 2xPS, optional crypto – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1255 C Cisco SLASR1-IPB  SLASR1-IPB  Cisco ASR 1000 IP BASE License 1 f 14124 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-HX System,4x10GE+4x1GE, 2xPS, optional crypto – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1256 C Cisco CON-SSSNP-ASR102HX CON-SSSNP-ASR102HX SOLN SUPP 24X7X4 Cisco ASR1002-HX System,4x10GE+4x1GE, 2x 12M 1 f 20728.48 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-HX System,4x10GE+4x1GE, 2xPS, optional crypto – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1257 C Cisco CON-SSSNP-SLASR1IK CON-SSSNP-SLASR1IK SOLN SUPP 24X7X4 Cisco ISR 4321 Cisco ASR 1000 IP BASE License 12M 1 f 860 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-HX System,4x10GE+4x1GE, 2xPS, optional crypto – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1258 C Cisco SL-4320-IPB-K9 SL-4320-IPB-K9 IP Base License for Cisco ISR 4320 Series 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ISR 4321 (2GE,2NIM,4G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1260 C Cisco PWR-4320-AC PWR-4320-AC AC Power Supply for Cisco ISR 4320 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ISR 4321 (2GE,2NIM,4G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1261 C Cisco CAB-AC-C5 CAB-AC-C5 AC Power Cord, Type C5, US, Canada 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ISR 4321 (2GE,2NIM,4G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1262 C Cisco MEM-FLSH-4G MEM-FLSH-4G 4G Flash Memory for Cisco ISR 4300 (Soldered on motherboard) 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ISR 4321 (2GE,2NIM,4G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1263 C Cisco MEM-4320-4G MEM-4320-4G 4G DRAM for Cisco ISR 4320 (Soldered on motherboard) 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ISR 4321 (2GE,2NIM,4G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1264 C Cisco NIM-BLANK NIM-BLANK Blank faceplate for NIM slot on Cisco ISR 4400 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ISR 4321 (2GE,2NIM,4G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1265 C Cisco SISR4300UK9-173 SISR4300UK9-173 Cisco ISR 4300 Series IOS XE Universal 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ISR 4321 (2GE,2NIM,4G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1266 C Cisco ORDERING-UC ORDERING-UC Add a new line item to order CUBE, CME or SRST licenses 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ISR 4321 (2GE,2NIM,4G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) w Performace License – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1267 C Cisco ASR1K-OTHER ASR1K-OTHER ASR1K-other applications for Enterprise or SP- Tracking only 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1268 C Cisco SLASR1-AES SLASR1-AES Cisco ASR 1000 Advanced Enterprise Services License 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1269 C Cisco FLSA1-2X-5-20G FLSA1-2X-5-20G Upgrade from 5 Gbps to 20Gbps License for ASR 1002-X 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1270 C Cisco M-ASR1002X-4GB M-ASR1002X-4GB Cisco ASR1002-X 4GB DRAM 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1271 C Cisco SPA-BLANK SPA-BLANK Blank Cover for regular SPA 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1272 C Cisco ASR1002X-HD-BLANK ASR1002X-HD-BLANK Blank Cover for ASR1002-X HDD 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1273 C Cisco SASR1K2XK9-169 SASR1K2XK9-169 Cisco ASR1002-X IOS XE UNIVERSAL 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1274 C Cisco FLSASR1-FW FLSASR1-FW FW License for ASR1000 Series 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1275 C Cisco FLSA1-2X-IPS4G FLSA1-2X-IPS4G IPSEC License for ASR1002-X 4G crypto BW 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1276 C Cisco ASR1002-PWR-AC ASR1002-PWR-AC Cisco ASR1002 AC Power Supply 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1277 C Cisco CAB-AC-RA CAB-AC-RA Power Cord,110V, Right Angle 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1278 C Cisco M-ASR1002HX-16GB M-ASR1002HX-16GB Cisco ASR1002-HX 16GB DRAM 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-HX System,4x10GE+4x1GE, 2xPS, optional crypto – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1279 C Cisco EPA-BLANK EPA-BLANK Ethernet Port Adapter (EPA) Blank Cover 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-HX System,4x10GE+4x1GE, 2xPS, optional crypto – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1280 C Cisco SASR1KHXK9-169 SASR1KHXK9-169 UNIVERSAL 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-HX System,4x10GE+4x1GE, 2xPS, optional crypto – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1281 C Cisco ASR1000X-AC-750W ASR1000X-AC-750W Cisco ASR1000-HX 750W AC Power Supply 1 f 0 f 6000 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco ASR1002-HX System,4x10GE+4x1GE, 2xPS, optional crypto – OLP Ref me00829r04c
EQ90001 1432 C CradlePoint Mobile Performance Advanced MB05-NCADV 5-yr NetCloud Mobile Performance Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 1020 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1433 C CradlePoint Mobile Performance Advanced Renewal MB01-NCADV-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Performance Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 204 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1434 C CradlePoint Mobile Performance Advanced Renewal MB03-NCADV-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Performance Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 612 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1435 C CradlePoint Mobile Performance Advanced Renewal MB05-NCADV-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Performance Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 1020 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1436 S CradlePoint IBR600C TAA-TBA3-600C150M-NN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC IoT Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR600C router with WiFi (150 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 785 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1437 S CradlePoint IBR600C TAA-TBA5-600C150M-NN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC IoT Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR600C router with WiFi (150 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 991 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1463 C CradlePoint IOT PCN Renewal TD05-NCESS-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan for Private Cellular Networks f 420 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1464 C CradlePoint IOT PCN Advanced TD01-NCADV 1-yr NetCloud IoT Advanced Plan for Private Cellular Networks (requires corresponding Essentials packages) f 72 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1465 C CradlePoint IOT PCN Advanced TD03-NCADV 3-yr NetCloud IoT Advanced Plan for Private Cellular Networks (requires corresponding Essentials packages) f 216 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1466 C CradlePoint IOT PCN Advanced TD05-NCADV 5-yr NetCloud IoT Advanced Plan for Private Cellular Networks (requires corresponding Essentials packages) f 360 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1467 C CradlePoint IOT PCN Advanced Renewal TD01-NCADV-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Advanced Plan for Private Cellular Networks (requires corresponding Essentials packages) f 72 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1468 C CradlePoint IOT PCN Advanced Renewal TD03-NCADV-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Advanced Plan for Private Cellular Networks (requires corresponding Essentials packages) f 216 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1469 C CradlePoint IOT PCN Advanced Renewal TD05-NCADV-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Advanced Plan for Private Cellular Networks (requires corresponding Essentials packages) f 360 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1470 S CradlePoint E3000 FIPS TAA-BFA3-3000C18B-FN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan and E3000 FIPS router with WiFi (1200 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 3745 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1471 S CradlePoint E3000 FIPS TAA-BFA5-3000C18B-FN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan and E3000 FIPS router with WiFi (1200 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 4887 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1472 S CradlePoint E3000 FIPS TAA-BFA3-30005GB-FN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan and E3000 FIPS router with WiFi (5G Modem), North America 2 f 3705 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1473 S CradlePoint E3000 FIPS TAA-BFA5-30005GB-FN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan and E3000 FIPS router with WiFi (5G Modem), North America 2 f 4686 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1474 C CradlePoint Branch Enterprise Renewals BFA1-NCEA-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 531 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1475 C CradlePoint Branch Enterprise Renewals BFA3-NCEA-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 1593 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1476 C CradlePoint Branch Enterprise Renewals BFA5-NCEA-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 2655 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1285 S Cisco C8500L-8S4X C8500L-8S4X Cisco Catalyst 8500 Series 4x SFP+ and 8x SFP, 4x10GE, 8x1GE 2 f 34954.25 f 6141 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco Catalyst 8500 Series 4x SFP+ and 8x SFP, 4x10GE, 8x1GE – For OLP Ref.xlsx me01010r02c
EQ90001 1286 S Cisco CON-SSSNT-C8500L8X CON-SSSNT-C8500L8X SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Cisco Catalyst 8500 Series 12-port SFP+, 2 f 2949 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco Catalyst 8500 Series 4x SFP+ and 8x SFP, 4x10GE, 8x1GE – For OLP Ref.xlsx me01010r02c
EQ90001 1287 S Cisco GLC-TE GLC-TE 1000BASE-T SFP transceiver module for Category 5 copper wire 1 f 557.02 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco Catalyst 8500 Series 4x SFP+ and 8x SFP, 4x10GE, 8x1GE – For OLP Ref.xlsx me01010r02c
EQ90001 1288 C Cisco DNA-P-T2-A-1Y DNA-P-T2-A-1Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 1Y – upto 1G (Aggr, 2G) 1 f 6300 f 6143 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco Catalyst 8500 Series 4x SFP+ and 8x SFP, 4x10GE, 8x1GE – For OLP Ref.xlsx me01010r02c
EQ90001 1289 S Cisco C8500-12X C8500-12X Cisco Catalyst 8500-12X Edge Platform 2 f 102520.64 f 6141 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco Catalyst 8500-12X Edge Platform – For OLP Ref.xlsx me01010r02c
EQ90001 1290 S Cisco CON-SSSNP-C85012X5 CON-SSSNP-C85012X5 SOLN SUPP 24X7X4 Cisco C8500-12X10GE 2 f 14314 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco Catalyst 8500-12X Edge Platform – For OLP Ref.xlsx me01010r02c
EQ90001 1291 S Cisco MEM-C8500-64GB MEM-C8500-64GB Cisco C8500 64GB DRAM 1 f 28389.24 f 6142 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco Catalyst 8500-12X Edge Platform – For OLP Ref.xlsx me01010r02c
EQ90001 1292 C Cisco DNA-P-T3-A-1Y DNA-P-T3-A-1Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 1Y – upto 10G (Aggr, 20G) 1 f 19128 f 6143 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cisco Catalyst 8500-12X Edge Platform – For OLP Ref.xlsx me01010r02c
EQ90001 1232 B Cisco C8300-1N1S-4T2X C8300-1N1S-4T2X Cisco Catalyst C8300-1N1S-4T2X Router 3 f 17743.28 f 6134 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: OLP_for_C83001N1S4T2X_and_LDNAC8300 me01101r01c
EQ90001 147 C Cisco HWIC-2T= HWIC-2T= 2-Port Serial WAN interface Card 3 f 1000 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 148 C Cisco HWIC-1B-U HWIC-1B-U 1-Port ISDN BRI U interface High-Speed WAN Interface Card 3 f 900 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 151 C Cisco HWIC-1DSU-T1 HWIC-1DSU-T1 1-Port T1/Fractional T1 DSU/CSU WAN Interface Card 3 f 1200 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 155 C Cisco EHWIC-4G-LTE-AT EHWIC-4G-LTE-AT 4G LTE EHWIC for ATT, AWS/700 MHz, HSPA+ 3 f 1400 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 156 C Cisco EHWIC-4G-LTE-VZ EHWIC-4G-LTE-VZ 4G LTE EHWIC for Verizon, AWS/700 MHz, EVDO 3 f 1400 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 157 C Cisco VWIC3-1MFT-T1/E1 VWIC3-1MFT-T1/E1 1-Port 3rd Gen Multiflex Trunk Voice/WAN Int. Card – T1/E1 3 f 2359.65 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 158 C Cisco XFP-10G-MM-SR XFP-10G-MM-SR 10GBASE-SR XFP Module 3 f 2477.63 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 162 C Cisco HWIC-1CE1T1-PRI HWIC-1CE1T1-PRI 1 port channelized T1/E1 and PRI HWIC (Data Only) 3 f 3200 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 166 C Cisco SM-X-1T3/E3 SM-X-1T3/E3 One port T3/E3 Service Module 4 f 12388.16 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 167 S Cisco CISCO3925/K9 CISCO3925/K9 Cisco 3925 w/SPE100(3GE, 4EHWIC, 4DSP, 2SM, 256MB CF,1GB DRAM,IPB) 4 f 12550 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 171 C Cisco SPA-2X1GE-V2 SPA-2X1GE-V2 Cisco 2-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter 4 f 12978.07 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 173 C Cisco SPA-2XOC3-POS-V2 SPA-2XOC3-POS-V2 SPA-4XOC3-POS-V2 with a license to use 2 ports 4 f 17208.62 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 176 C Cisco SPA-1XOC12-POS-V2 SPA-1XOC12-POS-V2 1-port OC12/STM4 POS Shared Port Adapters 4 f 20948.89 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 179 S Cisco ASR1002-X ASR1002-X Cisco ASR1002-X Chassis, 6 built-in GE, Dual P/S, 4GB DRAM 5 f 49874.720000000001 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 181 S Cisco ASR1002X-5G-VPNK9 ASR1002X-5G-VPNK9 ASR1002-X, 5G, VPN Bundle, K9, AES license 5 f 73309.83 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_US134634490CA me01101r01c
EQ90001 182 S Cisco ASR1002X-5G-SECK9 ASR1002X-5G-SECK9 ASR1002-X, 5G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license 5 f 85327.84 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_US134634490CA me01101r01c
EQ90001 183 S Cisco ASR1002X-20G-SECK9 ASR1002X-20G-SECK9 ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license 5 f 123785.46 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_US134634490CA me01101r01c
EQ90001 354 A Cisco Cisco 2911 ISR Support CON-SNT-2911 SmartNet support for Cisco 2911 ISR 1 f 786 f 6004 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 355 A Cisco Cisco ASR 1002 Support CON-SNT-ASR1002X SmartNet support for ASR 1002 Router 1 f 3385 f 6004 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 356 B Cisco Cisco 4331 ISR ISR4331/K9 Cisco ISR 4331 (3GE, 2NIM, ISM, 4GB Flash, 4GB Data RAM) 2 f 4483.33 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 358 A Cisco Cisco 4331 ISR Support CON-SNT-ISR4331K SmartNet support for Cisco 4331 ISR 1 f 656.94 f 6004 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 377 S Cisco ATA 191 ATA191-K9 2-Port Analog Telephone Adapter 2 f 352.76 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 387 B Cisco Cisco Business Edition 6000M (M5) BE6M-M5-K9 Cisco Business Edition 6000M (M5) Appliance, Export Restr SW 4 f 14396.7 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 388 C Cisco Smartnet for Cisco Business Edition 6000M (M5) CON-SNT-BE6MM5K9 SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco Business Edition 6000M (M5) AppliaService Duration: 12 Months 4 f 422.5 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 390 B Cisco Cisco DX80 CP-DX80-NR-K9= Cisco Webex DX80 No Radio TAA – GPL(for VCS and UCM) 4 f 5297.41 f 6000 {12} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 391 C Cisco Cisco Smartnet for DX80 CON-SNT-CPDX80KG SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco DX80Service Duration: 12 Months 4 f 495.54 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 394 B Cisco Room Kit Plus P60 CS-KITP60-K9++ Room Kit Plus P60 – Codec Plus, P60 cam and Touch 10 for TAA 2 f 19387.490000000002 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 395 C Cisco ESS WITH 8X5XNBD Room Kit P60 CON-ECDN-CSKIT9P6 ESS WITH 8X5XNBD Room Kit P60, Codec Plus, P60 Camera andService Duration: 12 Months 2 f 1319 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 396 C Cisco Room Kit Plus P60 Wall Mount Kit CS-KITPLUS-WMK Wall Mount Kit for Codec Plus 2 f 234.78 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 397 C Cisco Grey Cabinet 3 m HDMI Cable CAB-2HDMI-3M-GR= CAB 3m GREY HDMI 2.0 2 f 86.26 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 398 C Cisco Grey Cabinet 1.5 m HDMI Cable CAB-2HDMI-1.5M-GR CAB 1.5m GREY HDMI 2.0 – Second Monitor HDMI cable 2 f 60.31 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 399 C Cisco Grey 8 m Presentation HDMI Cable CAB-PRES-2HDMI-GR Presentation cable 8m GREY HDMI 1.4b (W/ REPEATER) 2 f 145.35 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 441 C Cisco FL-4430-BOOST-K9 FL-4430-BOOST-K9 Booster performance license for 4430 4 f 6210.15 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_UZ135611697YM me01101r01c
EQ90001 442 C Cisco FL-4320-BOOST-K9 FL-4320-BOOST-K9 Booster Performance License for 4320 Series 4 f 2365.77 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_GF134634482QY me01101r01c
EQ90001 443 S Cisco NIM-ES2-8 NIM-ES2-8 8-port Layer 2 GE Switch Network Interface 3 f 1002.85 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 444 B Cisco ISR4431/K9 ISR4431/K9 Cisco ISR 4431 Router (4GE,3NIM,8G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) 4 f 16566.28 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_UZ135611697YM me01101r01c
EQ90001 445 B Cisco ISR4321/K9 ISR4321/K9 Cisco ISR 4321 Router (2GE,2NIM,4G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) 4 f 3209.72 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_GF134634482QY me01101r01c
EQ90001 487 S Cisco SPA-8X1GE-V2= SPA-8X1GE-V2= Cisco 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter ASR1000 4 f 37408.74 f 6101 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 488 S Cisco CON-SSSNC-8X1GEV2 CON-SSSNC-8X1GEV2 SOLN SUPP NCD Cisco 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter 1 f 1862 f 6101 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 489 S Cisco SPA-10X1GE-V2= SPA-10X1GE-V2= Cisco 10-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter 4 f 44890.49 f 6101 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 490 S Cisco CON-SSSNC-10X1GEV2 CON-SSSNC-10X1GEV2 SOLN SUPP NCD Cisco 10-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter 1 f 2234 f 6101 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 492 S Cisco L-FLSA1-2X-5-10G= L-FLSA1-2X-5-10G= Upgrade from 5 Gbps to 10Gbps E-Delivery PAK for ASR 1002-X 3 f 27778.63 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 493 S Cisco CON-SNT-LFLSA12G CON-SNT-LFLSA12G SNTC-8X5XNBD; Upgrade from 5 Gbps to 10Gbps E-Deliver 3 f 1794 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 504 S Cisco SPA-1X10GE-L-V2= SPA-1X10GE-L-V2= Cisco 1-Port 10GE LAN-PHY Shared Port Adapter 4 f 12978.07 f 6101 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01101r01c
EQ90001 505 B Cisco NIM-2GE-CU-SFP= NIM-2GE-CU-SFP= Cisco 2-port GE WAN NIM, dual-mode RJ45 connectors, and combo Gigabit SFP ports. Works with the Cisco 4451-X router. 4 f 2561.5 f 6109 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SO136143127QH me01101r01c
EQ90001 1232 B Cisco C8300-1N1S-4T2X C8300-1N1S-4T2X Cisco Catalyst C8300-1N1S-4T2X Router 3 f 16130.25 f 6134 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2022 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me01101r01c
EQ90001 144 C Cisco GLC-SX-MMD GLC-SX-MMD 1000BASE-SX SFP transceiver module, MMF, 850nm, DOM 2 f 500 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 ETS-2: ETS-19; me01101r01c
EQ90001 147 C Cisco HWIC-2T= HWIC-2T= 2-Port Serial WAN interface Card 3 f 805 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 AA-1;2;3;4; me01101r01c
EQ90001 148 C Cisco HWIC-1B-U HWIC-1B-U 1-Port ISDN BRI U interface High-Speed WAN Interface Card 3 f 700 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 AA-25; me01101r01c
EQ90001 150 C Cisco GLC-LH-SMD GLC-LH-SMD 1000BASE-LX/LH SFP transceiver module, MMF/SMF, 1310nm, DOM 3 f 995 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 ETS-1: ETS-18; me01101r01c
EQ90001 151 C Cisco HWIC-1DSU-T1 HWIC-1DSU-T1 1-Port T1/Fractional T1 DSU/CSU WAN Interface Card 3 f 1000 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 VPNS-2(1,2): IPS-4 (1;2); me01101r01c
EQ90001 155 C Cisco EHWIC-4G-LTE-AT EHWIC-4G-LTE-AT 4G LTE EHWIC for ATT, AWS/700 MHz, HSPA+ 3 f 1150 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 AA-17: VPNS-6(2): IPS-7 (1) (optional): AA-26; me01101r01c
EQ90001 156 C Cisco EHWIC-4G-LTE-VZ EHWIC-4G-LTE-VZ 4G LTE EHWIC for Verizon, AWS/700 MHz, EVDO 3 f 1150 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 AA-17: VPNS-6(2): IPS-7 (1) (optional): AA-26; me01101r01c
EQ90001 157 C Cisco VWIC3-1MFT-T1/E1 VWIC3-1MFT-T1/E1 1-Port 3rd Gen Multiflex Trunk Voice/WAN Int. Card – T1/E1 3 f 1430 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 AA-5: AA-8; me01101r01c
EQ90001 158 C Cisco XFP-10G-MM-SR XFP-10G-MM-SR 10GBASE-SR XFP Module 3 f 1995 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 VPNS-1: IPS-2 (2): AA-23; me01101r01c
EQ90001 162 C Cisco HWIC-1CE1T1-PRI HWIC-1CE1T1-PRI 1 port channelized T1/E1 and PRI HWIC (Data Only) 3 f 2600 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 AA-6; me01101r01c
EQ90001 166 C Cisco SM-X-1T3/E3 SM-X-1T3/E3 One port T3/E3 Service Module 4 f 9350 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 VPNS-2(3): IPS-4(3): AA-7: AA-9; me01101r01c
EQ90001 167 S Cisco CISCO3925/K9 CISCO3925/K9 Cisco 3925 w/SPE100(3GE, 4EHWIC, 4DSP, 2SM, 256MB CF,1GB DRAM,IPB) 4 f 10925 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 IPS-4(3): IPS- 7(2): ETS-14: ETS-15; me01101r01c
EQ90001 171 C Cisco SPA-2X1GE-V2 SPA-2X1GE-V2 Cisco 2-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter 4 f 10000 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 VPNS-1: IPS-2 (1); me01101r01c
EQ90001 173 C Cisco SPA-2XOC3-POS-V2 SPA-2XOC3-POS-V2 SPA-4XOC3-POS-V2 with a license to use 2 ports 4 f 11500 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 VPNS-2(4): VPNS-3(1): IPS-3 (1): IPS-4(4): AA-10: AA-11; me01101r01c
EQ90001 176 C Cisco SPA-1XOC12-POS-V2 SPA-1XOC12-POS-V2 1-port OC12/STM4 POS Shared Port Adapters 4 f 14000 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 VPNS-2(5): VPNS-3(2): IPS-3 (2): IPS-4(5): AA-12: AA-13; me01101r01c
EQ90001 179 S Cisco ASR1002-X ASR1002-X Cisco ASR1002-X Chassis, 6 built-in GE, Dual P/S, 4GB DRAM 5 f 33000 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 IPS-2 (2); me01101r01c
EQ90001 181 S Cisco ASR1002X-5G-VPNK9 ASR1002X-5G-VPNK9 ASR1002-X, 5G, VPN Bundle, K9, AES license 5 f 53000 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 182 S Cisco ASR1002X-5G-SECK9 ASR1002X-5G-SECK9 ASR1002-X, 5G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license 5 f 63000 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 183 S Cisco ASR1002X-20G-SECK9 ASR1002X-20G-SECK9 ASR1002-X, 20G, VPN+FW Bundle, K9, AES license 5 f 95000 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 354 A Cisco Cisco 2911 ISR Support CON-SNT-2911 SmartNet support for Cisco 2911 ISR 1 f 715 f 6004 2/1/2019 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 355 A Cisco Cisco ASR 1002 Support CON-SNT-ASR1002X SmartNet support for ASR 1002 Router 1 f 3144.63 f 6004 2/1/2019 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 356 B Cisco Cisco 4331 ISR ISR4331/K9 Cisco ISR 4331 (3GE, 2NIM, ISM, 4GB Flash, 4GB Data RAM) 2 f 3495 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 2/1/2019 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 358 A Cisco Cisco 4331 ISR Support CON-SNT-ISR4331K SmartNet support for Cisco 4331 ISR 1 f 558.25 f 6004 2/1/2019 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 377 S Cisco ATA 191 ATA191-K9 2-Port Analog Telephone Adapter 2 f 326 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2020 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 387 B Cisco Cisco Business Edition 6000M (M5) BE6M-M5-K9 Cisco Business Edition 6000M (M5) Appliance, Export Restr SW 4 f 13042 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 388 C Cisco Smartnet for Cisco Business Edition 6000M (M5) CON-SNT-BE6MM5K9 SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco Business Edition 6000M (M5) AppliaService Duration: 12 Months 4 f 500.5 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 390 B Cisco Cisco DX80 CP-DX80-NR-K9= Cisco Webex DX80 No Radio TAA – GPL(for VCS and UCM) 4 f 4827.72 f 6000 {12} 12/1/2020 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 391 C Cisco Cisco Smartnet for DX80 CON-SNT-CPDX80KG SNTC-8X5XNBD Cisco DX80Service Duration: 12 Months 4 f 431.19 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 394 B Cisco Room Kit Plus P60 CS-KITP60-K9++ Room Kit Plus P60 – Codec Plus, P60 cam and Touch 10 for TAA 2 f 16714.669999999998 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 395 C Cisco ESS WITH 8X5XNBD Room Kit P60 CON-ECDN-CSKIT9P6 ESS WITH 8X5XNBD Room Kit P60, Codec Plus, P60 Camera andService Duration: 12 Months 2 f 1813.63 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 396 C Cisco Room Kit Plus P60 Wall Mount Kit CS-KITPLUS-WMK Wall Mount Kit for Codec Plus 2 f 199.7 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 397 C Cisco Grey Cabinet 3 m HDMI Cable CAB-2HDMI-3M-GR= CAB 3m GREY HDMI 2.0 2 f 73.209999999999994 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 398 C Cisco Grey Cabinet 1.5 m HDMI Cable CAB-2HDMI-1.5M-GR CAB 1.5m GREY HDMI 2.0 – Second Monitor HDMI cable 2 f 49.17 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 399 C Cisco Grey 8 m Presentation HDMI Cable CAB-PRES-2HDMI-GR Presentation cable 8m GREY HDMI 1.4b (W/ REPEATER) 2 f 99.35 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 441 C Cisco FL-4430-BOOST-K9 FL-4430-BOOST-K9 Booster performance license for 4430 4 f 5268 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2021 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 442 C Cisco FL-4320-BOOST-K9 FL-4320-BOOST-K9 Booster Performance License for 4320 Series 4 f 2007 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2021 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 443 S Cisco NIM-ES2-8 NIM-ES2-8 8-port Layer 2 GE Switch Network Interface 3 f 912.97 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2021 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 444 B Cisco ISR4431/K9 ISR4431/K9 Cisco ISR 4431 Router (4GE,3NIM,8G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) 4 f 12369.5 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2021 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 445 B Cisco ISR4321/K9 ISR4321/K9 Cisco ISR 4321 Router (2GE,2NIM,4G FLASH,4G DRAM,IPB) 4 f 2377.33 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2021 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 487 S Cisco SPA-8X1GE-V2= SPA-8X1GE-V2= Cisco 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter ASR1000 4 f 31783.13 f 6101 {12,24,36,48} 10/1/2021 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 488 S Cisco CON-SSSNC-8X1GEV2 CON-SSSNC-8X1GEV2 SOLN SUPP NCD Cisco 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter 1 f 1438 f 6101 {12,24,36,48} 10/1/2021 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 489 S Cisco SPA-10X1GE-V2= SPA-10X1GE-V2= Cisco 10-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter 4 f 38139.75 f 6101 {12,24,36,48} 10/1/2021 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 490 S Cisco CON-SSSNC-10X1GEV2 CON-SSSNC-10X1GEV2 SOLN SUPP NCD Cisco 10-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter 1 f 1725 f 6101 {12,24,36,48} 10/1/2021 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 492 S Cisco L-FLSA1-2X-5-10G= L-FLSA1-2X-5-10G= Upgrade from 5 Gbps to 10Gbps E-Delivery PAK for ASR 1002-X 3 f 22110 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 10/1/2021 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 493 S Cisco CON-SNT-LFLSA12G CON-SNT-LFLSA12G SNTC-8X5XNBD; Upgrade from 5 Gbps to 10Gbps E-Deliver 3 f 1525 f 6102 {12,24,36,48} 10/1/2021 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 504 S Cisco SPA-1X10GE-L-V2= SPA-1X10GE-L-V2= Cisco 1-Port 10GE LAN-PHY Shared Port Adapter 4 f 11486.2 f 6101 {12,24,36,48} 10/1/2021 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 505 B Cisco NIM-2GE-CU-SFP= NIM-2GE-CU-SFP= Cisco 2-port GE WAN NIM, dual-mode RJ45 connectors, and combo Gigabit SFP ports. Works with the Cisco 4451-X router. 4 f 2328.64 f 6109 {12,24,36,48} 1/1/2022 7/31/2022 me01101r01c
EQ90001 1477 S CradlePoint R1900 FIPS TAA-MBA3-19005GB-FA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Performance Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and R1900 FIPS router with WiFi (5G modem, 4FF SIM optional but not included), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 3378 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1478 S CradlePoint R1900 FIPS TAA-MBA5-19005GB-FA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Performance Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and R1900 FIPS router with WiFi (5G modem, 4FF SIM optional but not included), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 4359 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1479 C CradlePoint Mobile Performance Renewal MBA1-NCEA-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Performance Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 450 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1480 C CradlePoint Mobile Performance Renewal MBA3-NCEA-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Performance Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 1350 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1481 C CradlePoint Mobile Performance Renewal MBA5-NCEA-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Performance Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 2250 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1482 S CradlePoint IBR1700 FIPS TAA-MA3-170F600M-XFA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile FIPS Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR1700 FIPS router with WiFi (600Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 2465 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1483 S CradlePoint IBR1700 FIPS TAA-MA5-170F600M-XFA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile FIPS Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR1700 FIPS router with WiFi (600Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 3055 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1484 S CradlePoint IBR1700 FIPS TAA-MA3-170F120B-XFA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile FIPS Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR1700 FIPS router with WiFi (1200Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 2748 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1485 S CradlePoint IBR1700 FIPS TAA-MA5-170F120B-XFA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile FIPS Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR1700 FIPS router with WiFi (1200Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 3338 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1486 S CradlePoint IBR900 FIPS TAA-MA3-900F600M-XFA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile FIPS Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR900 FIPS router with WiFi (600Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 1875 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1487 S CradlePoint IBR900 FIPS TAA-MA5-900F600M-XFA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile FIPS Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR900 FIPS router with WiFi (600Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 2465 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1294 C Cisco SL-44-IPB-K9 SL-44-IPB-K9 IP Base License for Cisco ISR 4400 Series 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_UZ135611697YM me01065r01c
EQ90001 1295 A Cisco PWR-4430-AC PWR-4430-AC AC Power Supply for Cisco ISR 4430 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_UZ135611697YM me01065r01c
EQ90001 1296 A Cisco MEM-44-4G MEM-44-4G 4G DRAM (1 x 4G) for Cisco ISR 4400 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_UZ135611697YM me01065r01c
EQ90001 1297 A Cisco PWR-COVER-4430 PWR-COVER-4430 Cover for empty 2nd Power Supply slot on Cisco ISR 4430 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_UZ135611697YM me01065r01c
EQ90001 1298 A Cisco MEM-FLSH-8G MEM-FLSH-8G 8G eUSB Flash Memory for Cisco ISR 4430 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_UZ135611697YM me01065r01c
EQ90001 1299 A Cisco MEM-4400-DP-2G MEM-4400-DP-2G 2G DRAM (1 DIMM) for Cisco ISR 4400 Data Plane 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_UZ135611697YM me01065r01c
EQ90001 1300 A Cisco NIM-BLANK NIM-BLANK Blank faceplate for NIM slot on Cisco ISR 4400 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_UZ135611697YM me01065r01c
EQ90001 1301 A Cisco SISR4400UK9-174 SISR4400UK9-174 Cisco ISR 4400 Series IOS XE Universal 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_UZ135611697YM me01065r01c
EQ90001 1302 C Cisco SL-4320-IPB-K9 SL-4320-IPB-K9 IP Base License for Cisco ISR 4320 Series 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_GF134634482QY me01065r01c
EQ90001 1303 A Cisco PWR-4320-AC PWR-4320-AC AC Power Supply for Cisco ISR 4320 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_GF134634482QY me01065r01c
EQ90001 1304 A Cisco CAB-AC-C5 CAB-AC-C5 AC Power Cord, Type C5, US, Canada 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_GF134634482QY me01065r01c
EQ90001 1305 A Cisco MEM-FLSH-4G MEM-FLSH-4G 4G Flash Memory for Cisco ISR 4300 (Soldered on motherboard) 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_GF134634482QY me01065r01c
EQ90001 1306 A Cisco MEM-4320-4G MEM-4320-4G 4G DRAM for Cisco ISR 4320 (Soldered on motherboard) 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_GF134634482QY me01065r01c
EQ90001 1307 C Cisco SISR4300UK9-174 SISR4300UK9-174 Cisco ISR 4300 Series IOS XE Universal 1 f 0 f 6000 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_GF134634482QY me01065r01c
EQ90001 1308 S Fortinet FN-TRANS-SX FN-TRANS-SX FN-TRANS-SX-1000BASE-SX SFP (Short Haul) 1 f 53 f 6145 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: FINAL – Q2 Americas Price List (Effective 050222); Tab: Transceivers-DAC me01070r02c
EQ90001 1309 S Fortinet FN-TRANS-LX FN-TRANS-LX FN-TRANS-LX-1000BASE-LX SFP (Long Haul) 1 f 109 f 6145 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: FINAL – Q2 Americas Price List (Effective 050222); Tab: Transceivers-DAC me01070r02c
EQ90001 1310 S Fortinet FN-TRAN-SFP+SR FN-TRAN-SFP+SR FN-TRAN-SFP+SR-10GBASE-SR SFP+ (Short Haul) 1 f 118 f 6145 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: FINAL – Q2 Americas Price List (Effective 050222); Tab: Transceivers-DAC me01070r02c
EQ90001 1311 S Fortinet FN-TRANS-SFP+LR FN-TRANS-SFP+LR FN-TRAN-SFP+LR-10GBASE-LR SFP+ (Long Haul) 1 f 267.2 f 6145 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: FINAL – Q2 Americas Price List (Effective 050222); Tab: Transceivers-DAC me01070r02c
EQ90001 1312 S Fortinet FN-TRAN-GC FN-TRAN-GC FN-TRAN-GC-1000BASE-T (GigE Copper) 1 f 171 f 6145 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: FINAL – Q2 Americas Price List (Effective 050222); Tab: Transceivers-DAC me01070r02c
EQ90001 1316 S Cisco PWR-4430-AC= PWR-4430-AC= AC Power Supply for Cisco ISR 4430, Spare 1 f 1179.82 f 6137 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01091r01c
EQ90001 1293 S CradlePoint BBA3-0950C7A-N0 BBA3-0950C7A-N0 3-yr NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and L950 adapter (300Mbps modem, 4FF SIM), Americas 1 f 1155 f 6144 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01041r02c
EQ90001 1313 S Adtran TA908 (3rd Gen) 4213908F1 Adtran 4213908F1 Total Access 908 3rd Gen Gateway 3 f 1150 f 6146 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: ME01083.02c OLP Reference me01083r02c
EQ90001 1314 S Adtran TA916 (3rd Gen) 4213916F1 Adtran 4213916F1 Total Access 916 3rd Gen Gateway 3 f 1575 f 6146 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: ME01083.02c OLP Reference me01083r02c
EQ90001 1315 S Adtran TA924 (3rd Gen) 4213924F1 Adtran Total Access 924 3rd Gen Gateway 4213924F1 3 f 1825 f 6146 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: ME01083.02c OLP Reference me01083r02c
EQ90001 1541 S Adtran NetVanta 1560-08-65W 17101561PF2 8-port, Layer 3, Gigabit PoE+ Ethernet Switch supporting 65 Total Watts 3 f 605 f 6162 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: WB-0001459884.pdf me01217r01c
EQ90001 1283 S DataRemote CDS-9010 CDS-9010 4G/LTE Multicarrier, 3-port router (1 WAN/2 LAN), Wi-Fi Alternate PSTN connectivity: (2)-FXS Ports for Voice, FAX, Alarm, and Analog data. Up to 12 hours standby use. 2 f 699 f 6133 {12,24,36,48} 10/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Notice of MSRP for CDS 9090 and 9010.pdf me00939r04c
EQ90001 1488 S CradlePoint IBR900 FIPS TAA-MA3-900F120B-XFA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile FIPS Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR900 FIPS router with WiFi (1000Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 2040 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1489 S CradlePoint IBR900 FIPS TAA-MA5-900F120B-XFA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile FIPS Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR900 FIPS router with WiFi (1000Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 2630 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1490 S CradlePoint IBR1700 FIPS TAA-MAX5-170F120B-F0 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile FIPS Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR1700 FIPS router with dual 1200Mbps modem, high temp AC power supply, antennas, Verizon & AT&T SIMs inserted, North America 2 f 4435 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1491 S CradlePoint IBR900 FIPS TAA-MAX5-900F120B-F0 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile FIPS Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR900 FIPS router with 1200Mbps modem, high temp AC power supply, antennas, Verizon & AT&T SIMs inserted, North America 2 f 2843 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1492 C CradlePoint FIPS Renewal MA1-NCESSF-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile FIPS Essentials and Advanced Plan, FIPS Only f 354 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1493 C CradlePoint FIPS Renewal MA3-NCESSF-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile FIPS Essentials and Advanced Plan, FIPS Only f 1062 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1494 C CradlePoint FIPS Renewal MA5-NCESSF-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile FIPS Essentials and Advanced Plan, FIPS Only f 1770 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1495 C CradlePoint Modem TAA-MA-MC400-1200M-B LTE Advanced Pro (1200Mbps) modem upgrade for Mobile. Includes IBR1700 & COR Dock doors, no antennas f 708 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1496 C CradlePoint Modem TAA-BF-MC400-1200M-B LTE Advanced Pro (1200Mbps) modem upgrade for E300/E3000 Enterprise Branch Routers with doors & 4 charcoal antennas f 708 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1497 C CradlePoint BLE TAA-BF-MC20-BT Bluetooth Low Energy 5.1(BLE) Module for E300/E3000 Enterprise Branch Routers f 118 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1498 B CradlePoint Antenna TAA-170659-001 Cellular Antenna, White, 700MHz – 2.7GHz, SMA, 210mm, Used with CBA850LP6 & CBA850LP4 1 f 14.99 f 6149 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1499 B CradlePoint Antenna TAA-170704-002 Cellular Antenna, Black mini, 600MHz – 6GHz, SMA, 140mm, Used with 600M, 150M, 10M modems 1 f 12.99 f 6149 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1500 B CradlePoint Antenna TAA-170765-000 Cellular Antenna, White mini, 600MHz – 4.2GHz, SMA, 145mm, Used with CBA550, L950 1 f 12.99 f 6149 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1501 B CradlePoint Antenna TAA-170801-000 Cellular Antenna, Charcoal, 600MHz – 6GHz, SMA, 180mm, Used with E300, E3000, MC400, 1200M-B modems 1 f 14.99 f 6149 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1502 B CradlePoint Antenna TAA-170836-000 Wi-Fi Antenna, Charcoal, Dual-band 2.4/5GHz, RPSMA, 194mm 1 f 14.99 f 6149 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1503 B CradlePoint Power Supply TAA-170635-000 Power Supply, vehicle, 12V, 2×2, 2M, Used with IBR600C/IBR650C, IBR900, R500-PLTE 2 f 24.99 f 6150 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1504 B CradlePoint Power Supply TAA-170716-000 Power Supply, 12V Small 2×2 1.5M (North America Type A); Used with IBR1700, IBR900/IBR950, IBR600C/IBR650C, IBR200, E300, R500-PLTE 2 f 24.99 f 6150 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1505 B CradlePoint Power Supply TAA-170717-000 Power Supply, 12V Small 2×2 1.5M (North America-United Kingdom-Europe-Australia Types A-G-C-I); Used with IBR1700, IBR900/IBR950, IBR600C/IBR650C, IBR200, E300, R500-PLTE 2 f 24.99 f 6150 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1506 B CradlePoint POE Injector TAA-170732-001 PoE Injector, 56V w/1.8M (North America Type B) C5 Line Cord; Used with CBA850, CBA550, AP22, L950 1 f 39.99 f 6151 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1507 B CradlePoint Cable TAA-170585-001 GPIO Cable, Small 2×2 Black 3M 22AWG; Used with IBR1700, IBR900, IBR600C/IBR650C, IBR200, R1900, R500-PLTE 1 f 14.49 f 6152 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1508 B CradlePoint Cable TAA-170623-001 Line Cord, 125V C7 1.8M (North America Type A); Used with 170623-000, 170624-000, 170648-000, 170648-001, 170785-000 1 f 9.99 f 6152 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1438 C CradlePoint IOT Renewal TBA1-NCEA-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 156 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1439 C CradlePoint IOT Renewal TBA3-NCEA-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 468 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1440 C CradlePoint IOT Renewal TBA5-NCEA-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 780 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1441 S CradlePoint R500 TAA-TDA3-0500C7C-NN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC IoT Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan for Private Cellular Networks, and R500 router with WiFi (300Mbps modem), with AC power supply and antennas, North America 2 f 831 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1442 S CradlePoint R500 TAA-TDA5-0500C7C-NN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC IoT Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan for Private Cellular Networks, and R500 router with WiFi (300Mbps modem), with AC power supply and antennas, North America 2 f 968 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1443 C CradlePoint IoT PCN Renewal TDA1-NCEA-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan for Private Cellular Networks (requires corresponding Essentials packages) f 156 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1444 C CradlePoint IoT PCN Renewal TDA3-NCEA-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan for Private Cellular Networks (requires corresponding Essentials packages) f 468 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1445 C CradlePoint IoT PCN Renewal TDA5-NCEA-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan for Private Cellular Networks (requires corresponding Essentials packages) f 780 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1446 S CradlePoint IBR200 TAA-TB3-020010M-VNN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC IoT Gateway Essentials Plan and IBR200 router with WiFi (10 Mbps modem) for Verizon 2 f 340 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1447 S CradlePoint IBR200 TAA-TB5-020010M-VNN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC IoT Gateway Essentials Plan and IBR200 router with WiFi (10 Mbps modem) for Verizon 2 f 406 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1448 S CradlePoint IBR200 TAA-TB3-020010M-ANN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC IoT Gateway Essentials Plan and IBR200 router with WiFi (10 Mbps modem) for AT&T and Generic 2 f 340 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1449 S CradlePoint IBR200 TAA-TB5-020010M-ANN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC IoT Gateway Essentials Plan and IBR200 router with WiFi (10 Mbps modem) for AT&T and Generic 2 f 406 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1450 C CradlePoint IOT Renewal TB1-NCESS-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan f 84 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1451 C CradlePoint IOT Renewal TB3-NCESS-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan f 252 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1452 C CradlePoint IOT Renewal TB5-NCESS-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan f 420 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1453 C CradlePoint IOT Advanced TB1-NCADV 1-yr NetCloud IoT Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 72 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1454 C CradlePoint IOT Advanced TB3-NCADV 3-yr NetCloud IoT Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 216 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1455 C CradlePoint IOT Advanced TB5-NCADV 5-yr NetCloud IoT Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 360 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1456 C CradlePoint IOT Advanced Renewal TB1-NCADV-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 72 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1457 C CradlePoint IOT Advanced Renewal TB3-NCADV-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 216 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1458 C CradlePoint IOT Advanced Renewal TB5-NCADV-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 360 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1459 S CradlePoint R500 TAA-TD03-0500C7C-NN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC IoT Essentials Plan for Private Cellular Networks, and R500 router with WiFi (300Mbps modem), with AC power supply and antennas, North America 2 f 626 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1460 S CradlePoint R500 TAA-TD05-0500C7C-NN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC IoT Essentials Plan for Private Cellular Networks, and R500 router with WiFi (300Mbps modem), with AC power supply and antennas, North America 2 f 790 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1317 S CradlePoint L950 TAA-BBA3-0950C7A-N0 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and L950 adapter (300Mbps modem, 4FF SIM), Americas 2 f 1155 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1318 S CradlePoint L950 TAA-BBA5-0950C7A-N0 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and L950 adapter (300Mbps modem, 4FF SIM), Americas 2 f 1438 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1319 S CradlePoint L950 TAA-BBA3-0950C7A-NC 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, PoE Injector, Line Cord and L950 adapter (300Mbps modem, 4FF SIM), North America 2 f 1202 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1320 S CradlePoint L950 TAA-BBA5-0950C7A-NC 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, PoE Injector, Line Cord and L950 adapter (300Mbps modem, 4FF SIM), North America 2 f 1486 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1321 C CradlePoint Branch Adapter Renewal BBA1-NCEA-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 144 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1322 C CradlePoint Branch Adapter Renewal BBA3-NCEA-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 432 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1323 C CradlePoint Branch Adapter Renewal BBA5-NCEA-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 720 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1324 S CradlePoint W2005 TAA-BEA3-20055GB-GN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and W2005 outdoor adapter (5GB modem), NA 2 f 2299 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1325 S CradlePoint W2005 TAA-BEA5-20055GB-GN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and W2005 outdoor adapter (5GB modem), NA 2 f 2799 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1326 S CradlePoint W4005 TAA-BEA3-40055GB-GN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and W4005 outdoor adapter (5GB modem), NA 2 f 4499 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1327 S CradlePoint W4005 TAA-BEA5-40055GB-GN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and W4005 outdoor adapter (5GB modem), NA 2 f 4999 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1328 S CradlePoint W1850 TAA-BEA3-18505GB-GN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and W1850 indoor adapter (5GB modem, 4FF SIM), Americas 2 f 1899 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1329 S CradlePoint W1850 TAA-BEA5-18505GB-GN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and W1850 indoor adapter (5GB modem, 4FF SIM), Americas 2 f 2399 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1330 C CradlePoint Branch 5G Adapter Renewal BEA1-NCEA-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 252 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1331 C CradlePoint Branch 5G Adapter Renewal BEA3-NCEA-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 756 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1332 C CradlePoint Branch 5G Adapter Renewal BEA5-NCEA-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 1260 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1333 S CradlePoint E300 TAA-BFA3-0300C18B-GN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and E300 router with WiFi (1200 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 2951 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1334 S CradlePoint E300 TAA-BFA5-0300C18B-GN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and E300 router with WiFi (1200 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 3999 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1335 S CradlePoint E300 TAA-BFA3-0300C7C-GN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan and E300 router with WiFi (300 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 2347 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1336 S CradlePoint E300 TAA-BFA5-0300C7C-GN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan and E300 router with WiFi (300 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 3397 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1337 S CradlePoint E3000 TAA-BFA3-3000C18B-GN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan and E3000 router with WiFi (1200 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 3435 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1206 S Cisco C8200-PIM-BLANK C8200-PIM-BLANK Cisco Catalyst 8200 Edge PIM Blank 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1338 S CradlePoint E3000 TAA-BFA5-3000C18B-GN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan and E3000 router with WiFi (1200 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 4483 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1339 S CradlePoint E3000 TAA-BFA3-30005GB-GN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan and E3000 router with WiFi (5G modem), North America 2 f 3399 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1340 S CradlePoint E3000 TAA-BFA5-30005GB-GN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan and E3000 router with WiFi (5G modem), North America 2 f 4299 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1344 S CradlePoint E100 TAA-BHA3-0100C4D-NN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC SOHO Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and E100 router with WiFi (150 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 1179 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1345 S CradlePoint E100 TAA-BHA5-0100C4D-NN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC SOHO Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and E100 router with WiFi (150 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 1887 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1346 S CradlePoint E100 TAA-BHA3-0100C7C-GN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC SOHO Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and E100 router with WiFi (300 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 1179 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1347 S CradlePoint E100 TAA-BHA5-0100C7C-GN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC SOHO Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and E100 router with WiFi (300 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 1887 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1348 C CradlePoint Branch SOHO Renewal BHA1-NCEA-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud SOHO Branch Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 330 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1349 C CradlePoint Branch SOHO Renewal BHA3-NCEA-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud SOHO Branch Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 990 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1350 C CradlePoint Branch SOHO Renewal BHA5-NCEA-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud SOHO Branch Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 1650 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1351 S CradlePoint L950 TAA-BB03-0950C7A-N0 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan and L950 adapter (300Mbps modem, 4FF SIM), Americas 2 f 943 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1352 S CradlePoint L950 TAA-BB05-0950C7A-N0 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan and L950 adapter (300Mbps modem, 4FF SIM), Americas 2 f 1084 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1353 S CradlePoint L950 TAA-BB03-0950C7A-NC 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan, PoE Injector, Line Cord and L950 adapter (300Mbps modem, 4FF SIM), North America 2 f 990 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1354 S CradlePoint L950 TAA-BB05-0950C7A-NC 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan, PoE Injector, Line Cord and L950 adapter (300Mbps modem, 4FF SIM), North America 2 f 1132 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1355 C CradlePoint Branch Adapter Renewal BB1-NCESS-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan f 72 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1356 C CradlePoint Branch Adapter Renewal BB3-NCESS-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan f 216 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1357 C CradlePoint Branch Adapter Renewal BB5-NCESS-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan f 360 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1358 C CradlePoint Branch Adapter Advanced BB1-NCADV 1-yr NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 72 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1359 C CradlePoint Branch Adapter Advanced BB3-NCADV 3-yr NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 216 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1360 C CradlePoint Branch Adapter Advanced BB5-NCADV 5-yr NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 360 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1361 C CradlePoint Branch Adapter Advanced Renewal BB1-NCADV-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 72 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1362 C CradlePoint Branch Adapter Advanced Renewal BB3-NCADV-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 216 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1010 S Fortinet FS-248D-USG FS-248D-USG FortiSwitch-248D-USG 3 f 1576 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1363 C CradlePoint Branch Adapter Advanced Renewal BB5-NCADV-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 360 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1364 S CradlePoint W1850 TAA-BE03-18505GB-GN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan and W1850 indoor adapter (5GB modem, 4FF SIM), Americas 2 f 1599 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1365 S CradlePoint W1850 TAA-BE05-18505GB-GN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan and W1850 indoor adapter (5GB modem, 4FF SIM), Americas 2 f 1899 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1366 C CradlePoint Branch 5G Renewal BE01-NCESS-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan f 150 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1367 C CradlePoint Branch 5G Renewal BE03-NCESS-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan f 450 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1368 C CradlePoint Branch 5G Renewal BE05-NCESS-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch 5G Adapter Essentials Plan f 750 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1369 C CradlePoint Branch 5G Advanced BE01-NCADV 1-yr NetCloud Branch 5G Adapter Advanced Plan f 102 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1370 C CradlePoint Branch 5G Advanced BE03-NCADV 3-yr NetCloud Branch 5G Adapter Advanced Plan f 306 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1371 C CradlePoint Branch 5G Advanced BE05-NCADV 5-yr NetCloud Branch 5G Adapter Advanced Plan f 510 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1372 C CradlePoint Branch 5G Advanced Renewal BE01-NCADV-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch 5G Adapter Advanced Plan f 102 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1373 C CradlePoint Branch 5G Advanced Renewal BE03-NCADV-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch 5G Adapter Advanced Plan f 306 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1374 C CradlePoint Branch 5G Advanced Renewal BE05-NCADV-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Branch 5G Adapter Advanced Plan f 510 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1375 S CradlePoint E300 TAA-BF03-0300C18B-GN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan and E300 router with WiFi (1200 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 2229 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1376 S CradlePoint E300 TAA-BF05-0300C18B-GN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan and E300 router with WiFi (1200 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 2795 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1377 S CradlePoint E300 TAA-BF03-0300C7C-GN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan and E300 router with WiFi (300 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 1627 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1378 S CradlePoint E300 TAA-BF05-0300C7C-GN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan and E300 router with WiFi (300 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 2194 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1379 S CradlePoint E3000 TAA-BF03-3000C18B-GN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan and E3000 router with WiFi (1200 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 2713 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1380 S CradlePoint E3000 TAA-BF05-3000C18B-GN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan and E3000 router with WiFi (1200 Mbps modem), North America 2 f 3279 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1381 S CradlePoint E3000 TAA-BF03-30005GB-GN 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan and E3000 router with WiFi (5G modem), North America 2 f 2789 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1382 S CradlePoint E3000 TAA-BF05-30005GB-GN 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan and E3000 router with WiFi (5G modem), North America 2 f 3279 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1383 C CradlePoint Branch Enterprise Renewals BF01-NCESS-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan f 291 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1384 C CradlePoint Branch Enterprise Renewals BF03-NCESS-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan f 873 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1385 C CradlePoint Branch Enterprise Renewals BF05-NCESS-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan f 1455 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1386 C CradlePoint Branch Enterprise Advanced BF01-NCADV 1-yr NetCloud Enterprise Branch Advanced Plan f 240 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1387 C CradlePoint Branch Enterprise Advanced BF03-NCADV 3-yr NetCloud Enterprise Branch Advanced Plan f 720 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1388 C CradlePoint Branch Enterprise Advanced BF05-NCADV 5-yr NetCloud Enterprise Branch Advanced Plan f 1200 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1389 C CradlePoint Branch Enterprise Advanced Renewal BF01-NCADV-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Enterprise Branch Advanced Plan f 240 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1390 C CradlePoint Branch Enterprise Advanced Renewal BF03-NCADV-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Enterprise Branch Advanced Plan f 720 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1391 C CradlePoint Branch Enterprise Advanced Renewal BF05-NCADV-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Enterprise Branch Advanced Plan f 1200 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1392 S CradlePoint IBR1700 TAA-MAA3-1700600M-NA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR1700 router with WiFi (600Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 2359 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1393 S CradlePoint BR1700 TAA-MAA5-1700600M-NA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR1700 router with WiFi (600Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 2996 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1394 S CradlePoint IBR1700 TAA-MAA3-1700120B-NA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR1700 router with WiFi (1200Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 2630 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1395 S CradlePoint IBR1700 TAA-MAA5-1700120B-NA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR1700 router with WiFi (1200Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 3256 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1396 S CradlePoint IBR900 TAA-MAA3-0900600M-NA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR900 router with WiFi (600Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 1745 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1397 S CradlePoint IBR900 TAA-MAA5-0900600M-NA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR900 router with WiFi (600Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 2335 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 886 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG FG-3400E-USG FortiGate-3400E-USG 3 f 125961 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 893 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG FG-3401E-USG FortiGate-3401E-USG 3 f 132259 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 900 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG FG-3600E-USG FortiGate-3600E-USG 3 f 188941 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 907 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG FG-3601E-USG FortiGate-3601E-USG 3 f 195240 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 914 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG FG-3700D-USG FortiGate-3700D-USG 3 f 123050 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 921 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG FG-3960E-USG FortiGate-3960E-USG 3 f 151153 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1235 C Cisco C8300-SM-BLANK C8300-SM-BLANK Cisco Catalyst 8300 Edge SM Blank 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 928 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG FG-3980E-USG FortiGate-3980E-USG 3 f 188941 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 984 S Fortinet FG-5001E1-USG FG-5001E1-USG FortiGate-5001E1-USG 3 f 86670 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 985 S Fortinet FG-5001E1-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-5001E1-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-5001E1-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 156006 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 986 S Fortinet FG-5001E1-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-5001E1-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-5001E1-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 294678 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 987 S Fortinet FG-5001E1-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-5001E1-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-5001E1-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 433350 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 988 S Fortinet FG-5001E1-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-5001E1-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-5001E1-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 143005.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 989 S Fortinet FG-5001E1-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-5001E1-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-5001E1-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 255676.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 990 S Fortinet FG-5001E1-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-5001E1-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-5001E1-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 368347.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 991 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG 3 f 231120 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 998 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG FG-7040E-8-USG FortiGate-7040E-8-USG 3 f 346680 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me00868r02c
EQ90001 1398 S CradlePoint IBR900 TAA-MAA3-0900120B-NA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR900 router with WiFi (1000Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 1897 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1399 S CradlePoint IBR900 TAA-MAA5-0900120B-NA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and IBR900 router with WiFi (1000Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 2489 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1400 C CradlePoint Mobile Renewal MAA1-NCEA-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 354 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1401 C CradlePoint Mobile Renewal MAA3-NCEA-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 1062 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1402 C CradlePoint Mobile Renewal MAA5-NCEA-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Essentials Plan and Advanced Plan f 1770 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1403 S CradlePoint R1900 TAA-MBA3-19005GB-GA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Performance Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and R1900 router with WiFi (5G modem, 4FF SIM), no AC power supply or antennas, Global 2 f 3099 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1461 C CradlePoint IOT PCN Renewal TD01-NCESS-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan for Private Cellular Networks f 84 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1404 S CradlePoint R1900 TAA-MBA5-19005GB-GA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Performance Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and R1900 router with WiFi (5G modem, 4FF SIM), no AC power supply or antennas, Global 2 f 3999 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1408 S CradlePoint IBR1700 TAA-MA3-1700600M-NNA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan and IBR1700 router with WiFi (600Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 1934 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1409 S CradlePoint IBR1700 TAA-MA5-1700600M-NNA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan and IBR1700 router with WiFi (600Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 2288 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1410 S CradlePoint IBR1700 TAA-MA3-1700120B-NNA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan and IBR1700 router with WiFi (1200Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 2205 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1411 S CradlePoint IBR1700 TAA-MA5-1700120B-NNA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan and IBR1700 router with WiFi (1200Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 2548 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1412 S CradlePoint IBR900 TAA-MA3-0900600M-NNA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan and IBR900 router with WiFi (600Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 1320 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1413 S CradlePoint IBR900 TAA-MA5-0900600M-NNA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan and IBR900 router with WiFi (600Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 1627 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1414 S CradlePoint IBR900 TAA-MA3-0900120B-NNA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan and IBR900 router with WiFi (1000Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 1473 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1415 S CradlePoint IBR900 TAA-MA5-0900120B-NNA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Essentials Plan and IBR900 router with WiFi (1000Mbps modem), no AC power supply or antennas, North America 2 f 1781 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1416 C CradlePoint Mobile Renewal MA1-NCESS-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Essentials Plan f 213 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1417 C CradlePoint Mobile Renewal MA3-NCESS-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Essentials Plan f 639 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1418 C CradlePoint Mobile Renewal MA5-NCESS-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Essentials Plan f 1065 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1419 C CradlePoint Mobile Advanced MA1-NCADV 1-yr NetCloud Mobile Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 141 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1420 C CradlePoint Mobile Advanced MA3-NCADV 3-yr NetCloud Mobile Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 423 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1207 S Cisco C-RFID-1R C-RFID-1R Cisco Catalyst 8000 Edge RFID – 1RU 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1208 C Cisco C8000-HSEC C8000-HSEC U.S. Export Restriction Compliance license for C8000 series 1 f 1.01 f 6136 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1209 A Cisco C8200-RM-19-1R C8200-RM-19-1R Cisco Catalyst 8200 Rack mount kit – 19″ 1R 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1210 C Cisco IOSXE-AUTO-MODE IOSXE-AUTO-MODE IOS XE Autonomous boot up mode for Unified image 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1211 C Cisco SC8KBEUK9-175 SC8KBEUK9-175 UNIVERSAL 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1212 S Cisco PWR-CC1-150WAC PWR-CC1-150WAC Cisco C8200 1RU AC 150W PoE Power supply 1 f 1419.46 f 6137 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1213 A Cisco CAB-AC CAB-AC AC Power Cord (North America), C13, NEMA 5-15P, 2.1m 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1214 C Cisco L-DNA-C8200 L-DNA-C8200 Cisco DNA Subscription for Catalyst 8200 Series 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1215 C Cisco C82L-1N-4T-PF C82L-1N-4T-PF C8200L-1N-4T Platform Selection for DNA Subscription 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1216 C Cisco IOSXE-AUTO-MODE-PF IOSXE-AUTO-MODE-PF IOS XE Autonomous boot up mode for Unified image 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1217 C Cisco DNA-P-T1-A-5Y DNA-P-T1-A-5Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 5Y – upto 100M (Aggr, 200M) 1 f 8899.7999999999993 f 6136 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1218 C Cisco SVS-PDNA-T1-A5Y SVS-PDNA-T1-A5Y Solution Support for SW – DNA Advantage OnPrem Lic, T1, 5Y 1 f 1468.8 f 6136 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1219 C Cisco DSTACK-T1-A DSTACK-T1-A Cisco DNA Advantage Stack – upto 100M (Aggr, 200M) 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1220 C Cisco NWSTACK-T1-A NWSTACK-T1-A Cisco Network Advantage Stack – upto 100M (Aggr, 200M) 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1221 C Cisco SDWAN-UMB-ADV SDWAN-UMB-ADV Cisco Umbrella for DNA Advantage 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1222 C Cisco DNAC-ONPREM-PF DNAC-ONPREM-PF Cisco DNA Center On Prem Deployment Option for WAN 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1223 C Cisco DNA-HSEC-ACK DNA-HSEC-ACK Acknowledge to procure the HSEC license with the Hardware 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SA135254104TY me00967r02c
EQ90001 1224 B Cisco C8200-1N-4T C8200-1N-4T Cisco Catalyst C8200-1N-4T Router 3 f 5322.98 f 6134 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_VV135254134OD me00967r02c
EQ90001 1225 C Cisco CON-SSSNT-C82001N4 CON-SSSNT-C82001N4 SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Cisco Catalyst C8200 (12 months) 1 f 771 f 6140 {12} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_VV135254134OD me00967r02c
EQ90001 1226 C Cisco SC8KBEUK9-174 SC8KBEUK9-174 UNIVERSAL 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_VV135254134OD me00967r02c
EQ90001 1227 C Cisco C82-1N-4T-PF C82-1N-4T-PF C8200-1N-4T Platform Selection for DNA Subscription 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_VV135254134OD me00967r02c
EQ90001 1228 C Cisco DNA-P-T2-A-5Y DNA-P-T2-A-5Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 5Y – upto 1G (Aggr, 2G) 1 f 21100.2 f 6136 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_VV135254134OD me00967r02c
EQ90001 1229 C Cisco SVS-PDNA-T2-A5Y SVS-PDNA-T2-A5Y Solution Support for SW – DNA Advantage OnPrem Lic, T2, 5Y 1 f 3481.8 f 6136 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_VV135254134OD me00967r02c
EQ90001 1230 C Cisco DSTACK-T2-A DSTACK-T2-A Cisco DNA Advantage Stack – upto 1G (Aggr, 2G) 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_VV135254134OD me00967r02c
EQ90001 1231 C Cisco NWSTACK-T2-A NWSTACK-T2-A Cisco Network Advantage Stack – upto 1G (Aggr, 2G) 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_VV135254134OD me00967r02c
EQ90001 1233 S Cisco CON-SSSNT-C8304T2X CON-SSSNT-C8304T2X SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Cisco Catalyst C8300 (12 months) 1 f 1992 f 6140 {12} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 1234 S Cisco MEM-C8300-16GB MEM-C8300-16GB Cisco Catalyst 8300 Edge 16GB memory 1 f 2365.77 f 6135 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 1237 A Cisco C8300-RM-19-1R C8300-RM-19-1R Cisco Catalyst 8300 Rack mount kit – 19″ 1R 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 1238 C Cisco SC8KBEUK9-173 SC8KBEUK9-173 UNIVERSAL 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 1239 A Cisco PWR-CC1-250WAC PWR-CC1-250WAC Cisco C8300 1RU 250W AC Power supply 2 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 1240 S Cisco C-NIM-1X C-NIM-1X Cisco NIM Module 1-port 10G SFP/SFP+ with MACSec 3 f 2957.21 f 6109 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 1241 C Cisco L-DNA-C8300 L-DNA-C8300 Cisco DNA Subscription for Catalyst 8300 Series 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 1242 C Cisco C83-1N1S-4T2X-PF C83-1N1S-4T2X-PF C8300-1N1S-4T2X Platform Selection for DNA Subscription 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 1243 C Cisco DNA-P-T3-A-5Y DNA-P-T3-A-5Y Cisco DNA Advantage On-Prem Lic 5Y – upto 10G (Aggr, 20G) 1 f 63900 f 6136 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 1244 C Cisco SVS-PDNA-T3-A5Y SVS-PDNA-T3-A5Y Solution Support for SW – DNA Advantage OnPrem Lic, T3, 5Y 1 f 10543.8 f 6136 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 1245 C Cisco DSTACK-T3-A DSTACK-T3-A Cisco DNA Advantage Stack – upto 10G (Aggr, 20G) 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 1246 C Cisco NWSTACK-T3-A NWSTACK-T3-A Cisco Network Advantage Stack – upto 10G (Aggr, 20G) 1 f 0 f 6000 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_SV135254161QB me00967r02c
EQ90001 1284 S Cisco SM-X-4X1G-1X10G= SM-X-4X1G-1X10G= SM-X module with 4-port dual-mode GE/SFP or 1-port 10G SFP+ 2 f 12918.17 f 6109 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Estimate_YQ134953579FJ (SM-X-4X1G-1X10G=) OLP ref me01017r02c
EQ90001 506 S Cradlepoint E300 E300-C7C 1-yr NetCloud Enterprise Branch Essentials Plan, Advanced Plan, and E300 router with WiFi (150 Mbps modem) 2 f 1181.27 f 6110 {12,24,36,48} 1/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me00856r01c
EQ90001 507 S Cradlepoint IBR600C IBR600C Carrier Grade 3g/4g LTE HSPA 2 f 569 f 6110 {36} 1/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me00856r01c
EQ90001 283 S Polycom 2200-44600-025 2200-44600-025 VVX 600 16-line Business Media Phone with built-in Bluetooth and HD Voice. Compatible Partner platforms: 20. POE. Ships without power supply. 3 year partner premier service is included for China 1 f 479 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 289 S Polycom 2200-15660-001 2200-15660-001 SoundStation IP6000 (SIP) conf phone. AC pwr or 802.3af Power over Ethernet. Incl 100-240V power supply, 0.4A, 48V/19W; NA power plug; 25ft/7.6m Cat5 shielded Ethernet cable; Pwr Insert Cable. Expandable. Does not include Brazil. 1 f 1029 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 208 A Jabra 1989-820-105 1989-820-105 Jabra BIZ1925 Duo NC f 65 f 6000 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
EQ90001 169 S Cisco C2951-VSEC/K9 C2951-VSEC/K9 Cisco 2951 Voice Sec. Bundle, PVDM3-32, UC&SEC Lic, FL- CUBE10 4 f 10795 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1;
EQ90001 17 B Adtran BSAP 2035 1700949F1 Bluesocket Access Point 2035 (BSAP 2035) for vWLAN; concurrent dual band (2.4 GHz/5 GHz) 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, 3×3:3 MIMO (1.3 Gbps for 5 GHz and 450 Mbps for 2.4 GHz) with 6 RP-SMA jack antenna connectors. No internal antenna. 1 f 795 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 172 S Cisco C3925-VSEC/K9 C3925-VSEC/K9 Cisco 3925 Voice Sec. Bundle, PVDM3-64, UC&SEC Lic, FL- CUBE25 4 f 14125 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1;
EQ90001 175 S Cisco CISCO2951-HSEC+/K9 CISCO2951-HSEC+/K9 VPN ISM module HSEC bundles for 2951 ISR platform 4 f 12450 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 VPNS-6(3): IPS-7(2);
EQ90001 177 S Cisco C3945-VSEC/K9 C3945-VSEC/K9 Cisco 3945 Voice Sec. Bundle, PVDM3-64, UC&SEC Lic, FL- CUBE25 4 f 18150 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1;
EQ90001 178 S Cisco CISCO3945-HSEC+/K9 CISCO3945-HSEC+/K9 VPN ISM module HSEC bundles for 3945 ISR platform 5 f 20250 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
EQ90001 32 S Adtran TA908 (2nd Gen) 4212908L1 Total Access 908 – T1 network interface, 8 FXS ports, DSX-1 port,10/100 BaseT and IP Router. Includes G.168 Echo Cancellation and support for G.711 and G.729a CODECs. Supports VoIP applications using SIP. Router features include OSPF, BGP, RIP V1 and V2 3 f 1150 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 4 C Adtran BSAP 1920/25/30/35 1700926F1 POE Injector AF – BSAP 1920/25/30/35 1 f 85 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 6 C Adtran N/A 1700957F1 A set of three 2.4 GHz and three 5 GHz RP-SMA Omni-directional antennas with 5 dBi gain for the BSAP 2035 1 f 95 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 8 S Adtran NetVanta T1/FT1 Network Interface Module 1202862L1 T1/FT1 Network Interface Module (NIM) for NetVanta modular routers and multiservice access routers equipped with a NIM slot. Provides T1/FT1 network interface. 2 f 300 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 9 S Adtran NetVanta 1531 12 Port 1700570F1 12 Port Managed Layer 3 Lite Gigabit Ethernet Switch. 2 f 359 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 11 B Adtran BSAP 1925 1700955F1 Bluesocket Access Point 1925 (BSAP 1925) for vWLAN; concurrent dual band (2.4 GHz/5 GHz) 802.11a/b/g/n, 2×2:2 MIMO (300 Mbps per radio) with 4 RP-SMA jack antenna connectors. No internal antenna. Requires external antennas sold separately. 1 f 595 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 12 C Adtran BSAP 2020 1700945F1 BSAP 2020 11AC 2X2 2 INT ANT 1 f 495 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 14 S Adtran NetVanta 1531 12 Port w POE 1700571F1 12 Port Managed Layer 3 Lite Gigabit Ethernet Switch POE. Features include 16 Static Routes, 802.1Q VLANs, GVRP, 802.1p QoS, 802.1w 2 f 559 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 16 C Adtran BSAP 2030 1700948F1 BSAP 2030 11AC 3X3 3 INT ANT INTERNETWORKING ACCESS POINT 1 f 795 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 2 C Adtran N/A 1700931F1 A set of three 2.4 GHz and three 5 GHz RP-SMA Omni-directional antennas with 3 dBi gain for the BSAP 1935 1 f 50 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 3 S Adtran Analog Installation Kit for Adtran TA9xx 1800001L1 KIT_INSTALL KIT FOR ADTRAN TA900/900E IADS_METTEL 2 f 130 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 486 C Panorama WMM8G-7-38 WMM8G-7-38-5SP Panorama MiMo Antenna and Bracket Kit (WMM8G-7-38 MiMo Directional Antenna) 2 f 173 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2021 7/31/2027 me00595r02c
EQ90001 20 S Adtran NetVanta 3205 Chassis (3rd Gen) 1203870G1 Access router for frame relay and point-to-point connectivity. Includes modular network interface and10/100BaseT Ethernet port. Features include IP routing, OSPF, BGP, RIP V1 and V2, Static routes, 802.1d Bridging (all protocols), Command Line Interface 3 f 795 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 22 S Adtran NetVanta 3430 Chassis (2nd Generation) 1202820G1 Modular access router that includes one (1) network interface slot and two (2) integral10/100BaseT Ethernet ports. Supports all current NetVanta Interface Modules. Desktop, wallmount, or rackmount 1U metal chassis. 3 f 895 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 24 S Adtran NetVanta 1238 Switch 1702598G1 48 Port Managed Layer 3 Lite Fast Ethernet Switch with quad Gigabit uplinks 3 f 995 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 26 S Adtran NetVanta 3205 w/ T1/FT1 NIM 4200872L1 Access router for frame relay and point-to-point connectivity. Includes modular network interface and10/100BaseT Ethernet port. Features include IP routing, OSPF, BGP, RIP V1 and V2, Static routes, 802.1d Bridging (all protocols), Command Line Interface 3 f 1095 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 28 B Adtran BSAP 1930 1700950F1 Bluesocket Access Point 1930 (BSAP 1930) for vWLAN; concurrent dual band (2.4 GHz/5 GHz) 802.11a/b/g/n, 3×3:3 MIMO (450 Mbps per radio) with internal Omni-directional antennas. No external antenna connectors. Includes wall/ceiling mount kit. 1 f 945 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 31 S Adtran NetVanta 1534 Switch 28 Port 1702590G1 28 Port Managed Layer 3 Lite Gigabit Ethernet Switch. Features include 16 Static Routes, 802.1Q VLANs, GVRP, 802.1p QoS 3 f 1245 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 33 S Adtran NetVanta 1234 Switch W/POE 1703595G1 24 Port Managed Layer 3 Lite Fast Ethernet Switch with quad Gigabit uplinks, supporting 802.3af & Legacy Power over Ethernet 3 f 1445 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 34 S Adtran NetVanta 3430 with Dual T1 NIM 4202820L1 Modular access router that includes an integrated Dual T1 NIM and two (2) integral10/100BaseT Ethernet ports. Supports all current NetVanta Interface Modules. Desktop, wallmount, or rackmount 1U metal chassis. 3 f 1540 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 36 S Adtran Netvanta 1335 Switch/Router with 24 Ports 1700515G2#120 24 Port Layer 2/3 Ethernet Switch with Integral Router. Switching features include Layer 2 and Layer 3 switching, 802.1Q VLANs 3 f 1595 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 38 S Adtran Adtran TA912 (2nd Gen) 4212912L1 Total Access 912 – T1 network interface, 12 FXS ports, DSX-1 port,10/100 BaseT and IP Router. Includes G.168 Echo Cancellation and support for G.711 and G.729a CODECs. Supports VoIP applications using SIP. Router features include OSPF, BGP, RIP V1 and V2 3 f 1450 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 41 S Adtran NetVanta 3458 Chassis 1200824G1 Modular access router that includes two (2) network interface slots, two (2) integral10/100BaseT Ethernet ports, and an integrated eight (8) port fully-managed Layer 2 ethernet switch with optional Power over Ethernet (PoE) capability. 3 f 2095 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 43 S Adtran Adtran TA908e (Dual Ethernet Port) (3rd Gen) 4243908F1 Total Access 908e IP Business Gateway- Designed for WAN flexibility using Ethernet or T1 WAN. Includes 1 Gigabit 10/100/1000 BaseT port, two 10/100 BaseT interfaces, four T1 interfaces ,8 FXS ports, and IP Router. 3 f 2295 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 45 S Adtran NetVanta 1238 Switch W/POE 1703599G1 48 Port Managed Layer 3 Lite Fast Ethernet Switch with quad Gigabit uplinks, supporting 802.3af and Legacy Power over Ethernet 3 f 2195 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 47 S Adtran NetVanta 1544 28 Port GIG E Switch 1702544G1 28 Port Managed Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Switch. Features include 802.1Q VLANs, GVRP, 802.1p QoS, 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree 3 f 2295 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 1 C Adtran N/A 1700932F1 A set of two 2.4 GHz and two 5 GHz RP-SMA Omni-directional antennas with 3 dBi gain for the BSAP 1925. 1 f 35 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 56 S Adtran Adtran TA924e (Dual Ethernet Port) (3rd Gen) 4243924F1 Total Access 924e IP Business Gateway- Designed for WAN flexibility using Ethernet or T1 WAN. Includes 1 Gigabit 10/100/1000 BaseT port, two 10/100 BaseT interfaces, four T1 interfaces ,24 FXS ports, and IP Router. 4 f 2970 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 57 S Adtran NetVanta 1544P 28 Port GIG E Switch w/ POE 1702545G2 28 Port Managed Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Switch supporting 802.3af and Legacy Power over Ethernet. Features include 802.1Q VLANs, GVRP, 802.1p QoS 4 f 3495 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 58 S Adtran Adtran TA924e (16 FXS + 8 FXO) (Dual Ethernet Port) (3rd Gen) 4243924F3 Total Access 924e IP Business Gateway- Designed for WAN flexibility using Ethernet or T1 WAN. Includes 1 Gigabit 10/100/1000 BaseT port, two 10/100 BaseT interfaces, four T1 interfaces , 16 FXS ports, and IP Router. 4 f 3145 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 59 S Adtran NetVanta 4305 chassis with Octal T1 Wide Module 42008930 Access router for frame relay and point-to-point connectivity. Includes Octal T1/E1 Wide Module. Also has 2 NIM/DIM slots for existing NIMs and DIMs and 2 integral10/100BaseT Ethernet ports. Features include IP routing, OSPF, RIP V1 and V2 4 f 3990 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 128 S AT&T CL2940 CL2940 AT&T CL2940 Corded Phone with Speakerphone and Large Tilt Display f 29.99 t 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 CSVS-1: CSVS-2
EQ90001 60 S Adtran NetVanta 1544F 28 Port Fiber Switch 1700546G1#120 28 Port Managed Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Switch. Includes 24 – SFP Gigabit (1Gbps) access ports and 4 – Enhanced SFP Gigabit (1Gbps/2.5Gbps) Ethernet Ports. Features include 802.1Q VLANs, GVRP, 802.1p QoS, 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree 4 f 3995 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 61 S Adtran NetVanta 644 1700144G1 NetVanta 644 in 4 T1/E1 SIP Gateway 4 f 4495 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 62 S Adtran Netvanta 1638P 4700569F1 Managed, 48-port PoE, Layer 3, Gigabit Ethernet switch providing advanced access and distribution capabilities for Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). 4 f 5495 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 46 S Adtran Adtran TA924 4212924L2 Total Access 924, 16 FXS + 8 FXO – T1 network interface, 16 FXS ports, 8 FXO ports, DSX-1 port,10/100 BaseT and IP Router. Includes G.168 Echo Cancellation and support for G.711 and G.729a CODECs. Supports VoIP applications using SIP. 3 f 1975 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 64 S Adtran NetVanta 5305 with T3 Wide Module 4200992L1 Access router for frame relay and point-to-point connectivity. Features include IP routing, OSPF, RIP V1 and V2, Static routes, 802.1d Bridging (all protocols) 4 f 8890 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 25 B Adtran BSAP 1940 1700952F1 Bluesocket Access Point 1940 (BSAP 1940) for vWLAN; rated for outdoors and harsh environments, concurrent dual band (2.4 GHz/5 GHz) 802.11a/b/g/n, 3×3:3 MIMO (450 Mbps per radio) with 6 Type N jack antenna connectors. No internal antenna. 1 f 1395 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 48 S Adtran Netvanta 1335 Switch/Router with 24 Ports/POE 170052500 24 Port Layer 2/3 Ethernet Switch with Integral Router supporting 802.3af and pre-standard Power over Ethernet 3 f 2395 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 49 S Adtran NetVanta 4305 12028900 Access router for frame relay and point-to-point connectivity. Includes 2 NIM/DIM slots for existing NIMs and DIMs, 1 slot for a Wide Module (T3 and HSSI Wide Modules not currently supported), and 2 integral10/100BaseT Ethernet ports. 3 f 2495 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 50 S Adtran NetVanta 3458 Chassis with 8xPoE ports 4200824G11#120 Modular access router that includes two (2) network interface slots, two (2) integral10/100BaseT Ethernet ports, and an integrated eight (8) port fully-managed Layer 2 ethernet switch with Power over Ethernet (PoE) capability included. 3 f 2640 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 51 S Adtran NetVanta 4430 17006300 Access Router designed for Internet access, MPLS, frame relay, Ethernet services, point-to-point, and VPN connectivity. Includes 2 NIM/DIM slots for existing NIMs and DIMs, 1 slot for a Wide Module (T3 and HSSI Wide Modules not currently supported) 4 f 2895 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 52 S Adtran Adtran TA916e (Dual Ethernet Port) (3rd Gen) 4243916F1 Total Access 916e IP Business Gateway- Designed for WAN flexibility using Ethernet or T1 WAN. Includes 1 Gigabit 10/100/1000 BaseT port, two 10/100 BaseT interfaces, four T1 interfaces ,16 FXS ports, and IP Router. 4 f 2720 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 54 B Adtran BlueSocket WLAN 1700900F2 Bluesocket VWLAN Appliance Hardware 3 f 1995 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 55 S Adtran Adtran TA924e (Dual Ethernet Port) (2nd Gen) 4242924L1 Total Access 924e – Four T1 network interfaces (two of the T1’s can be configured for DSX-1 applications), 24 FXS ports, two 10/100 BaseT interfaces, single FXO interface and IP Router. Includes G.168 Echo Cancellation 4 f 2995 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 10 B Adtran BSAP 1920 1700954F1 Bluesocket Access Point 1920 (BSAP 1920) for vWLAN; concurrent dual band (2.4 GHz/5 GHz) 802.11a/b/g/n, 2×2:2 MIMO (300 Mbps per radio) with internal Omni-directional antennas. 1 f 595 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 256 A Plantronics CS510 84691-01 Plantronics CS510 2 f 329.95 f 6000 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
EQ90001 127 S AT&T CL2909 CL2909 AT&T CL2909 Corded Phone with Caller ID, White f 29.99 t 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 CSVS-1: CSVS-2
EQ90001 129 S AT&T Unite Pro MiFi Unite Pro MiFi AT&T Network; Supports 4G LTE & LTE Advanced connectivity, Dual-band Wi-Fi, Connect up to 15 Wi-Fi devices, Up to 16 hours of battery life, Intuitive color touchscreen for data usage and connection status, Battery Boost your smartphone 2 f 149.99 t 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network
EQ90001 13 S Adtran NetVanta 3120 1700601G2 Fixed-port Ethernet secure access IP router with integral 4-port switch. Security features include stateful inspection firewall and IPSec VPN support. Routing features include IP routing, static routes, RIP v1/v2, OSPF, and BGP. 2 f 515 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 257 A Plantronics CS520 84692-01 Plantronics CS520 2 f 349.95 f 6003 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
EQ90001 130 S AT&T Beam AirCard 340U Beam AirCard 340U AT&T Network; LCD interface with signal strength, data usage, and network information. Compatible with Windows 8 devices, Global roaming with compatibility in more than 200 countries, Plug and play installation with the Setup Wizard, no CD required. 2 f 99.99 t 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network
EQ90001 131 S AT&T Unite MiFi Unite MiFi AT&T Network; Connect up to five Wi-Fi enabled devices simultaneously, 4G LTE, Compatible with Window, MAC, or Linux OS, Battery: 5 hours usage, Plug and play in requires no cables or software installation 2 f 99.99 t 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network
EQ90001 139 C Cisco PWR-2901-POE PWR-2901-POE Cisco 2901 AC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet 2 f 250 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1;
EQ90001 29 B Adtran BSAP 1935 1700951F1 Bluesocket Access Point 1935 (BSAP 1935) for vWLAN; concurrent dual band (2.4 GHz/5 GHz) 802.11a/b/g/n, 3×3:3 MIMO (450 Mbps per radio) with 6 RP-SMA jack antenna connectors. No internal antenna. Requires external antennas sold separately. 1 f 945 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 285 S Polycom 2200-12770-025 2200-12770-025 SoundPoint IP Color Display Expansion Module for SoundPoint IP 670 SIP desktop IP phone. 1 f 319 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 143 C Cisco PWR-2921-51-POE= PWR-2921-51-POE= Cisco 2921/2951 AC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet 2 f 920 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1;
EQ90001 149 C Cisco EHWIC-VA-DSL-A EHWIC-VA-DSL-A Multi Mode VDSL2/ADSL/2/2+ EHWIC Annex A 3 f 800 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 VPNS-4: IPS-5(optional);
EQ90001 15 S Adtran NetVanta 1234 Switch 1703594G1 24 Port Managed Layer 3 Lite Fast Ethernet Switch with quad Gigabit uplinks 3 f 595 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 153 S Cisco CISCO1921/K9 CISCO1921/K9 C1921 Modular Router, 2 GE, 2 EHWIC slots, 512DRAM, IP Base 3 f 1195 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPS-2 (1): IPS-4(1;2): IPS-7(2);
EQ90001 161 S Cisco CISCO1921-T1SEC/K9 CISCO1921-T1SEC/K9 Cisco 1921 T1 Bundle incl. HWIC-1DSU-T1,256F/512D, SEC Lic 3 f 2295 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPS-4(1;2);
EQ90001 165 S Cisco CISCO1941-HSEC+/K9 CISCO1941-HSEC+/K9 VPN ISM module HSEC bundles for 1941 ISR platform 4 f 5345 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
EQ90001 30 S Adtran Adtran TA904 (2nd Gen) 4212904L1 Total Access 904 – T1 network interface, 4 FXS ports, DSX-1 port,10/100 BaseT and IP Router. Includes G.168 Echo Cancellation and support for G.711 and G.729a CODECs. Supports VoIP applications using SIP. Router features include OSPF, BGP, RIP V1 and V2 3 f 1025 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 287 S Polycom 2200-12670-001 2200-12670-001 SoundPoint IP 670 6-line color display IP phone with HD Voice. Compatible Partner platforms, 20. Ship with 48V 0.4A universal power adapter with NA power plug. 3 year partner premier service is included for China 1 f 629 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 198 S Digi Transport WR 11 (VZ Only) Transport WR 11 (VZ Only) LTE in VERIZON L8 700/1700 AWS MHz, No 2G 3G fall back, Transfer rate max 50 Mbps Up, 100 Mbps Down, 1 RJ-45 port 2 f 279.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6
EQ90001 199 S Digi Transport WR 11 (VZ & AT&T) Transport WR 11 (VZ & AT&T) LTE in NORTH AMERICA (L6) 700 850 1700 (AWS) 1900 MHz, 2G 3G fall back to 850 1900 MHz, Transfer rate (max): 50 Mbps Up, 100 Mbps Down1 RJ-45 port 2 f 329.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6
EQ90001 200 S Digi Transport WR 21 Transport WR 21 “LTE – NORTH AMERICA (L5) Multi-Carrier (Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint) 700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz; 2G/3G GSM fall back to 850/900/1700AWS/1800/1900/2100 MHz; 2 f 579.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6
EQ90001 5 C Adtran N/A 1700930F1 A set of three 2.4 GHz and three 5 GHz Type N Omni-directional antennas with 5/7 dBi gain respectively for the BSAP 1940 1 f 85 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 Wi-Fi
EQ90001 201 S Ellipsis Jetpack MHS800L Hotspot Jetpack MHS800L Hotspot Verizon Network; 4G LTE network speed, Compatible with Windows or Mac, Connect up to 8 Wi-Fi devices, Up to 10 hours of use 2 f 99.99 t 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network
EQ90001 207 A Jabra 1983-820-105 1983-820-105 Jabra BIZ 1920 Mono with Quick Disconnect (QD) Plug f 60 f 6000 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
EQ90001 209 A Jabra 2499-823-105 2499-823-105 JABRA BIZ 2400 DUO, IP f 219 f 6000 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
EQ90001 210 S Juniper SSG5-128M SSG-5-SB-M Juniper SSG5 128M 2 f 700 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
EQ90001 211 S Juniper SSG5-256M SSG-5-SH Juniper SSG5 256M 2 f 900 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
EQ90001 291 S Polycom 2200-40000-001 2200-40000-001 SoundStation IP 7000 (SIP) conference phone. 802.3af Power over Ethernet. Expandable. Includes 25ft/7.6m CAT5 shielded Ethernet cable. Does not include Russia. 1 f 1339 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 53 S Adtran Adtran TA916e (Dual Ethernet Port) (2nd Gen) 4242916L1 Total Access 916e – Four T1 network interfaces (two of the T1’s can be configured for DSX-1 applications), 16 FXS ports, two 10/100 BaseT interfaces, single FXO interface and IP Router. Includes G.168 Echo Cancellation 4 f 2745 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 7 S Adtran Battery Backup 604/608/904/908 1200641L1 Total Access 604, 608, 904 and 908 battery backup system. Supplies 8 hours of uninterrupted backup power. Wall mount. 2 f 175 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 37 S Adtran NetVanta 3305 with T1/FT1 NIM 4200882L1 Access router for frame relay and point-to-point connectivity. Includes 2 modular network interface slots and 2 integral10/100BaseT Ethernet ports. Features include IP routing, OSPF, BGP, RIP V1 and V2, Static routes, 802.1d Bridging (all protocols) 3 f 1595 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 232 S NETGEAR 341U AirCard 341U AirCard Sprint Network; Enjoy 4G LTE internet connectivity for faster emailing, sharing, browsing, and streaming so that you can stay productive no matter where you are, LCD screen display 2 f 99.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network
EQ90001 233 S NETGEAR Zing MiFi Zing MiFi Sprint Network; Perfect for international travel since this device roams on over 185 international networks, Improved battery life of up to 10 hours of continuous use, and up to 10 days of standby, Easy to share 4G LTE speeds with up to 10 Wi-Fi devices 2 f 99.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network
EQ90001 18 S Adtran NetVanta Dual T1/FT1 Network Interface Module 1202872L1 Dual T1/FT1 Network Interface Module (NIM) for NetVanta Modular routers. 2nd GEN model supports independent timing on each T1 interface and supports v.90 Analog modem DIM only (no ISDN DIM support). 3 f 645 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 39 S Adtran NetVanta 3450 Chassis 1200823G1 Modular access router that includes two (2) network interface slots and two (2) integral10/100BaseT Ethernet ports. 1U metal chassis with 19″ rackmount brackets included. 3 f 1795 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 243 S Panasonic KX-TSC11B 43191504 Panasonic KX-TSC11B – corded phone with caller ID/call waiting 1 f 25.99 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 244 S Panasonic KX-TPA50B04 KX-TPA50B04 TPA50 Additional Handset for KX-TGP500 and KX-TGP550 1 f 99.95 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 245 S Panasonic KX-TPA60 KX-TPA60 TPA60 Additional Handset for KX-TGP600 1 f 109 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 246 S Panasonic KX-TGP600G KX-TGP600G TGP600 Smart IP Wireless DECT Base 1 f 129 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 247 S Panasonic KX-TPA65 KX-TPA65 KX-TPA65 Desktop DECT Phone 1 f 159 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 248 S Panasonic KX-TGP600 KX-TGP600 TGP600 Smart IP Wireless Phone System 1 f 199 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 249 S Panasonic KX-TGP500B04 KX-TGP500B04 TGP500 SIP DECT Phone Cordless Base with 1 TPA50 1 f 199.95 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 250 S Panasonic KX-TGP500B04-EKEY KX-TGP500B04-EKEY TGP500 SIP DECT Phone Cordless Base with 1 TPA50 – with Encrypt Key 1 f 199.95 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 251 S Panasonic KX-UDT121 KX-UDT121 UDT121 SIP Multi-Cell DECT Phone 1 f 279 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 252 S Panasonic KX-TGP550T04 KX-TGP550T04 TGP550 SIP DECT Phone Corded / Cordless Base with 1 TPA50 1 f 299.95 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 253 S Panasonic KX-TGP550T04-EKEY KX-TGP550T04-EKEY TGP550 SIP DECT Phone Corded / Cordless Base with 1 TPA50 – with Encrypt Key 1 f 299.95 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 19 S Adtran NetVanta 3200 Chassis (3rd Gen) 1203860G1 Access router for frame relay and point-to-point connectivity. Includes modular network interface and10/100BaseT Ethernet port. Features include IP routing, OSPF, BGP, RIP V1 and V2, Static routes, 802.1d Bridging (all protocols), Command Line Interface 3 f 695 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 40 S Adtran Adtran TA916 (2nd Gen) 4212916L1 Total Access 916 – T1 network interface, 16 FXS ports, DSX-1 port,10/100 BaseT and IP Router. Includes G.168 Echo Cancellation and support for G.711 and G.729a CODECs. Supports VoIP applications using SIP. Router features include OSPF, BGP, RIP V1 and V2 3 f 1575 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 254 S Panasonic KX-UDT131 KX-UDT131 UDT131 Rugged SIP Multi-Cell DECT Phone 1 f 379 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 255 A Plantronics CS540 84693-01 Plantronics CS540 2 f 319.95 f 6003 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
EQ90001 258 S Polycom 2200-17671-001 2200-17671-001 Universal Power Supply for SoundPoint IP 560 and 670, VVX 500/600 and VVX 1500 Product Family. 1-pack, 48V, 0.4A, NA power plug. 1 f 35 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 259 S Polycom 2200-46300-025 2200-46300-025 VVX Expansion Module (Paper directory) for VVX 300, 310, 400, 410, 500 and 600. Includes AUX cable and attachment hardware. 1 f 105 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 260 S Polycom 2200-46135-025 2200-46135-025 VVX 300 6-line Desktop Phone with HD Voice. Compatible Partner platforms: 20. POE. Ships without power supply. 3 year partner premier service is included for China 1 f 179 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 261 S Polycom 2200-12375-025 2200-12375-025 SoundPoint IP 335, 2-line SIP desktop phone with HD Voice, integrated 2-port 10/100 Ethernet switch and PoE support. Compatible Partner platform: 20. Does not include AC power supply 1 f 199 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 262 S Polycom 2200-46200-025 2200-46200-025 VVX Camera. Plug-n-Play USB camera for use with the VVX 500 and VVX 600 Business Media phones 1 f 129 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 263 S Polycom 2200-46161-025 2200-46161-025 VVX 310 6-line Desktop Phone Gigabit Ethernet with HD Voice. Compatible Partner platforms: 20. POE. Ships without power supply. 3 year partner premier service is included for China 1 f 219 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 264 S Polycom 2200-17878-001 2200-17878-001 Universal Power Supply for SPIP 321, SPIP 331, SPIP 33 SPIP 450. 1-pack, 24V, 0.5A, NA power plug. 1 f 219 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 21 S Adtran Netvanta 3140 RM 1700341F1 Rack mountable platform is a fixed-port, high-performance Ethernet router supporting converged access and high-quality voice services. It provides three routed, autosensing Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. 3 f 845 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1: AA-20: AA-21: AA-22
EQ90001 42 S Adtran Adtran TA908e (Dual Ethernet Port) (2nd Gen) 4242908L1 Total Access 908e – Four T1 network interfaces (two of the T1’s can be configured for DSX-1 applications), 8 FXS ports, two 10/100 BaseT interfaces, single FXO interface and IP Router. Includes G.168 Echo Cancellation 3 f 2320 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 265 S Polycom 2200-46135-001 2200-46135-001 VVX 300 6-line Desktop Phone with HD Voice. Ships with universal power supply with NA power plug. 1 f 209 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 266 S Polycom 2200-46161-001 2200-46161-001 VVX 310 6-line Desktop Phone Gigabit Ethernet with HD Voice. Ships with universal power supply with NA power plug. 1 f 249 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 267 S Polycom 2200-46157-025 2200-46157-025 VVX 400 12-line Desktop Phone with HD Voice. Compatible Partner platforms: 20. POE. Ships without power supply. 3 year partner premier service is included for China 1 f 259 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 268 S Polycom 2200-46162-025 2200-46162-025 VVX 410 12-line Desktop Phone Gigabit Ethernet with HD Voice. Compatible Partner platforms: 20. POE. Ships without power supply. 3 year partner premier service is included for China 1 f 299 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 269 S Polycom 2200-12450-025 2200-12450-025 SoundPoint IP 450 3-line IP phone with HD Voice. Compatible Partner platforms, 20. Ships without power supply. 1 f 309.99 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 270 S Polycom 2200-46157-001 2200-46157-001 VVX 400 12-line Desktop Phone with HD Voice. Ships with universal power supply with NA power plug. 1 f 289 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 271 S Polycom 2200-12450-001 2200-12450-001 SoundPoint IP 450 3-line IP phone with HD Voice. Compatible Partner platforms, 20. Ships with 24V 0.5A universal power adapter with NA power plug. 1 f 329 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 272 S Polycom 2200-46162-001 2200-46162-001 VVX 410 12-line Desktop Phone Gigabit Ethernet with HD Voice. Ships with universal power supply with NA power plug. 1 f 329 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 273 S Polycom 2200-12550-025 2200-12550-025 SoundPoint IP 550 SIP 4 line IP desktop phones with HD voice. Compatible Partner Platforms: 20. Does not include AC power supply 1 f 355 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 274 S Polycom 2200-46350-025 2200-46350-025 VVX Color Expansion Module for VVX 300, 310, 400, 410, 500 and 600. Includes AUX cable and attachment hardware. 1 f 225 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 275 S Polycom 2200-12550-001 2200-12550-001 SoundPoint IP 550 SIP 4 line IP desktop phones with HD voice. Compatible Partner Platforms: 20. Ships with universal power supply with NA power plug. 1 f 369 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 276 S Polycom 2200-44500-025 2200-44500-025 VVX 500 12-line Business Media Phone with HD Voice. Compatible Partner platforms: 20. POE. Ships without power supply. 3 year partner premier service is included for China 1 f 379 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 277 S Polycom 2200-44500-001 2200-44500-001 VVX 500 12-line Business Media Phone with HD Voice. Ships with universal power supply with NA power plug. 1 f 409 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 278 S Polycom 2200-12651-025 2200-12651-025 SoundPoint IP 650 6-line IP phone with HD Voice. Compatible Partner platforms, 20. Does not include AC power supply 1 f 435 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 279 S Polycom 2200-12750-025 2200-12750-025 SoundPoint IP Backlit Expansion Module for SoundPoint IP 650 SIP desktop IP phone. 1 f 279 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 280 S Polycom 2200-12560-025 2200-12560-025 SoundPoint IP 560 SIP 4 line Gigabit Ethernet IP desktop phone with HD voice. Compatible Partner Platforms: 20. Ships without power supply. 1 f 449 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 281 S Polycom 2200-12651-001 2200-12651-001 SoundPoint IP 650 6-line IP phone with HD Voice. Compatible Partner platforms, 20. Ship with 24V 0.5A universal power adapter with NA power plug. 1 f 449 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 282 S Polycom 2200-12560-001 2200-12560-001 SoundPoint IP 560 SIP 4 line Gigabit Ethernet IP desktop phone with HD voice. Compatible Partner platforms, 20. Includes AC power supply with plug for North America. 1 f 469 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 284 S Polycom 2200-44600-001 2200-44600-001 VVX 600 16-line Business Media Phone with built-in Bluetooth and HD Voice. Ships with universal power supply with NA power plug. 1 f 509 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 286 S Polycom 2200-12670-025 2200-12670-025 SoundPoint IP 670 6-line color display IP phone with HD Voice. Compatible Partner platforms, 20. Ships without power supply. 1 f 599 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 288 S Polycom 2200-15600-001 2200-15600-001 SoundStation IP 6000 (SIP) conference phone. 802.3af Power over Ethernet. Expandable. Includes 25ft/7.6m Cat5 shielded Ethernet cable. Does not include China, Russia. 1 f 929 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 290 S Polycom 2200-18061-025 2200-18061-025 VVX 1500 6-line Business Media Phone with video capability and HD Voice, POE. Ships without power supply. 3 year partner premier service is included for China 1 f 1099 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 292 S Polycom 2230-40300-001 2230-40300-001 SoundStation IP 7000 (SIP) conf phone. AC pwr or 802.3af Power over Ethernet. Incl 100-240V power supply, 1.5A, 48V/50W; NA power plug; 25ft/7.6m Cat5 shielded Ethernet cable; Pwr Insert Cable. Expandable. Does not include Brazil. 1 f 1449 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 23 S Adtran NetVanta 3200 with T1/FT1 NIM 4200862L1 Access router for frame relay and point-to-point connectivity. Includes modular network interface and10/100BaseT Ethernet port. Features include IP routing, OSPF, BGP, RIP V1 and V2, Static routes, 802.1d Bridging (all protocols), Command Line Interface 3 f 995 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 44 S Adtran Adtran TA924 (2nd Gen) 4212924L1 Total Access 924 – T1 network interface, 24 FXS ports, DSX-1 port,10/100 BaseT and IP Router. Includes G.168 Echo Cancellation and support for G.711 and G.729a CODECs. Supports VoIP applications using SIP. Router features include OSPF, BGP, RIP V1 and V2 3 f 1825 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 IPVS-1
EQ90001 334 S Sierra Wireless AirCard 250U AirCard 250U Sprint Network; Provides instant internet access to laptops or desktops with USB connection, Sprint 3G or 4G network, Compatible with Windows, MAC or Linux OS, No certification or installation permission on host PC required 2 f 99.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network
EQ90001 335 S Sierra Wireless Overdrive Pro MiFi Overdrive Pro MiFi Sprint Network; Connect up to eight Wi-Fi enabled devices simultaneously, Sprint 3G or 4G network, Compatible with Window, MAC or Linux OS, Battery: 4 hours usage, 36 hours standby, Plug and play requires no cables or software installation 2 f 99.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network
EQ90001 338 A Surface 3 Pen Pen Palm block technology: so you can rest your palm on the screen, Wireless connectivity to the device f 49.99 f 6002 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
EQ90001 339 A Surface 3 Type Cover Type Cover Colorful, backlit mechanical keyboard, Windows shortcut, function, and media keys, and touchpad, Doubles as a protective cover f 129.99 f 6002 7/31/2017 7/31/2027
EQ90001 343 S Verizon 4GLTE USB AirCard Modem 551L 4GLTE USB AirCard Modem 551L Verizon Network; 3.46in long, 4G LTE network speed, Compatible with Windows or MAC, USB compatible, Fold away USB connector 2 f 99.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network
EQ90001 344 S Verizon 4G LTE USB AirCard Modem UML 295 4G LTE USB AirCard Modem UML 295 Verizon Network; 4G LTE network speed, Compatible with Windows or Mac, USB compatible, Fold away USB connector 2 f 99.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 7/31/2027 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network
EQ90001 345 S Adtran NETVANTA 6410 17006410F1 NetVanta 6410 – 1000 Session eSBC with 2×10/100/1000 Ethernet Interfaces 2 f 12900 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 2/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00223r04c
EQ90001 346 S Adtran NETVANTA 4430 SBC 4700630G3SBC NetVanta 4430 including Session Border Controller Feature Pack. Chassis includes 2 10/100/1000BaseT and 1 10/100BaseT Ethernet interfaces, with option module slots for WAN expansion.  Supports 300 simultaneous sessions. 2 f 5180 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 2/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00223r04c
EQ90001 347 S Adtran NETVANTA 3430 50 SESSION SBC 4200820G3SBC NetVanta 3430 Multiservice Router including Session Border Controller Feature Pack. Includes 2 10/100BaseT Ethernet interfaces and one NIM slot. Supports 50 simultaneous sessions. 2 f 1390 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 2/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00223r04c
EQ90001 348 S Adtran NETVANTA 3430 100 SESSION SBC 4200820G4SBC NetVanta 3430 Multiservice Router including Session Border Controller Feature Pack. Includes 2 10/100BaseT Ethernet interfaces and one NIM slot. Supports 100 simultaneous sessions. 2 f 1786 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 2/1/2019 7/31/2027—4200820g4sbc—netvanta-3430-100-session-sbc-detail me00223r04c
EQ90001 349 S Velocloud Velocloud Edge 840 AA128778 VeloCloud Edge 840 SD-WAN appliance, with 1 Gbps throughput, for robust yet simplified branch networking. It enables bandwidth expansion, provides direct access to hosted applications, and enables virtual services integration. 2 f 2860 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 2/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00223r04c
EQ90001 350 S Velocloud Velocloud Edge 2000 AA128779 Velocloud Edge 2000 SD-WAN appliance offers 5G throughput. It enables bandwidth expansion, provides direct access to hosted applications, and enables virtual services integration. 2 f 8290 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 2/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00223r04c
EQ90001 351 S Velocloud Velocloud Edge 510 AA128771 VeloCloud Edge 510 SD-WAN appliance, with 100 Mbps throughput, for robust yet simplified branch networking. It enables bandwidth expansion, provides direct access to hosted applications, and enables virtual services integration. 2 f 525 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 2/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00223r04c
EQ90001 352 S Velocloud Velocloud Edge 520 AA128773 VeloCloud Edge 520 SD-WAN appliance, with 100 Mbps throughput, for robust yet simplified branch networking. It enables bandwidth expansion, provides direct access to hosted applications, and enables virtual services integration. 2 f 810 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 2/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00223r04c
EQ90001 353 S Velocloud Velocloud Edge 540 AA132817 VeloCloud Edge 540 SD-WAN appliance, with 400 Mbps throughput, for robust yet simplified branch networking. It enables bandwidth expansion, provides direct access to hosted applications, and enables virtual services integration. 2 f 980 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 2/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00223r04c
EQ90001 357 C Cisco Cisco 4331 ISR SISR4300UK9-313S Cisco ISR 4331 Universal Software License – Release 3.13 1 f 0 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 2/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00223r04c
EQ90001 369 S Apple N/A MPTL2LL/A iPad Pro Smart Keyboard for 10.5inch 2 f 159.99 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00226r01c
EQ90001 370 S Apple N/A MU8H2LL/A iPad Pro Smart Keyboard for 12.9inch 2 f 199 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00226r01c
EQ90001 371 S Microsoft GWL-00001 GWL-00001 Microsoft Surface Pro LTE Intel Core i5 4GB RAM 128GB 2 f 1194.8599999999999 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00226r01c
EQ90001 372 S Netgear MR1100 MR1100 Netgear Nighthawk Hotspot MR1100 (AT&T) – 6420B 2 f 199.99 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00226r01c
EQ90001 373 S Verizon MIFI7730L MIFI7730L Jetpack 4G LTE MHS MiFi 7730L (Verizon) – Black 2 f 199.99 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00226r01c
EQ90001 374 S Sierra Wireless AirCard 340U AirCard 340U Sierra Wireless 340U BEAM (AT&T) 2 f 19.989999999999998 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 7/31/2027,2817,2424355,00.asp me00226r01c
EQ90001 375 S Novatel USB730L USB730L Novatel Global USB Modem USB730L (VZ) – USB730L-VZ 2 f 249.99 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00226r01c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ4A S Transition Networks N/A SBFTF1029-106-NA 10/100Base-TX (RJ-45) [100 m/328 ft.]to 100Base-FX 1550nm TX 2 f 730 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2019 7/31/2027 me00239r06c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ6 S Transition Networks N/A SGETF1029-110-NA 1000BASE-SX/LX1310/155020KM- NA 2 f 1155 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2019 7/31/2027 File Name: WB-0000867165.pdf me00239r06c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ6A S Transition Networks N/A SGETF1029-111-NA 1000BASE-SX/LX1550/131020KM- NA 2 f 1705 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2019 7/31/2027 File Name: WB-0000867165.pdf me00239r06c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ1 S Blackbox N/A MT1511A Features a single V.35 data port, an RS-232 console port, a separate SNMP management port, complete SNMP management with real-time alarm messages can be delivered to SNMP managers. 2 f 1483.44 f 6005 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2020 7/31/2027—V-35-with-DSX/MT1511A me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ10 S Transition Networks N/A SGFEB1013-130-NA Provides a cost effective method for integrating 1000Base-SX/LX fiber into a 10/100/1000Base-T copper environment. 2 f 480 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ3 S Perle S-110-M1SC2U 5040914 10/100 Fast Ethernet Media and Rate Converter, 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-BX 1310nm TX/1550nm RX single fiber,multimode 2 f 321 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ3A S Perle S-110-M1SC20 5040904 10/100 Fast Ethernet Media and Rate Converter, 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-BX 1550nm TX/1310nm RX single fiber, multimode 2 f 321 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ5 S Perle S-1000-M1SC05U 5040894 Gigabit Ethernet Media Converter. 1000BASE-T to 1000Base-BX 1310nm TX/1550nm RX single strand fiber, multimode 2 f 649 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ5A S Perle S-1000-M1SC05D 5040884 Gigabit Ethernet Media Converter. 1000BASE-T to 1000Base-BX 1550nm TX / 1310nm RX single strand fiber, multimode (SC) [550 m/1804 ft] 2 f 649 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ7 S Transition Networks N/A SGFEB1040-330-NA 10/100/1000 Ethernet Media Converter Stand-Alone – 2 x Network (RJ-45) – Gigabit Ethernet – 10/100/1000Base-T, 1000Base-X – 2 x Expansion Slots – SFP – 2 x SFP Slots – Rack-mountable, Wall Mountable, Rail-mountable, Desktop 2 f 515 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ7A S Transition Networks N/A TN-GLC-FE-100LX SFP module installs SFP port allowing for 100Base-LX interfaces to the network through the SFP connector. 2 f 195 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ8 S Perle S-1000-S2SC40 5050094 Gigabit Ethernet Stand-Alone Media Converter. 1000Base-T (RJ-45) [100 m/328 ft.] to 1000Base-EX 1310 nm single mode (SC) [40 km/24.9 miles] 2 f 1129 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ9 S Transition Networks N/A SBFTF1013-105-NA Supports 10/100 Bridging 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-FX Media Converter. It support the following Interfaces/Ports: 2 Total Number of Ports, 1 Network (RJ-45) Port, 1 SC Ports, and supports a maximum distance of 1.24 Miles 2 f 255 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00260r02c
EQ90001 SSAGEQ4 S Transition Networks N/A SBFTF1029-105-NA 10/100BASE-TX 100BASE-FX 1550NM TX/1310NM RX SNGL FBR SM SC 2 f 635 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: WB-0000867165.pdf me00263r01c
EQ90001 376 B Polycom 2200-48500-001 2200-48500-001 VVX 501 12-line Business Media Phone with HD Voice. Ships with universal power supply with NA power plug 2 f 409 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00275r02c
EQ90001 378 S Aruba AP-305 JY864A Aruba AP-305 Dual 2×2/3×3 802.11ac AP 2 f 695 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 7/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00280r02c
EQ90001 379 S Polycom 2200-48830-025 2200-48830-025 VVX 350 Business IP Phone Six-line, mid-range IP desk phone with color display 2 f 239 f 6002 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00282r02c
EQ90001 380 B DataRemote CDS-9090 CDS-9090 4GLTE , 5-port router (1WAN, 4LAN), Wi-Fi Alternate PSTN connectivity: (8)-FXS Ports for Voice, FAX, Alarm, and Analog data. (8 cell battery) 2 f 899 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00282r02c
EQ90001 381 S Arista DCS-7020SR-24C2-F DCS-7020SR-24C2-F Arista 7020SR, 24x10GbE (SFP+) and 2 x 100GbE switch, front-to-rear air, 2xAC, 2xC13-C14 cords 2 f 12995 f 6004 {12,24,36,48} 11/1/2020 7/31/2027 file: Retail_Arista 7020 LP_100520.pdf me00338r01c
EQ90001 382 S Arista SFP-10G-LR SFP-10G-LR 10GBASE-LR SFP+ (Long Reach) 2 f 595 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 11/1/2020 7/31/2027 file: Retail_Arista 7020 LP_100520.pdf me00338r01c
EQ90001 383 S Arista SFP-10G-SR SFP-10G-SR 10GBASE-SR SFP+ (Short Reach) 2 f 445 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 11/1/2020 7/31/2027 file: Retail_Arista 7020 LP_100520.pdf me00338r01c
EQ90001 384 S Arista SFP-1G-SX SFP-1G-SX 1000BASE-SX SFP (Short Haul) 2 f 126 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 11/1/2020 7/31/2027 file: Retail_Arista 7020 LP_100520.pdf me00338r01c
EQ90001 385 S Arista SFP-1G-T SFP-1G-T 1000BASE-T SFP (RJ-45 Copper) 2 f 158 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 11/1/2020 7/31/2027 file: Retail_Arista 7020 LP_100520.pdf me00338r01c
EQ90001 386 C Arista SVC-7020SR-24C2-1M SVC-7020SR-24C2-1M 1 Month A-Care Software & NBD Hardware Replacement/Same Day Ship for 7020SR-24C2 / 36 Months 1 f 85 f 6000 {36} 11/1/2020 7/31/2027 file: Retail_Arista 7020 LP_100520.pdf me00338r01c
EQ90001 389 C Cisco Cisco RAID Setting R2XX-RAID5 Enable RAID 5 Setting 4 f 1 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00359r01c
EQ90001 392 C Cisco Cisco DX80 Power Cord CP-PWR-CORD-NA Power Cord, North America 4 f 10 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 me00359r01c
EQ90001 400 S Velocloud Edge – 610 VC-610-P/VC610-EXT-NDD-48P-A VMware SD-WAN Edge 610 Appliance/Academic – VMware SD-WAN Edge 610 4-Year Prepaid Extended Replacement Service; Next Business Day Delivery; Subject to availability 2 f 1450 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 401 S Velocloud Edge – 620 VC-620-P/VC620-EXT-NDD-48P-A VMware SD-WAN Edge 620 Appliance/Academic – VMware SD-WAN Edge 620 4-Year Prepaid Extended Replacement Service; Next Business Day Delivery; Subject to availability 2 f 2020 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 402 S Velocloud Edge – 640 VC-640-P/VC640-EXT-NDD-48P-A VMware SD-WAN Edge 640 Appliance/Academic – VMware SD-WAN Edge 640 4-Year Prepaid Extended Replacement Service; Next Business Day Delivery; Subject to availability 2 f 3790 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 403 S Velocloud Edge – 680 VC-680-P/VC680-EXT-NDD-48P-A VMware SD-WAN Edge 680 Appliance/Academic – VMware SD-WAN Edge 680 4-Year Prepaid Extended Replacement Service; Next Business Day Delivery; Subject to availability 3 f 5550 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 404 S Velocloud Edge – 3400 VC-3400-P/VC3400-EXT-NDD-48P-A VMware SD-WAN Edge 3400 Appliance/Academic – VMware SD-WAN Edge 3400 4-Year Prepaid Extended Replacement Service; Next Business Day Delivery; Subject to availability 3 f 9210 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 405 S Velocloud Edge – 3800 VC-3800-P/VC3800-EXT-NDD-48P-A VMware SD-WAN Edge 3800 Appliance/Academic – VMware SD-WAN Edge 3800 4-Year Prepaid Extended Replacement Service; Next Business Day Delivery; Subject to availability 3 f 12800 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 406 C Velocloud 10M – 12 Month VC010M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M VMware SD-WAN 10 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 1 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 460 f 6001 {12} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 407 C Velocloud 10M – 36 Month VC010M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-36M VMware SD-WAN 10 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 3 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 1390 f 6001 {12,36} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 408 C Velocloud 10M – 60 Month VC010M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-60M VMware SD-WAN 10 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 5 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 2310 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 409 C Velocloud 30M – 12 Month VC030M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M VMware SD-WAN 30 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 1 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 800 f 6001 {12} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 410 C Velocloud 30M – 36 Month VC030M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-36M VMware SD-WAN 30 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 3 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 2390 f 6001 {12,36} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 411 C Velocloud 30M – 60 Month VC030M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-60M VMware SD-WAN 30 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 5 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 3990 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 412 C Velocloud 50M – 12 Month VC050M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M VMware SD-WAN 50 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 1 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 1240 f 6001 {12} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 413 C Velocloud 50M – 36 Month VC050M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-36M VMware SD-WAN 50 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 3 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 3720 f 6001 {12,36} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 414 C Velocloud 50M – 60 Month VC050M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-60M VMware SD-WAN 50 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 5 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 6200 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 415 C Velocloud 100M – 12 Month VC100M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M VMware SD-WAN 100 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 1 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 1660 f 6001 {12} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 416 C Velocloud 100M – 36 Month VC100M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-36M VMware SD-WAN 100 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 3 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 4980 f 6001 {12,36} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 417 C Velocloud 100M – 60 Month VC100M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-60M VMware SD-WAN 100 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 5 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 8300 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 418 C Velocloud 200M – 12 Month VC200M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M VMware SD-WAN 200 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 1 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 2870 f 6001 {12} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 419 C Velocloud 200M – 36 Month VC200M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-36M VMware SD-WAN 200 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 3 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 8600 f 6001 {12,36} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 420 C Velocloud 200M – 60 Month VC200M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-60M VMware SD-WAN 200 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 5 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 14330 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 421 C Velocloud 350M – 12 Month VC350M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M VMware SD-WAN 350 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 1 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 3920 f 6001 {12} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 422 C Velocloud 350M – 36 Month VC350M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-36M VMware SD-WAN 350 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 3 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 11750 f 6001 {12,36} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 423 C Velocloud 350M – 60 Month VC350M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-60M VMware SD-WAN 350 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 5 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 19580 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 424 C Velocloud 500M – 12 Month VC500M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M VMware SD-WAN 500 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 1 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 4960 f 6001 {12} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 425 C Velocloud 500M – 36 Month VC500M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-36M VMware SD-WAN 500 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 3 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 14870 f 6001 {12,36} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 426 C Velocloud 500M – 60 Month VC500M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-60M VMware SD-WAN 500 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 5 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 24780 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 427 C Velocloud 750M – 12 Month VC750M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M VMware SD-WAN 750 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 1 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 5920 f 6001 {12} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 428 C Velocloud 750M – 36 Month VC750M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-36M VMware SD-WAN 750 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 3 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 17770 f 6001 {12,36} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 429 C Velocloud 750M – 60 Month VC750M-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-60M VMware SD-WAN 750 Mbps Premium Service Subscription for 5 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 29610 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 430 C Velocloud 1G – 12 Month VC1G-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M VMware SD-WAN 1 Gbps Premium Service Subscription for 1 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 6870 f 6001 {12} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 431 C Velocloud 1G – 36 Month VC1G-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-36M VMware SD-WAN 1 Gbps Premium Service Subscription for 3 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 20600 f 6001 {12,36} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 432 C Velocloud 1G – 60 Month VC1G-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-60M VMware SD-WAN 1 Gbps Premium Service Subscription for 5 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 34340 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 433 C Velocloud 2G – 12 Month VC2G-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M VMware SD-WAN 2 Gbps Premium Service Subscription for 1 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 8670 f 6001 {12} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 434 C Velocloud 2G – 36 Month VC2G-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-36M VMware SD-WAN 2 Gbps Premium Service Subscription for 3 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 26020 f 6001 {12,36} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 435 C Velocloud 2G – 60 Month VC2G-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-60M VMware SD-WAN 2 Gbps Premium Service Subscription for 5 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 43370 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 436 C Velocloud 5G – 12 Month VC5G-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-12M VMware SD-WAN 5 Gbps Premium Service Subscription for 1 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 13860 f 6001 {12} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 437 C Velocloud 5G – 36 Month VC5G-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-36M VMware SD-WAN 5 Gbps Premium Service Subscription for 3 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 41580 f 6001 {12,36} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 438 C Velocloud 5G – 60 Month VC5G-PRE-HO-HG-L34S1-60M VMware SD-WAN 5 Gbps Premium Service Subscription for 5 year with Hosted Orchestrator with Hosted Gateway f 69300 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2020 7/31/2027 File Name: 2020.12.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00363r01c
EQ90001 439 S Velocloud Edge – 3810 VC-3810-P/VC3810-EXT-NDD-48P-A VMware SD-WAN Edge 3810 Appliance/Academic – VMware SD-WAN Edge 3810 4-Year Prepaid Extended Replacement Service; Next Business Day Delivery; Subject to availability 3 f 14800 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 3/1/2021 7/31/2027 File Name: 2021.02.01 VeloCloud Native SP- Partner Price Book.xlsx me00404r01c
EQ90001 440 S Cradlepoint BB5-0850LP6-N0N BB5-0850LP6-N0N 5-yr NetCloud Branch LTE Adapter Essentials Plan and CBA850 adapter (with LP6 modem), North America 3 f 804.99 f 6001 {12,24,36,48} 5/1/2021 7/31/2027 me00509r01c
EQ90001 479 S Dell 407-BBOU 407-BBOU Dell Networking; Transceiver SFP+, 10GbE, SR, 850nm Wavelength, 300m Reach – 10GBase-SR 2 f 600 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2021 7/31/2027 me00562r02c
EQ90001 480 S Dell 407-BBVJ 407-BBVJ Dell Networking; Optical Transceiver, SFP+, intel, 10Gb-1Gb – 10GBase-SR 2 f 307 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2021 7/31/2027 me00562r02c
EQ90001 481 S Dell 407-BBOP 407-BBOP Dell Networking; Transceiver SFP+, 10GbE, 1310nm Wavelength, 10km Reach – 1010GBase-LR 2 f 1100 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2021 7/31/2027 me00562r02c
EQ90001 482 S Dell 407-BBOS 407-BBOS Dell Networking, SFP Tranceiver 1000BASE-T -up to 100meters 2 f 134 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2021 7/31/2027 me00562r02c
EQ90001 483 S Dell 407-BBZV 407-BBZV Dell Networking; Tranceiver SFP+, LC, LR, 10G CUS – 10GBase-LR 2 f 1318.56 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 6/1/2021 7/31/2027 me00562r02c
EQ90001 484 A Velocloud VC-EDG-RMB-P VC-EDG-RMB-P VMware SD-WAN Edge rack bracket 2 f 47.99 t 6000 6/1/2021 7/31/2027 me00562r02c
EQ90001 495 S AT&T 1040 1040 AT&T 1040-4-Line-Expandable-Corded-Phone-System-with-Speakerphone 2 f 99.99 f 6104 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2021 7/31/2027 me00625r02c
EQ90001 491 A Cisco ASR1000-SPA ASR1000-SPA Shared Port Adapter for ASR1000; No Physical Part; For Tracking Only f 0 f 6000 10/1/2021 7/31/2027 me00622r04c
EQ90001 494 S Polycom Polycom VVX 150 2200-48810-025 Polycom VVX 150 2-Line IP Phone – 2200-48810-025 2 f 89 f 6103 {12,24,36,48} 10/1/2021 7/31/2027 me00682r01c
EQ90001 27 S Adtran NetVanta 3448 Chassis 4200821G1#VPN Access router for frame relay and point-to-point connectivity. Includes modular network interface and 2 integral 10/100BaseT Ethernet ports. Also includes integrated 8 Port Fully-Managed Layer 2 Ethernet Switch. 3 f 1095 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2021 7/31/2027 IPVS-1 me00773r01c
EQ90001 35 S Adtran NetVanta 3448 Chassis with 8xPoE ports 4200821G11#120 Access router for frame relay and point-to-point connectivity. Includes modular network interface and 2 integral10/100BaseT Ethernet ports. Also includes integrated 8 Port Fully-Managed Layer 2 Ethernet Switch with Power over Ethernet 3 f 1590 f 6003 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2021 7/31/2027 IPVS-1 me00773r01c
EQ90001 502 S Digi Cat 11 ASB-EX15-WX11-OUS ASB-EX15-WX11-OUS Digi EX15 – 2 port GigE; RJ-45 RS-232, Wi-Fi; LTE-A / HSPA+ Cat 11; Cellular certifications: PTCRB, AT&T, Verizon, US, Canada 3 f 654.24 f 6107 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2021 7/31/2027 me00665r01c
EQ90001 503 S Digi Cat 18 ASB-EX15-WC18-GLB ASB-EX15-WC18-GLB Digi EX15 – 2 port GigE; RJ-45 RS-232, Wi-Fi; LTE-A Pro / HSPA+ Cat 18; Cellular certifications: PTCRB, AT&T, Verizon, US, Canada, Europe 3 f 849 f 6107 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2021 7/31/2027 me00665r01c
EQ90001 1421 C CradlePoint Mobile Advanced MA5-NCADV 5-yr NetCloud Mobile Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 705 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1422 C CradlePoint Mobile Advanced Renewal MA1-NCADV-R 1-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 141 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1423 C CradlePoint Mobile Advanced Renewal MA3-NCADV-R 3-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 423 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1424 C CradlePoint Mobile Advanced Renewal MA5-NCADV-R 5-yr Renewal NetCloud Mobile Advanced Plan (requires corresponding Essentials Plan) f 705 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1425 S CradlePoint R1900 TAA-MB03-19005GB-GA 3-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Performance Essentials Plan and R1900 router with WiFi (5G modem, 4FF SIM), no AC power supply or antennas, Global 2 f 2499 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1426 S CradlePoint R1900 TAA-MB05-19005GB-GA 5-yr TAA Compliant NC Mobile Performance Essentials Plan and R1900 router with WiFi (5G modem, 4FF SIM), no AC power supply or antennas, Global 2 f 2999 f 6147 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1011 S Fortinet FS-248E-POE-USG FS-248E-POE-USG FortiSwitch-248E-POE-USG 3 f 2520 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1012 S Fortinet FS-1048E-USG FS-1048E-USG FortiSwitch-1048E-USG 3 f 20235 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1013 S Fortinet FS-3032E-USG FS-3032E-USG FortiSwitch-3032E-USG 3 f 27972 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1020 S Fortinet FMG-1000F-USG FMG-1000F-USG FortiManager-1000F-USG 3 f 92448 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1021 S Fortinet FMG-2000E-USG FMG-2000E-USG FortiManager-2000E-USG 3 f 92448 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1025 S Fortinet FAZ-1000E-USG FAZ-1000E-USG FortiAnalyzer-1000E-USG 3 f 23112 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1026 S Fortinet FAZ-1000F-USG FAZ-1000F-USG FortiAnalyzer-1000F-USG 3 f 34668 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1028 S Fortinet FAZ-3000F-USG FAZ-3000F-USG FortiAnalyzer-3000F-USG 3 f 57780 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1029 S Fortinet FAZ-3000G-USG FAZ-3000G-USG FortiAnalyzer-3000G-USG 3 f 57780 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1509 B CradlePoint Cable TAA-170663-000 Rollover Serial Cable, RJ45-RJ45 Gray 2.1M; Used with CBA850, W1850 1 f 9.99 f 6152 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1510 B CradlePoint Cable TAA-170663-001 Rollover Serial Cable, RJ45-RJ45 Gray 4.3M; Used with CBA850, W1850 1 f 13.99 f 6152 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1511 B CradlePoint Cable TAA-170676-000 GPIO Cable, DB9 Black 3M; Used with IBR1700, and product w/USB port w/adapter 1 f 17.989999999999998 f 6152 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1512 B CradlePoint Cable TAA-170680-001 GPIO Cable, SATA W/ Lock Black 1.7M; Used with IBR600C/IBR650C, IBR900/IBR950, R500-PLTE 1 f 49.99 f 6152 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1513 B CradlePoint Cable TAA-170712-000 GPIO Cable, 2X10 Black 2.3M; Used with COR Extensibility Dock, IBR1700 1 f 49.99 f 6152 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1514 B CradlePoint Cable TAA-170864-000 GPIO Cable, Small 2x2MPP Black 3M 20AWG; Used with R1900 1 f 19.989999999999998 f 6152 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1515 B CradlePoint Cable TAA-170858-000 GPIO Cable, Small 2x3MPP Black 3M 18AWG; Used with RX30-POE, RX30-MC 1 f 19.989999999999998 f 6152 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1516 B CradlePoint Cable TAA-170767-000 COR Extensibility Cable, SATA-DB9 Black 305mm; Used with IBR900/IBR950, IBR600C/IBR650C, R500-PLTE 1 f 79.989999999999995 f 6152 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1517 B CradlePoint Battery TAA-170848-000 Battery, 7.2V, 10000mAh: Used with E100, E110 1 f 149 f 6153 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1518 B CradlePoint Mounting Bracket TAA-170656-002 Din Rail Mounting Bracket, Used with IBR900/IBR950, IBR600C/IBR650C, IBR200, R500-PLTE 1 f 29.99 f 6154 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1519 B CradlePoint Mounting Bracket TAA-170876-000 Ceiling Mount Bracket; Used with W1850 1 f 44.99 f 6154 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1520 B CradlePoint Adapter TAA-170665-000 Small 2×2 Power to Barrel Adapter, 152mm; Used with IBR1700, IBR900/IBR950, IBR600C/IBR650C, E300, IBR200, R1900, R500-PLTE 1 f 7.99 f 6155 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1521 B CradlePoint Adapter TAA-170662-000 Rollover Adapter for RJ45 Ethernet M/F 1 f 11.99 f 6155 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1522 B CradlePoint Mag Mount TAA-170718-000 Mag Mount Kit; Used with IBR900/IBR950, IBR600C/IBR650C, COR Extensibility Dock, IBR200, R1900, R500-PLTE 1 f 14.99 f 6156 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1523 B CradlePoint Dock TAA-170700-000 COR Extensibility Dock, Used with IBR900/IBR950, IBR600C/IBR650C, R500-PLTE 1 f 179.99 f 6157 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1524 B CradlePoint Rack Mount TAA-170750-001 Rack Mount Kit; Used with IBR1700 1 f 34.99 f 6158 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1525 B CradlePoint Rack Mount TAA-170764-000 Rack Mount Kit; Used with CR4250 1 f 69.989999999999995 f 6158 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1526 B CradlePoint Captive Modem TAA-170900-001 LTE Captive Modem Accessory, Indoor, CBA550-150M-D (150Mbps modem), Americas; Used with R1900, IBR1700, E300, and E3000 2 f 339 f 6159 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1527 B CradlePoint Captive Modem TAA-170900-005 LTE Captive Modem Accessory, Indoor, L950-C7A (300Mbps modem), Americas; Used with R1900, IBR1700, E300, and E3000 2 f 619 f 6159 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1528 B CradlePoint Captive Modem TAA-170900-007 5G Captive Modem Accessory, Outdoor, W2005-5GB (4.1Gbps modem), North America; Used with R1900, IBR1700, E300, and E3000 2 f 2747 f 6159 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1529 B CradlePoint Captive Modem TAA-170900-011 5G Captive Modem Accessory, Outdoor, High-Band, W4005-5GB (7.5Gbps modem), North America; Used with R1900, IBR1700, E300, and E3000 2 f 3747 f 6159 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1530 B CradlePoint Captive Modem TAA-170900-012 5G Captive Modem Accessory, Indoor, W1850-5GB (4.1Gbps modem), Americas; Used with R1900, IBR1700, E300, and E3000 2 f 1549 f 6159 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1531 B CradlePoint POE Switch TAA-MB-RX30-POE R1900 Managed Accessory – PoE Switch 2 f 275 f 6160 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1532 B CradlePoint Switch TAA-MB-RX30-MC R1900 Managed Accessory – Modular Modem and Switch (modem sold separately) 2 f 225 f 6161 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1533 C CradlePoint Zscaler ZSCL-1YR 1-yr subscription per router for Zscaler Internet Security f 240 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1534 C CradlePoint Zscaler ZSCL-3YR 3-yr subscription per router for Zscaler Internet Security f 720 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1535 C CradlePoint Zscaler ZSCL-R1 1-yr subscription renewal for Zscaler Internet Security f 240 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1536 C CradlePoint Zscaler ZSCL-R3 3-yr subscription renewal per router for Zscaler Internet Security f 720 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 1537 C CradlePoint NC-load NC-LOAD Factory Load NetCloud License file f 32 f 6148 {12,24,36,48} 9/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Cradlepoint Pricing List – FOR FEDERAL DEALS ONLY – TAA Compliant SKUs 4.25.2022 me01155r01c
EQ90001 393 S Samsung America Inc Samsung QB65R LCD Display QB65R Samsung QB65R Digital Signage DisplayLCD DISPLAY 350 NIT MANF VIETNAM 5 f 1385 f 6000 {12} 12/1/2020 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 303 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Galaxy S6 Sprint 32GB Sprint Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 589.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 321 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ 1710314 Verizon Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 799.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 305 S Samsung Galaxy S6 SM-G920VZKAVZW Verizon Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 569.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 323 S Samsung Galaxy S6 6748A AT&T Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 784.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 363 S Apple A1864 MQ8H2LL/A iPhone 8 Plus 256GB Silver 2 f 849 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 5/31/2022,20,30,41,60 me01071r01c
EQ90001 364 S Apple A1865 MQA62LL/A iPhone X 64GB Silver 2 f 899.99 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 359 S Apple A1660 MN8H2LL/A iPhone 7 32GB Silver 2 f 449 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 5/31/2022,20,31,40,60 me01071r01c
EQ90001 360 S Apple A1863 MQ6L2LL/A iPhone 8 64GB Silver 2 f 599 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 361 S Apple A1863 MQ7G2LL/A iPhone 8 256GB Silver 2 f 749 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 5/31/2022,20,30,41,60 me01071r01c
EQ90001 362 S Apple A1864 MQ8E2LL/A iPhone 8 Plus 64GB Silver 2 f 699 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 5/31/2022,20,30,40,60 me01071r01c
EQ90001 365 S Apple A1865 MQA92LL/A iPhone X 256GB Silver 2 f 1049.99 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 366 S Kyocera Mobile E4710 E4710 Kyocera DuraXE 2 f 269.99 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 5/31/2022,2817,2499237,00.asp?tab=Specs me01071r01c
EQ90001 367 S Apple A1709 MPHH2LL/A iPad Pro 10.5inch Wifi+Cellular 256GB Silver 2 f 929 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 368 S Apple A1671 MPA42LL/A iPad Pro 12.9inch Wifi+Cellular 256GB Silver 2 f 1299 f 6000 {24} 3/1/2019 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 72 S Apple iPhone 6 s (AT&T; 32 GB) MKQ62LL/A AT&T Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1 GHz A7 chip, Touch ID, 2 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 14 hours talk time, 4.7in Retina display, Cameras: 12 MP front & 5 MP rear, Silver 2 f 549 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network;,10,30,40 me01071r01c
EQ90001 300 S Samsung Galaxy S5 SMG900VZKV Verizon Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.5 GHz Processor, 2 GB RAM, 16 GB ROM +microSD card slot, Battery: 29 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 2 MP front,Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 519.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 318 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge SM-G925AZKEATT AT&T Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 814.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 107 S Apple iPhone 6 s Plus MKTW2LL/A AT&T Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1 GHz A9 chip, Touch ID, 2 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 24 hours talk time, 5.5in Retina display, Cameras: 5 MP rear & 12 MP front, Silver 2 f 749 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network;,10,30,41 me01071r01c
EQ90001 1540 S Vardata VMWARE-1G-LX-TAA VMWARE-1G-LX-TAA VMware SFP+ Transceiver; 1000BASE-LX 10KM 1310NM LC SM. TAA COMPLIANT 1 f 80 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 11/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: Quote_QU-26589_1663702419799.pdf me01212r01c
EQ90001 75 S Apple iPhone 6 s (Sprint; 32 GB) MKQ62LL/A Sprint Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1 GHz A7 chip, Touch ID, 2 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 14 hours talk time, 4.7in Retina display, Cameras: 12 MP front & 5 MP rear, Silver 2 f 549 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network;,11,30,40 me01071r01c
EQ90001 78 S Apple iPhone 6 s (Verizon; 32 GB) MKV52LL/A Verizon Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1 GHz A7 chip, Touch ID, 2 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 14 hours talk time, 4.7in Retina display, Cameras: 12 MP front & 5 MP rear, Silver 2 f 549 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network;,13,30,40 me01071r01c
EQ90001 91 S Apple iPhone 6 s MKQF2LL/A AT&T Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1 GHz A7 chip, Touch ID, 2 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 14 hours talk time, 4.7in Retina display, Cameras: 12 MP front & 5 MP rear, Silver 2 f 649 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network;,10,30,41 me01071r01c
EQ90001 92 S Apple iPhone 6 s Plus MKTR2LL/A AT&T Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1 GHz A9 chip, Touch ID, 2 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 24 hours talk time, 5.5in Retina display, Cameras: 5 MP rear & 12 MP front, Silver 2 f 649 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network;,10,30,40 me01071r01c
EQ90001 94 S Apple iPhone 6 s MKTH2LL/A Sprint Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1 GHz A7 chip, Touch ID, 2 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 14 hours talk time, 4.7in Retina display, Cameras: 12 MP front & 5 MP rear, Silver 2 f 649 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network;,11,30,41 me01071r01c
EQ90001 95 S Apple iPhone 6 s Plus MKVW2LL/A Sprint Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1 GHz A9 chip, Touch ID, 2 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 24 hours talk time, 5.5in Retina display, Cameras: 5 MP rear & 12 MP front, Silver 2 f 649 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network;,11,30,40 me01071r01c
EQ90001 97 S Apple iPhone 6 s MKT42LL/A Verizon Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1 GHz A7 chip, Touch ID, 2 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 14 hours talk time, 4.7in Retina display, Cameras: 12 MP front & 5 MP rear, Silver 2 f 649 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network;,13,30,41 me01071r01c
EQ90001 98 S Apple iPhone 6 s Plus MKV92LL/A Verizon Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1 GHz A9 chip, Touch ID, 2 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 24 hours talk time, 5.5in Retina display, Cameras: 5 MP rear & 12 MP front, Silver 2 f 649 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network;,13,30,40 me01071r01c
EQ90001 301 S Samsung Galaxy S6 6746A AT&T Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 584.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 320 S Samsung Galaxy S6 SM-G920VZKEVZW Verizon Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 669.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 108 S Apple iPhone 6 s Plus MKW12LL/A Sprint Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1 GHz A9 chip, Touch ID, 2 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 24 hours talk time, 5.5in Retina display, Cameras: 5 MP rear & 12 MP front, Silver 2 f 749 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5 Sprint Network;,10,30,41 me01071r01c
EQ90001 109 S Apple iPhone 6 s Plus MKVG2LL/A Verizon Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1 GHz A9 chip, Touch ID, 2 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 24 hours talk time, 5.5in Retina display, Cameras: 5 MP rear & 12 MP front, Silver 2 f 749 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6 Verizon Network;,13,30,41 me01071r01c
EQ90001 110 S Apple iPad Air 2 (AT&T, 32 GB) MGH72LL/A AT&T Network; Apple iOS 8.1 (upgradable to iOS 10.2), Triple-core 1.5 GHz, 1 GB RAM, 32  GB ROM, Battery: 10 hours usage, 9.7in Retina display, Cameras: 8 MP rear & 1.2 MP front, Wi-Fi + 4G LTE, Silver 2 f 529 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-6AT&T Network; me01071r01c
EQ90001 111 S Apple iPad Mini 4 (AT&T 64GB) iPad Mini 4 AT&T Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1.5 GHz A8, 2 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM, Battery: 10 hours usage, 7.9in Retina display, Cameras: 8 MP rear & 1.2 MP front, Wi-Fi + 4G LTE, Space Gray, Gold or Silver 2 f 529 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-6AT&T Network; me01071r01c
EQ90001 118 S Apple iPad Mini 4 (AT&T 128GB) iPad Mini 4 AT&T Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1.5 GHz A8, 2 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 10 hours usage, 7.9in Retina display, Cameras: 8 MP rear & 1.2 MP front, Wi-Fi + 4G LTE, Space Gray, Gold or Silver 2 f 629 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-6AT&T Network; me01071r01c
EQ90001 124 S Apple iPad Pro (AT&T, 12.9in, 128 GB) iPad Pro AT&T Network; Apple iOS 9, Triple-core 1.5 GHz, 1 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 10 hours usage, 12.9in Retina display, Cameras: 12 MP front & 5 MP front, Wi-Fi + 4G LTE, Space Gray, Silver or Gold 2 f 1029 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-6AT&T Network; me01071r01c
EQ90001 125 S Apple iPad Air 2 (Verizon, 128 GB) IPAD2SI28GBVZ Verizon Network; Apple iOS 8.1 (upgradable to iOS 10.2), Triple-core 1.5 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 10 hours usage, 9.7in Retina display, Cameras: 8 MP rear & 1.2 MP front, Wi-Fi + 4G LTE, Silver 2 f 629 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network; me01071r01c
EQ90001 126 S Apple iPad Mini 4 iPad Mini 4 Sprint 128GB Sprint Network; Apple iOS 9, Dual-core 1.5 GHz A8, 2 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 10 hours usage, 7.9in Retina display, Cameras: 8 MP rear & 1.2 MP front, Wi-Fi + 4G LTE, Space Gray, Gold or Silver 2 f 629 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network; me01071r01c
EQ90001 307 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge SM-G925AZKAATT AT&T Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 714.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 326 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge G925PZWESPR Sprint Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 819.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 202 S HTC Desire EYE Desire EYE AT&T Network; Android 4.4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.3 GHz Processor, 2 GB RAM, 16 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.2in 1080p HD Display, Cameras: 13 MP rear & 13 MP front, White, Blue or Red 2 f 279.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 203 S HTC One (M8) One (M8) AT&T Network; Android 4.4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.3 GHz Processor, 2 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM + microSD card slot, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5in TFT Display, Cameras: 4 MP rear & 5 MP front, Gunmetal Gray 2 f 529.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 204 S HTC One (M9) 7520297 AT&T Network; Android 5.0 Lollipop, Qualcomm Snapdragon 810, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 5 hours talk time, 5in 1080p HD Display, Cameras: 20 MP rear & 4 MP front, Silver 2 f 589.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 205 S HTC One (M9) HTC0PJA2KT Sprint Network; Android 5.0 Lollipop, Qualcomm Snapdragon 810, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 5 hours talk time, 5in 1080p HD Display, Cameras: 20 MP rear & 4 MP front, Gray 2 f 649.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 206 S HTC One (M9) HTC6535LVW Verizon Network; Android 5.0 Lollipop, Qualcomm Snapdragon 810, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 5 hours talk time, 5in 1080p HD Display, Cameras: 20 MP rear & 4 MP front, Gunmetal gray 2 f 599.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 212 S Kyocera Brigqadier Brigqadier Verizon Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-core 1.4 GHz A7 chip, 2 GB RAM, 16 GB ROM, Battery: 24 hours talk time, 4.5in Display, 8 MP rear and 2 MP front 2 f 399.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 213 S Kyocera DuraXV DuraXV Verizon Network; Battery: 7.5 hours talk time, 2.4in LCD display, 5 MP Camera, Bluetooth, Navigation, 4 GB memory card included, Rugged design meets military standards for water, shock, dust & heat resistance 2 f 199.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 214 S Kyocera Dura XT Dura XT Sprint Network; Battery: 8 hours of talk time, 2in internal, 1in external QVGA display, 3 MP Camera, Bluetooth, Resistant to water, temperature, shock, vibrations and dust 2 f 199.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 215 S LG G Flex 2 G Flex 2 Sprint Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2 GHz Processor, 2 or 3 GB RAM, 16 or 32 GB ROM, Battery: 18 hours talk time, 5.5in HD Curved Display, Cameras: 13 MP rear & 2.1 MP front, Platinum Silver, Flamenco Red 2 f 499.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 216 S LG G3 LG-VS985 Verizon Network; Android 4.4.2 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.5 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 18 hours talk time, 5.5in True HD LCD Touchscreen Display, Cameras: 13 MP rear & 21 MP front, Black 2 f 432 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 217 S LG Flex 2 Flex 2 AT&T Network; Android 4.4.2 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.5 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 18 hours talk time, 5.5in True HD LCD Touchscreen Display, Cameras: 13 MP rear & 21 MP front, Metallic Black, Burgundy, Moon Violet, Shine Gold and Silk White 2 f 399.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 218 S LG G3 6554A AT&T Network; Android 4.4.2 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.5 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 18 hours talk time, 5.5in True HD LCD Touchscreen Display, Cameras: 13 MP rear & 21 MP front, Metallic Black 2 f 419.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 219 S LG G4 1610383 Verizon Network; Android 4.4.2 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.5 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 18 hours talk time, 5.5in True HD LCD Touchscreen Display, Cameras: 13 MP rear & 21 MP front, Black 2 f 549.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 309 S Samsung Galaxy S6 6747A AT&T Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 684.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 220 S LG G Pad X 8.3 LTE G Pad X 8.3 LTE Verizon Network; Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean, Quad-core 1.5 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 16 GB ROM, Battery: 10 hours usage, 8.3in LCD capacitive touchscreen display, Camera: 5 MP rear & 1.3 MP front, Wi-Fi + 4G LTE, Black 2 f 299.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 221 S LG G4 G4 AT&T Network; Android 4.4.2 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.5 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 18 hours talk time, 5.5in True HD LCD Touchscreen Display, Cameras: 13 MP rear & 21 MP front, Metallic Black, Burgundy, Moon Violet, Shine Gold and Silk White 2 f 462.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 222 S LG Revere 3 Revere 3 Verizon Network; Battery: 7 hours talk time, 2.2in LCD display, 1.3 MP Camera, Bluetooth, USB 2.0, Music ringtones 2 f 149.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 1538 B Parsec Technologies PTAWM2L15W PTAWM2L15W Parsec Technologies Labrador antenna – PTAWM2L15W 1 f 156.44999999999999 f 6000 {12,24,36,48} 11/1/2022 7/31/2027 Link: me01212r01c
EQ90001 223 S LG G Stylo G Stylo Sprint Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2 GHz Processor, 2 or 3 GB RAM, 16 or 32 GB ROM, Battery: 18 hours talk time, 5.5in HD Curved Display, Cameras: 13 MP rear & 2.1 MP front, Platinum Silver, Flamenco Red 2 f 299.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 224 S LG G4 LGLS991BLK Sprint Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2 GHz Processor, 2 or 3 GB RAM, 16 GB ROM, Battery: 18 hours talk time, 5.5in HD Curved Display, Cameras: 13 MP rear & 2.1 MP front, Black 2 f 449.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 225 A LifeProof FRE(iphone 6) FRE(iphone 6) Built-in scratch protector is virtually invisible to the eye and touch; full access to buttons and controls – charge and sync through the micro USB port. Water and Snow Proof: Fully submergible to 6.6’/2 m for 1 hour f 79.989999999999995 f 6002 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 227 A LifeProof NUUD(iphone 6 Plus) NUUD(iphone 6 Plus) Made for touch; Screenless technology puts you in direct contact with your touchscreen, Water and Snow Proof: Fully submergible to 6.6’/2 m for 1 hour; Sealed from snow, ice, dirt & dust particles – meets or exceeds IP-68 Ingress Protection Rating f 99.99 f 6002 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 228 A LifeProof FRE PowerCase(iphone 6) FRE PowerCase(iphone 6) Power: Integrate 2,600-mAh battery for 2x battery life, with auto-stop charge once your phone reaches 100%, making your iPhone 6 waterproof, dirt proof, snow proof and drop proof. Built-in scratch protector f 129.99 f 6002 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 229 S Microsoft Surface 3 Surface 3 AT&T Network; Android 4.4.2 KitKat, Quad-core 1 .2GHz, 1.5 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM, Battery: 10 hours usage, 8.0in Retina display /10.1in Retina display, Cameras: 3.15 MP rear & 1.3 MP front, Wi-Fi, White or Black 2 f 599.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-6AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 230 S Motorola Droid Turbo Droid Turbo Verizon Network; Android 4.4.4 KitKat, Quad-core 2.7 GHz processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 48 hours talk time, 5.2in Super AMOLED Touchscreen display, Cameras: 21 MP rear & 2 MP front, Black Ballistic Nylon, Metallic Black, Metallic Red and Blue 2 f 479.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 231 S Motorola Droid Mini Droid Mini Verizon Network; Android 4.4.4 KitKat, Quad-core 2.7 GHz processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 48 hours talk time, 5.2in Super AMOLED Touchscreen display, Cameras: 21 MP rear & 2 MP front, Black Ballistic Nylon, Metallic Black, Metallic Red and Blue 2 f 199.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 234 A Otterbox Defender (iPhone 5/5c/5s/6/6s) Defender (iPhone 5/5c/5s/6/6s) Triple-layer, ultra rugged iPhone cases made to survive the bumps, drops and scrapes you encounter on your adventures, Built-in screen protector defends against scratches, scrapes and scuffs, Protective membrane cradles the Touch ID to block dust f 49.95 f 6002 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 235 A Otterbox Defender (Galaxy S4/S5/S6) Defender (Galaxy S4/S5/S6) 3-layer protection withstands drops, bumps and shocks, Built-in screen protector guards against scratches, Port covers keep out dust and debris, Create your own color combination to personalize your protective case f 49.95 f 6002 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 236 A Otterbox Defender (Galaxy S5 Active) Defender (Galaxy S5 Active) 3-layer protection withstands drops, bumps and shocks, Built-in screen protector guards against scratches, Port covers keep out dust and debris, Create your own color combination to personalize your protective case f 69.989999999999995 f 6002 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 237 A Otterbox Defender (iPhone 6 Plus / 6s Plus) Defender (iPhone 6 Plus / 6s Plus) Triple-layer, ultra rugged iPhone cases made to survive the bumps, drops and scrapes you encounter on your adventures, Built-in screen protector defends against scratches, scrapes and scuffs, Protective membrane cradles the Touch ID to block dust f 59.95 f 6002 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 238 A Otterbox Defender (Galaxy Note 3/4/5) Defender (Galaxy Note 3/4/5) 3-layer protection withstands drops, bumps and shocks, Built-in screen protector guards against scratches, Port covers keep out dust and debris, Create your own color combination to personalize your protective case f 59.95 f 6002 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 226 A LifeProof NUUD(iphone 6) NUUD(iphone 6) Made for touch; Screenless technology puts you in direct contact with your touchscreen, Water and Snow Proof: Fully submergible to 6.6’/2 m for 1 hour; Sealed from snow, ice, dirt & dust particles – meets or exceeds IP-68 Ingress Protection Rating f 89.99 f 6002 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 239 A Otterbox Commuter (Galaxy S4/S5/S6) Commuter (Galaxy S4/S5/S6) Safeguard your device from the daily grind with the slim but mighty Commuter Series iPhone case, Tight-fitting port and plug covers keep, grit and grime from building up in your, jacks, ports and inputs, Comes with a stick-on screen protector f 34.950000000000003 f 6002 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 240 A Otterbox Commuter (iPhone 5/5c/5s/6/6s) Commuter (iPhone 5/5c/5s/6/6s) Safeguard your device from the daily grind with the slim but mighty Commuter Series iPhone case, Tight-fitting port and plug covers keep, grit and grime from building up in your, jacks, ports and inputs, Comes with a stick-on screen protector f 34.950000000000003 f 6002 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 241 A Otterbox Commuter (iPhone 6 Plus) Commuter (iPhone 6 Plus) Safeguard your device from the daily grind with the slim but mighty Commuter Series iPhone case, Tight-fitting port and plug covers keep, grit and grime from building up in your, jacks, ports and inputs, Comes with a stick-on screen protector f 44.95 f 6002 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 242 A Otterbox Commuter (Galaxy Note 3/4/5) Commuter (Galaxy Note 3/4/5) Safeguard your device from the daily grind with the slim but mighty Commuter Series iPhone case, Tight-fitting port and plug covers keep, grit and grime from building up in your, jacks, ports and inputs, Comes with a stick-on screen protector f 44.95 f 6002 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 me01071r01c
EQ90001 293 S Samsung Galaxy Core Prime Galaxy Core Prime Verizon Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.7 GHz processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM + microSD card slot, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.7in HD Super AMOLED display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 3.7 MP front 2 f 149.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 310 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Active Galaxy S6 Active AT&T 64GB AT&T Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 694.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 294 S Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Galaxy Note 5 Verizon 64GB Verizon Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.7 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM,64 GB ROM +microSD card slot, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.7in HD Super AMOLED Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front 2 f 799.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 312 S Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Galaxy Note 5 AT&T 32GB AT&T Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.7 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM +microSD card slot, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.7in HD Super AMOLED Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, White, Black, Bronze Gold or Pink 2 f 739.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 296 S Samsung Convoy 3 Convoy 3 Verizon Network; Battery: 5.5 hours talk time, 2.4in TFT display, 3.2 MP Camera, Bluetooth, Web Browser, Rugged design meets military standards for water, shock, dust & heat resistance 2 f 199.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 314 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Galaxy S6 Sprint 64GB Sprint Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 689.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 295 S Samsung Galaxy Note 4 SM-N910AZKEATT AT&T Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.7 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM +microSD card slot, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.7in HD Super AMOLED Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 3.7 MP front, White, Black, Bronze Gold or Pink 2 f 649.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 297 S Samsung Galaxy S5 6234A AT&T Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.5 GHz Processor, 2 GB RAM, 16 GB ROM +microSD card slot, Battery: 29 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 2 MP front,Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 519.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 299 S Samsung Galaxy S5 RS_1061_GS5 BLACK Sprint Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.5 GHz Processor, 2 GB RAM, 16 GB ROM +microSD card slot, Battery: 29 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 2 MP front, Shimmery White or Charcoal Black 2 f 519.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 302 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Active Galaxy S6 Active AT&T 32GB AT&T Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 594.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 304 S Samsung Galaxy Note 4 SM-N910VZKEVZW Verizon Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.7 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM +microSD card slot, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.7in HD Super AMOLED Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 3.7 MP front 2 f 599.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 306 S Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 8.0 SM-T337VYKAVZW Verizon Network; Android 4.4.2 KitKat, Quad-core 1 .2GHz, 1.5 GB RAM, 16 GB ROM, Battery: 10 hours usage, 8.0in Retina display /10.1in Retina display, Cameras: 3.15 MP rear & 1.3 MP front, Wi-Fi, White or Black 2 f 279.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 308 S Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 8.0 SM-T331NZWATTT AT&T Network; Android 4.4.2 KitKat, Quad-core 1 .2GHz, 1.5 GB RAM, 16 GB ROM, Battery: 10 hours usage, 8.0in Retina display /10.1in Retina display, Cameras: 3.15 MP rear & 1.3 MP front, Wi-Fi, White or Black 2 f 299.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-6AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 311 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge SM-G925VZKAVZW Verizon Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 669.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 313 S Samsung Galaxy Note 5 SM-N920PZKASPR Sprint Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.7 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM +microSD card slot, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.7in HD Super AMOLED Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front 2 f 739.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 315 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge G925PZKASPR Sprint Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 719.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 317 S Samsung Galaxy Note Edge Galaxy Note Edge AT&T Network; Android 4.4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.7 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM +microSD card slot, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.6in HD Super AMOLED Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 3.7 MP front, White and Black 2 f 805.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 319 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ 6938A AT&T Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 814.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 322 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ Galaxy S6 Edge+ Verizon Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 869.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 325 S Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Galaxy Note 5 Sprint 64GB Sprint Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.7 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM +microSD card slot, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.7in HD Super AMOLED Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front 2 f 839.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 327 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ IS_GALAXY_S6edge+_32GB_BLACK Sprint Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 720 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 298 S Samsung Rugby 4 Rugby 4 AT&T Network; Battery: 14 hours talk time, 2.4in internal, 1.3in external display, 3 MP camera, Bluetooth, Rugged design meets military standards for water, shock, dust & heat resistance, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 229.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 316 S Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Galaxy Note 5 Verizon 32GB Verizon Network; Android 4.4 KitKat, Quad-Core 2.7 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM +microSD card slot, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.7in HD Super AMOLED Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front 2 f 699.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 328 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge SM-G925AZKFATT AT&T Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 914.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 329 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ 6939A AT&T Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 914.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 330 S Samsung Galaxy S6 SM-G920VZKFVZW Verizon Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 799.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 331 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge SM-G925VZKEVZW Verizon Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 769.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 332 S Samsung Galaxy Tab s2 Galaxy Tab s2 AT&T Network; Android 4.4.2 KitKat, Quad-core 1 .2GHz, 1.5 GB RAM, 16 GB ROM, Battery: 10 hours usage, 8.0in Retina display /10.1in Retina display, Cameras: 3.15 MP rear & 1.3 MP front, Wi-Fi, White or Black 2 f 599.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-6AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 333 S Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge SM-G925VZKFVZW Verizon Network; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, Quad-Core 1.5 and 2.1 GHz Processor, 3 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM, Battery: 20 hours talk time, 5.1in Super AMOLED Plus Display, Cameras: 16 MP rear & 5 MP front, Compatible with Enhanced Push-to-Talk 2 f 899.99 f 6000 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 336 S Sonim XP1520 Bolt SL XP1520 Bolt SL AT&T Network; Battery: 12 hours talk time, 2.0in Display, 0.3 MP camera, Bluetooth, Rugged design meets military standards for water, vibration, temperature and humidity resistance, Compatible with Push-to-Talk 2 f 249.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-1: MWS-3: MWS-5AT&T Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 337 S Sonim XP Strike XP Strike Sprint Network; Battery: 10 hours talk time, 2in display, 2 MP camera, Bluetooth, Rugged design meets military standards for water, shock, dust & heat resistance 2 f 299.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Sprint Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 342 S Verizon 4G LTE Jetpack MiFi 6620L 4G LTE Jetpack MiFi 6620L Verizon Network; Usage times up to 20 hours, 4G LTE network speed, Compatible with Windows, MAC or Linux OS, Connect multiple devices to the network, Acts as a universal charge 2 f 99.99 f 6002 {12,24} 7/31/2017 5/31/2022 MWS-2: MWS-4: MWS-6Verizon Network me01071r01c
EQ90001 1542 S Adtran Netvanta 1560-24-370W 17101564PF2 24-port, Layer 3, Gigabit PoE+ Ethernet Switch supporting 370 Total Watts 3 f 1939 f 6162 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: WB-0001459884.pdf me01217r01c
EQ90001 1543 S Adtran Netvanta 1560-48-370W 17101568PF2 48-port, Layer 3, Gigabit PoE+ Ethernet Switch supporting 370 Total Watts 3 f 3189 f 6162 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: WB-0001459884.pdf me01217r01c
EQ90001 1544 S Adtran Netvanta 1560-08-150W 17108108PF2 8-port, Layer 3, Gigabit PoE+ Ethernet Switch supporting 150 Total Watts 3 f 739 f 6162 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: WB-0001459884.pdf me01217r01c
EQ90001 1545 S Adtran Netvanta 1560-24-740W 17108124PF2 24-port, Layer 3, Gigabit PoE+ Ethernet Switch supporting 740 Total Watts 3 f 2419 f 6162 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: WB-0001459884.pdf me01217r01c
EQ90001 1546 S Adtran Netvanta 1560-48-740W 17108148PF2 48-port, Layer 3, Gigabit PoE+ Ethernet Switch supporting 740 Total Watts 3 f 4289 f 6162 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File: WB-0001459884.pdf me01217r01c
EQ90001 1000 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1230714 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1001 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1820070 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1002 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 589356 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1003 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1074708 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1004 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1560060 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1006 S Fortinet FAP-U431F-A-USG FAP-U431F-A-USG FortiAP-U431F-USG 3 f 1490 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1007 S Fortinet FS-124F-USG FS-124F-USG FortiSwitch-124F-USG 3 f 918 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1008 S Fortinet FS-148F-USG FS-148F-USG FortiSwitch-148F-USG 3 f 1459 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1009 S Fortinet FS-224E-POE-USG FS-224E-POE-USG FortiSwitch-224E-POE-USG 3 f 1499 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1010 S Fortinet FS-248D-USG FS-248D-USG FortiSwitch-248D-USG 3 f 1874 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1011 S Fortinet FS-248E-POE-USG FS-248E-POE-USG FortiSwitch-248E-POE-USG 3 f 2995 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1012 S Fortinet FS-1048E-USG FS-1048E-USG FortiSwitch-1048E-USG 3 f 23372 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1013 S Fortinet FS-3032E-USG FS-3032E-USG FortiSwitch-3032E-USG 3 f 32309 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1020 S Fortinet FMG-1000F-USG FMG-1000F-USG FortiManager-1000F-USG 3 f 122264 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1021 S Fortinet FMG-2000E-USG FMG-2000E-USG FortiManager-2000E-USG 3 f 106316 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1025 S Fortinet FAZ-1000E-USG FAZ-1000E-USG FortiAnalyzer-1000E-USG 3 f 26579 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1026 S Fortinet FAZ-1000F-USG FAZ-1000F-USG FortiAnalyzer-1000F-USG 3 f 43856 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1028 S Fortinet FAZ-3000F-USG FAZ-3000F-USG FortiAnalyzer-3000F-USG 3 f 66447 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1029 S Fortinet FAZ-3000G-USG FAZ-3000G-USG FortiAnalyzer-3000G-USG 3 f 73092 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1031 S Fortinet FAZ-BD-4500F-USG FAZ-BD-4500F-USG FortiAnalyzer-BigData-4500F-USG 3 f 423933 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1033 S Fortinet FSA-3000F-USG FSA-3000F-USG FortiSandbox-3000F-USG 3 f 147603 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1034 S Fortinet FWB-400E-USG FWB-400E-USG FortiWeb-400E-USG 3 f 20339 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1036 S Fortinet FWB-1000D-USG FWB-1000D-USG FortiWeb-1000D-USG 3 f 28706 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1040 S Fortinet FAD-2000F-USG FAD-2000F-USG FortiADC-2000F-USG 3 f 69914 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1547 S Fortinet FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS FortiGateRugged-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 3909 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1548 S Fortinet FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FortiGateRugged-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7231.65 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1549 S Fortinet FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FortiGateRugged-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 13876.95 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1550 S Fortinet FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FortiGateRugged-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 20522.25 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1551 S Fortinet FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FortiGateRugged-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6645.3 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1552 S Fortinet FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FortiGateRugged-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 12117.9 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1553 S Fortinet FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FGR-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FortiGateRugged-60F-3G4G-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 17590.5 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1554 S Fortinet FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS FortiGate-70F-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 1236 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1555 S Fortinet FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-70F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2286.6 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1556 S Fortinet FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-70F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4387.8 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1557 S Fortinet FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-70F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 6489 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1558 S Fortinet FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-70F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2101.1999999999998 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1559 S Fortinet FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-70F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3831.6 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1560 S Fortinet FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FG-70F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-70F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5562 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1561 S Fortinet FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS FortiGate-71F-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 1575 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1562 S Fortinet FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-71F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2913.75 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1563 S Fortinet FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-71F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 5591.25 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1564 S Fortinet FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-71F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 8268.75 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1565 S Fortinet FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-71F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2677.5 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1566 S Fortinet FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-71F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4882.5 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1567 S Fortinet FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FG-71F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-71F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 7087.5 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1568 S Fortinet FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS FortiWiFi-81F-2R-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 2600 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1569 S Fortinet FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FortiWiFi-81F-2R-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4810 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1570 S Fortinet FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FortiWiFi-81F-2R-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 9230 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1571 S Fortinet FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FortiWiFi-81F-2R-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 13650 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1572 S Fortinet FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FortiWiFi-81F-2R-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4420 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1573 S Fortinet FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FortiWiFi-81F-2R-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 8060 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1574 S Fortinet FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FWF-81F-2R-A-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FortiWiFi-81F-2R-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 11700 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1575 S Fortinet FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS FortiGate-601F-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 21504 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1576 S Fortinet FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-601F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 39782.400000000001 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1577 S Fortinet FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-601F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 76339.199999999997 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1578 S Fortinet FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-601F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 112896 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1579 S Fortinet FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-601F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 36556.800000000003 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1580 S Fortinet FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-601F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 66662.399999999994 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1581 S Fortinet FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FG-601F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-601F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 96768 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1582 S Fortinet FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS FortiGate-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 87754 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1583 S Fortinet FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 162344.9 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1584 S Fortinet FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 311526.7 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1585 S Fortinet FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 460708.5 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1586 S Fortinet FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 149181.79999999999 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1587 S Fortinet FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 272037.40000000002 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1588 S Fortinet FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FG-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2601F-DC-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 394893 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1589 S Fortinet FG-2601F-USG FG-2601F-USG FortiGate-2601F-USG 3 f 80507 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1590 S Fortinet FG-2601F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2601F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2601F-USG Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 148937.95000000001 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1591 S Fortinet FG-2601F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2601F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2601F-USG Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 285799.84999999998 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1592 S Fortinet FG-2601F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2601F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2601F-USG Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 422661.75 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1593 S Fortinet FG-2601F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2601F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2601F-USG Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 136861.9 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1594 S Fortinet FG-2601F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2601F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2601F-USG Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 249571.7 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1595 S Fortinet FG-2601F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2601F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2601F-USG Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 362281.5 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1596 S Fortinet FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS FortiGate-3000F-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 118800 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1597 S Fortinet FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3000F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 219780 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1598 S Fortinet FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3000F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 421740 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1599 S Fortinet FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3000F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 623700 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1600 S Fortinet FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3000F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 201960 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1601 S Fortinet FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3000F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 368280 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1602 S Fortinet FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FG-3000F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3000F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 534600 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1603 S Fortinet FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS FortiGate-3001F-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 112860 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1604 S Fortinet FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3001F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 208791 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1605 S Fortinet FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3001F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 400653 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1606 S Fortinet FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3001F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 592515 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1607 S Fortinet FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3001F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 191862 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1608 S Fortinet FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3001F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 349866 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1609 S Fortinet FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FG-3001F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3001F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 507870 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1610 S Fortinet FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS FortiGate-3500F-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 273504 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1611 S Fortinet FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3500F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 505982.4 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1612 S Fortinet FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3500F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 970939.2 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1613 S Fortinet FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3500F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1435896 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1614 S Fortinet FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3500F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 464956.8 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1615 S Fortinet FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3500F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 847862.4 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1616 S Fortinet FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FG-3500F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3500F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1230768 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1617 S Fortinet FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS FortiGate-3501F-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 280896 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1618 S Fortinet FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3501F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 519657.6 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1619 S Fortinet FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3501F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 997180.8 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1620 S Fortinet FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3501F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1474704 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1621 S Fortinet FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3501F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 477523.20000000001 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1622 S Fortinet FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3501F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 870777.6 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1623 S Fortinet FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FG-3501F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3501F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1264032 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1624 S Fortinet FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS FortiGate-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 351600 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1625 S Fortinet FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 650460 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1626 S Fortinet FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1248180 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1627 S Fortinet FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1845900 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1628 S Fortinet FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 597720 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1629 S Fortinet FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1089960 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1630 S Fortinet FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FG-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-4400F-DC-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1582200 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1631 S Fortinet FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS FortiGate-4400F-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 351600 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1632 S Fortinet FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-4400F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 650460 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1633 S Fortinet FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-4400F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1248180 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1634 S Fortinet FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-4400F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1845900 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1635 S Fortinet FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-4400F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 597720 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1636 S Fortinet FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-4400F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1089960 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1637 S Fortinet FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FG-4400F-TAA-FGDUS-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-4400F-TAA-FGDUS Hardware plus FortiCare Premium and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1582200 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1638 S Fortinet FAP-231F-A-TAA FAP-231F-A-TAA FortiAP-231F-TAA 3 f 818 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1639 S Fortinet FAP-234F-A-TAA FAP-234F-A-TAA FortiAP-234F-TAA 3 f 1484 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1640 S Fortinet FAP-431F-A-TAA FAP-431F-A-TAA FortiAP-431F-TAA 3 f 1531 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1641 S Fortinet FAP-432F-A-TAA FAP-432F-A-TAA FortiAP-432F-TAA 3 f 2380 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1642 S Fortinet FAP-831F-A-TAA FAP-831F-A-TAA FortiAP-831F-TAA 3 f 2218 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1643 S Fortinet FAP-U432F-A-TAA FAP-U432F-A-TAA FortiAP-U432F-TAA 3 f 3532 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1644 S Fortinet FS-124F-FPOE-TAA FS-124F-FPOE-TAA FortiSwitch-124F-FPOE-TAA 3 f 1914 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1645 S Fortinet FS-148F-FPOE-TAA FS-148F-FPOE-TAA FortiSwitch-148F-FPOE-TAA 3 f 2995 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1646 S Fortinet FS-224D-FPOE-TAA FS-224D-FPOE-TAA FortiSwitch-224D-FPOE-TAA 3 f 2164 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1647 S Fortinet FS-248E-FPOE-TAA FS-248E-FPOE-TAA FortiSwitch-248E-FPOE-TAA 3 f 4158 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1648 S Fortinet FS-424E-FPOE-TAA FS-424E-FPOE-TAA FortiSwitch-424E-FPOE-TAA 3 f 3265 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1649 S Fortinet FS-424E-FIBER-TAA FS-424E-FIBER-TAA FortiSwitch-424E-Fiber-TAA 3 f 3662 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1650 S Fortinet FS-424E-POE-TAA FS-424E-POE-TAA FortiSwitch-424E-POE-TAA 3 f 2642 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1651 S Fortinet FS-448E-FPOE-TAA FS-448E-FPOE-TAA FortiSwitch-448E-FPOE-TAA 3 f 7002 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1652 S Fortinet FS-1024E-TAA FS-1024E-TAA FortiSwitch-1024E-TAA 3 f 18705 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1653 S Fortinet FS-M426E-FPOE-TAA FS-M426E-FPOE-TAA FortiSwitch-M426E-FPOE-TAA 3 f 5134 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1654 S Fortinet FS-T1024E-TAA FS-T1024E-TAA FortiSwitch-T1024E-TAA 3 f 15587 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1655 S Fortinet FMG-200G-TAA-FGDUS FMG-200G-TAA-FGDUS FortiManager-200G-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 20377 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1656 S Fortinet FMG-400G-TAA-FGDUS FMG-400G-TAA-FGDUS FortiManager-400G-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 63480 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1657 S Fortinet FMG-3000G-TAA-FGDUS FMG-3000G-TAA-FGDUS FortiManager-3000G-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 203771 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1658 S Fortinet FMG-3700G-TAA-FGDUS FMG-3700G-TAA-FGDUS FortiManager-3700G-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 317400 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1659 S Fortinet FAZ-150G-TAA-FGDUS FAZ-150G-TAA-FGDUS FortiAnalyzer-150G-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 6497 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1660 S Fortinet FAZ-300G-TAA-FGDUS FAZ-300G-TAA-FGDUS FortiAnalyzer-300G-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 14619 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1006 S Fortinet FAP-U431F-A-USG FAP-U431F-A-USG FortiAP-U431F-USG 3 f 1041 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1661 S Fortinet FAZ-3700G-TAA-FGDUS FAZ-3700G-TAA-FGDUS FortiAnalyzer-3700G-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 219276 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1662 S Fortinet FML-400F-TAA FML-400F-TAA FortiMail-400F-TAA 3 f 11399 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1663 S Fortinet FML-900F-TAA FML-900F-TAA FortiMail-900F-TAA 3 f 25379 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1664 S Fortinet FDC-1000G-TAA-FGDUS FDC-1000G-TAA-FGDUS FortiDeceptor-1000G-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 42000 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1665 S Fortinet FNC-CA-600C-USG FNC-CA-600C-USG FortiNAC-CA-600C-USG 3 f 48032 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1666 S Fortinet FNC-CA-700C-USG FNC-CA-700C-USG FortiNAC-CA-700C-USG 3 f 113817 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1667 S Fortinet FNC-M-550C-USG FNC-M-550C-USG FortiNAC-M-550C-USG 3 f 48032 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1668 S Fortinet FAC-300F-TAA FAC-300F-TAA FortiAuthenticator-300F-TAA 3 f 10433 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1669 S Fortinet FPX-400E-TAA-FGDUS FPX-400E-TAA-FGDUS FortiProxy-400E-TAA-FGDUS 3 f 11556 f 6163 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 508 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG FG-40F-3G4G-USG FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG 3 f 1316 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 509 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2434.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 510 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4671.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 511 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 6909 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 512 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2237.1999999999998 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 513 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4079.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 514 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5922 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 515 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG FG-40F-USG FortiGate-40F-USG 3 f 684 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 516 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1265.4000000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 517 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2428.1999999999998 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 518 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3591 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 519 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1162.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 520 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2120.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 521 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3078 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 529 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG FG-60E-POE-USG FortiGate-60E-POE-USG 3 f 1018 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 530 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1883.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 531 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3613.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 532 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 5344.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 533 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1730.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 534 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3155.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 535 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4581 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 550 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG FG-60F-USG FortiGate-60F-USG 3 f 959 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 551 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1774.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 552 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3404.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 553 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 5034.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 554 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1630.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 555 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2972.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 556 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4315.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 557 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG FGR-60F-USG FortiGateRugged-60F-USG 3 f 2492 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 558 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-12 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4610.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 559 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-36 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 8846.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 560 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-60 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 13083 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 561 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-12 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4236.3999999999996 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 562 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-36 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 7725.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 563 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-60 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 11214 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 565 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1818.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 566 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3489.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 567 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 5160.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 568 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1671.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 569 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3047.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 570 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4423.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 578 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG FG-61F-USG FortiGate-61F-USG 3 f 1233 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 579 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2281.0500000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 580 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4377.1499999999996 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 581 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 6473.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 582 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2096.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 583 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3822.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 584 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5548.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 585 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG FWF-61F-A-USG FortiWiFi-61F-USG 3 f 1406 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 586 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-12 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2601.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 587 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-36 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4991.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 588 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-60 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7381.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 589 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-12 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2390.1999999999998 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 590 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-36 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4358.6000000000004 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 591 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-60 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6327 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 593 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2565.9499999999998 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 594 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4923.8500000000004 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 595 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7281.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 596 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2357.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 597 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4299.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 598 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6241.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 606 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG FG-80F-USG FortiGate-80F-USG 3 f 1653 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 607 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3058.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 608 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 5868.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 609 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 8678.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 610 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2810.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 611 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5124.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 612 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 7438.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 627 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG FG-81F-USG FortiGate-81F-USG 3 f 2135 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 628 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3949.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 629 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7579.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 630 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 11208.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 631 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3629.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 632 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6618.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 633 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 9607.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 642 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4277.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 643 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 8207.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 644 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 12138 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 645 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3930.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 646 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 7167.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 647 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 10404 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 648 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG FG-100F-USG FortiGate-100F-USG 3 f 3854 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 649 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7129.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 650 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 13681.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 651 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 20233.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 652 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6551.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 653 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 11947.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 654 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 17343 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 662 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG FG-101F-USG FortiGate-101F-USG 3 f 5229 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 663 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 9673.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 664 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 18562.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 665 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 27452.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 666 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 8889.2999999999993 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 667 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 16209.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 668 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 23530.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 670 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7701.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 671 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 14778.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 672 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 21855.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 673 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 7077.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 674 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 12905.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 675 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 18733.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 676 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG FG-200F-USG FortiGate-200F-USG 3 f 5988 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 677 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 11077.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 678 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 21257.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 679 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 31437 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 680 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 10179.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 681 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 18562.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 682 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 26946 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 684 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 9834.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 685 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 18871.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 686 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 27909 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 687 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 9037.2000000000007 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 688 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 16479.599999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 689 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 23922 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 690 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG FG-201F-USG FortiGate-201F-USG 3 f 8360 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 691 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 15466 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 692 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 29678 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 693 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 43890 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 694 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 14212 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 695 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 25916 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 696 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 37620 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 698 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 13460.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 699 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 25829.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 700 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 38199 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 701 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 12369.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 702 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 22555.599999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 703 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 32742 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 711 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG FG-401E-USG FortiGate-401E-USG 3 f 9932 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 712 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 18374.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 713 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 35258.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 714 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 52143 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 715 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 16884.400000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 716 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 30789.200000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 717 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 44694 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 719 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 16675.900000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 720 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 31999.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 721 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 47323.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 722 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 15323.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 723 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 27943.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 724 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 40563 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 726 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 18814.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 727 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 36103.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 728 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 53392.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 729 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 17289 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 730 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 31527 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 731 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 45765 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 732 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG FG-600E-USG FortiGate-600E-USG 3 f 12273 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 733 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 22705.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 734 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 43569.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 735 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 64433.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 736 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 20864.099999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 737 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 38046.300000000003 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 738 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 55228.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 739 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG FG-601E-USG FortiGate-601E-USG 3 f 13769 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 740 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 25472.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 741 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 48879.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 742 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 72287.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 743 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 23407.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 744 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 42683.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 745 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 61960.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 747 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 25635.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 748 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 49192.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 749 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 72749.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 750 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 23556.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 751 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 42956.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 752 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 62356.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 754 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 34741.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 755 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 66665.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 756 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 98589.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 757 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 31924.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 758 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 58214.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 759 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 84505.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 761 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 41946.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 762 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 80492.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 763 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 119038.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 764 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 38545.800000000003 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 765 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 70289.399999999994 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 766 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 102033 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 767 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG FG-1100E-DC-USG FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG 3 f 34641 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 768 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 64085.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 769 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 122975.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 770 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 181865.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 771 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 58889.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 772 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 107387.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 773 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 155884.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 774 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG FG-1100E-USG FortiGate-1100E-USG 3 f 34641 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 775 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 64085.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 776 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 122975.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 777 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 181865.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 778 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 58889.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 779 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 107387.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 780 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 155884.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 781 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG FG-1101E-USG FortiGate-1101E-USG 3 f 38797 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 782 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 71774.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 783 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 137729.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 784 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 203684.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 785 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 65954.899999999994 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 786 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 120270.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 787 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 174586.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 802 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG FG-1800F-USG FortiGate-1800F-USG 3 f 49881 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 803 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 92279.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 804 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 177077.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 805 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 261875.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 806 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 84797.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 807 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 154631.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 808 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 224464.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 809 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG FG-1801F-USG FortiGate-1801F-USG 3 f 54038 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 810 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 99970.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 811 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 191834.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 812 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 283699.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 813 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 91864.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 814 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 167517.79999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 815 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 243171 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 817 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 93212.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 818 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 178866.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 819 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 264521.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 820 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 85654.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 821 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 156193.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 822 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 226732.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 824 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 104863.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 825 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 201224.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 826 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 297585.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 827 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 96361.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 828 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 175717.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 829 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 255073.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 831 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 111854.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 832 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 214640.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 833 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 317425.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 834 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 102785.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 835 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 187432.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 836 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 272079 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 838 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 104863.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 839 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 201224.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 840 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 297585.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 841 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 96361.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 842 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 175717.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 843 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 255073.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 844 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG FG-2600F-USG FortiGate-2600F-USG 3 f 83136 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 845 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 153801.60000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 846 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 295132.79999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 847 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 436464 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 848 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 141331.20000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 849 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 257721.60000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 850 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 374112 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1007 S Fortinet FS-124F-USG FS-124F-USG FortiSwitch-124F-USG 3 f 772 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 852 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 116514.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 853 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 223582.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 854 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 330650.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 855 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 107067.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 856 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 195241.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 857 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 283414.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 859 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 139817.45000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 860 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 268298.34999999998 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 861 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 396779.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 862 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 128480.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 863 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 234288.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 864 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 340096.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 866 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 163120.04999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 867 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 313014.15000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 868 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 462908.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 869 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 149894.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 870 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 273336.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 871 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 396778.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 872 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG FG-3300E-USG FortiGate-3300E-USG 3 f 96991 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 873 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 179433.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 874 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 344318.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 875 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 509202.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1008 S Fortinet FS-148F-USG FS-148F-USG FortiSwitch-148F-USG 3 f 1227 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 876 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 164884.70000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 877 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 300672.09999999998 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 878 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 436459.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 879 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG FG-3301E-USG FortiGate-3301E-USG 3 f 103919 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 880 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 192250.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 881 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 368912.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 882 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 545574.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 883 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 176662.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 884 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 322148.90000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 885 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 467635.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 887 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 233027.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 888 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 447161.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 889 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 661295.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 890 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 214133.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 891 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 390479.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 892 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 566824.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 894 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 244679.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 895 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 469519.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 896 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 694359.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 897 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 224840.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 898 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 410002.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 899 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 595165.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1009 S Fortinet FS-224E-POE-USG FS-224E-POE-USG FortiSwitch-224E-POE-USG 3 f 1261 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 901 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 349540.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 902 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 670740.55000000005 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 903 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 991940.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 904 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 321199.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 905 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 585717.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 906 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 850234.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 908 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 361194 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 909 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 693102 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 910 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1025010 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 911 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 331908 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 912 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 605244 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 913 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 878580 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 915 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 227642.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 916 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 436827.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 917 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 646012.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 918 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 209185 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 919 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 381455 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 920 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 553725 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 922 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 279633.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 923 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 536593.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 924 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 793553.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 925 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 256960.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 926 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 468574.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 927 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 680188.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 929 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 349540.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 930 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 670740.55000000005 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 931 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 991940.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 932 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 321199.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 933 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 585717.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 934 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 850234.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 935 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG FG-4200F-USG FortiGate-4200F-USG 3 f 261013 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 936 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 482874.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 937 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 926596.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 938 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1370318.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 939 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 443722.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 940 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 809140.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 941 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1174558.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 942 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG FG-4201F-USG FortiGate-4201F-USG 3 f 242743 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 943 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 449074.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 944 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 861737.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 945 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1274400.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 946 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 412663.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 947 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 752503.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 948 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1092343.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 949 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG FG-4401F-USG FortiGate-4401F-USG 3 f 357600 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 950 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 661560 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 951 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1269480 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 952 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1877400 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 953 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 607920 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 954 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1108560 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 955 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1609200 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 956 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG FG-6300F-USG FortiGate-6300F-USG 3 f 256266 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 957 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 474092.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 958 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 909744.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 959 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1345396.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 960 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 435652.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 961 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 794424.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 962 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1153197 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 963 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG FG-6301F-USG FortiGate-6301F-USG 3 f 263386 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 964 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 487264.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 965 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 935020.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 966 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1382776.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 967 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 447756.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 968 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 816496.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 969 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1185237 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 970 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG FG-6500F-USG FortiGate-6500F-USG 3 f 427111 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 971 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 790155.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 972 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1516244.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 973 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2242332.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 974 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 726088.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 975 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1324044.1000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 976 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1921999.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 977 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG FG-6501F-USG FortiGate-6501F-USG 3 f 434229 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 978 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 803323.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 979 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1541512.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 980 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2279702.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 981 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 738189.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 982 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1346109.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 983 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1954030.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 992 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 427572 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 me01226r01c
EQ90001 993 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 820476 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 994 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1213380 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 995 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 392904 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 996 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 716472 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 997 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1040040 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 999 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 641358 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 12/1/2022 7/31/2027 File Name: FINAL – Q4 Americas Federal Only Price List (Effective 110722).xlsx me01226r01c
EQ90001 1000 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1178712 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1001 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1733400 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1002 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 572022 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1003 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1022706 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1004 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1473390 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1031 S Fortinet FAZ-BD-4500F-USG FAZ-BD-4500F-USG FortiAnalyzer-BigData-4500F-USG 3 f 335124 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1033 S Fortinet FSA-3000F-USG FSA-3000F-USG FortiSandbox-3000F-USG 3 f 134184 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1034 S Fortinet FWB-400E-USG FWB-400E-USG FortiWeb-400E-USG 3 f 15408 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1036 S Fortinet FWB-1000D-USG FWB-1000D-USG FortiWeb-1000D-USG 3 f 20801 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1040 S Fortinet FAD-2000F-USG FAD-2000F-USG FortiADC-2000F-USG 3 f 63558 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 508 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG FG-40F-3G4G-USG FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG 3 f 1160 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 509 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2088 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 690 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG FG-201F-USG FortiGate-201F-USG 3 f 6608 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 510 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3944 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 511 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 5800 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 512 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1914 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 513 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3422 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 514 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4930 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 515 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG FG-40F-USG FortiGate-40F-USG 3 f 602 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 516 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1083.5999999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 517 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2046.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 518 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3010 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 519 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 993.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 520 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1775.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 521 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2558.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 529 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG FG-60E-POE-USG FortiGate-60E-POE-USG 3 f 925 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 530 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1665 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 531 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3145 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 532 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4625 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 533 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1526.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 879 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG FG-3301E-USG FortiGate-3301E-USG 3 f 94471 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 534 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2728.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 535 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3931.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 550 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG FG-60F-USG FortiGate-60F-USG 3 f 845 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 551 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1521 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 552 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2873 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 553 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4225 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 554 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1394.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 555 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2492.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 556 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3591.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 557 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG FGR-60F-USG FortiGateRugged-60F-USG 3 f 2063 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 558 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-12 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3713.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 559 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-36 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7014.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 560 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-60 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 10315 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 561 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-12 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3403.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 562 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-36 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6085.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 563 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-60 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 8767.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 732 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG FG-600E-USG FortiGate-600E-USG 3 f 10330 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 565 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1769.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 566 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3342.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 567 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4915 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 568 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1621.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 569 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2899.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 570 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4177.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 578 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG FG-61F-USG FortiGate-61F-USG 3 f 1087 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 579 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1956.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 580 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3695.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 581 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 5435 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 582 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1793.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 583 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3206.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 584 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4619.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 585 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG FWF-61F-A-USG FortiWiFi-61F-USG 3 f 1239 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 586 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-12 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2230.1999999999998 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 587 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-36 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4212.6000000000004 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 588 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-60 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 6195 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 589 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-12 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2044.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 590 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-36 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3655.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 591 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-60 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5265.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 593 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2496.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 594 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4715.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 595 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 6935 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 596 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2288.5500000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 597 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4091.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 598 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5894.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 606 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG FG-80F-USG FortiGate-80F-USG 3 f 1457 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 607 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2622.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 608 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4953.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 609 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7285 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 610 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2404.0500000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 611 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4298.1499999999996 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 612 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6192.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 627 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG FG-81F-USG FortiGate-81F-USG 3 f 1882 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 628 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3387.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 629 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 6398.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 630 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 9410 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 631 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3105.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 632 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5551.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 633 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 7998.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 642 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4161.6000000000004 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 643 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7860.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 644 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 11560 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 645 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3814.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 646 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6820.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 647 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 9826 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 648 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG FG-100F-USG FortiGate-100F-USG 3 f 3398 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 649 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 6116.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 650 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 11553.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 651 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 16990 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 652 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5606.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 653 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 10024.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 654 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 14441.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 662 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG FG-101F-USG FortiGate-101F-USG 3 f 4611 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 663 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 8299.7999999999993 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 664 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 15677.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 665 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 23055 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 666 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 7608.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 667 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 13602.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 668 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 19596.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 670 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7493.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 671 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 14154.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 672 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 20815 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 673 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6868.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 674 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 12280.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 675 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 17692.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 676 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG FG-200F-USG FortiGate-200F-USG 3 f 4733 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 677 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 8519.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 678 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 16092.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 679 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 23665 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 680 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 7809.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 681 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 13962.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 682 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 20115.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 684 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 9568.7999999999993 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 685 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 18074.400000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 686 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 26580 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 687 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 8771.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 688 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 15682.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 689 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 22593 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 691 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 11894.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 692 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 22467.200000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 693 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 33040 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 694 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 10903.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 695 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 19493.599999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 696 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 28084 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 698 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 13096.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 699 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 24738.400000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 700 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 36380 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 701 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 12005.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 702 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 21464.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 703 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 30923 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 711 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG FG-401E-USG FortiGate-401E-USG 3 f 9196 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 712 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 16552.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 713 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 31266.400000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 714 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 45980 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 715 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 15173.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 716 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 27128.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 717 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 39083 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 719 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 16225.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 720 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 30647.599999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 721 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 45070 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 722 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 14873.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 723 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 26591.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 724 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 38309.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 726 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 18306 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 727 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 34578 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 728 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 50850 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 729 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 16780.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 730 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 30001.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 731 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 43222.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 732 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG FG-600E-USG FortiGate-600E-USG 3 f 10330 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 733 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 18594 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 734 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 35122 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 735 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 51650 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 736 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 17044.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 737 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 30473.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 738 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 43902.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 739 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG FG-601E-USG FortiGate-601E-USG 3 f 11589 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 740 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 20860.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 741 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 39402.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 742 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 57945 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 743 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 19121.849999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 744 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 34187.550000000003 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 745 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 49253.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 747 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 24942.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 748 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 47113.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 749 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 69285 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 750 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 22864.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 751 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 40878.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 752 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 58892.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 754 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 33802.199999999997 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 755 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 63848.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 756 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 93895 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 757 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 30985.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 758 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 55398.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 759 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 79810.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 761 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 40813.199999999997 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 762 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 77091.600000000006 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 763 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 113370 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 764 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 37412.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 765 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 66888.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 766 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 96364.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 767 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG FG-1100E-DC-USG FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG 3 f 31491 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 768 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 56683.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 769 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 107069.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 770 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 157455 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 771 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 51960.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 772 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 92898.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 773 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 133836.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 774 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG FG-1100E-USG FortiGate-1100E-USG 3 f 31491 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 775 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 56683.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 776 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 107069.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 777 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 157455 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 778 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 51960.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 779 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 92898.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 780 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 133836.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 781 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG FG-1101E-USG FortiGate-1101E-USG 3 f 35270 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 782 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 63486 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 783 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 119918 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 784 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 176350 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 785 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 58195.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 786 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 104046.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 787 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 149897.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 802 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG FG-1800F-USG FortiGate-1800F-USG 3 f 45346 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 803 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 81622.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 804 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 154176.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 805 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 226730 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 806 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 74820.899999999994 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 807 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 133770.70000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 808 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 192720.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 809 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG FG-1801F-USG FortiGate-1801F-USG 3 f 49125 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 810 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 88425 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 811 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 167025 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 812 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 245625 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 813 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 81056.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 814 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 144918.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 815 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 208781.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 817 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 90693 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 818 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 171309 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 819 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 251925 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 820 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 83135.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 821 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 148635.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 822 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 214136.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 824 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 102029.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 825 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 192722.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 826 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 283415 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 827 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 93526.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 828 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 167214.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 829 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 240902.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 831 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 108831.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 832 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 205570.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 833 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 302310 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 834 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 99762.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 835 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 178362.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 836 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 256963.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 838 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 102029.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 839 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 192722.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 840 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 283415 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 841 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 93526.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 842 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 167214.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 843 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 240902.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 844 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG FG-2600F-USG FortiGate-2600F-USG 3 f 75578 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 845 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 136040.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 846 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 256965.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 847 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 377890 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 848 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 124703.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 849 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 222955.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 850 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 321206.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 852 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 113365.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 853 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 214135.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 854 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 314905 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 855 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 103918.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 856 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 185793.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 857 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 267669.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 859 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 136038.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 860 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 256961.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 861 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 377885 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 862 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 124702.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 863 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 222952.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 864 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 321202.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 866 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 158711.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 867 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 299788.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 868 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 440865 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 869 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 145485.45000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 870 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 260110.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 871 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 374735.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 872 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG FG-3300E-USG FortiGate-3300E-USG 3 f 88173 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 873 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 158711.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 874 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 299788.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 875 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 440865 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 876 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 145485.45000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 877 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 260110.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 878 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 374735.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 880 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 170047.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 881 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 321201.40000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 882 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 472355 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 883 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 155877.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 884 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 278689.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 885 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 401501.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 887 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 226729.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 888 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 428267.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 889 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 629805 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 890 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 207835.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 891 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 371584.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 892 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 535334.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 894 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 238066.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 895 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 449680.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 896 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 661295 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 897 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 218227.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 898 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 390164.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 899 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 562100.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 901 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 340093.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 902 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 642399.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 903 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 944705 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 904 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 311752.65000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 905 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 557375.94999999995 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 906 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 802999.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 908 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 351432 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 909 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 663816 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 910 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 976200 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 911 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 322146 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 912 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 575958 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 913 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 829770 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 915 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 221490 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 916 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 418370 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 917 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 615250 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 918 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 203032.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 919 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 362997.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 920 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 522962.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 922 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 272075.40000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 923 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 513920.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 924 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 755765 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 925 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 249402.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 926 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 445901.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 927 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 642400.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 929 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 340093.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 930 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 642399.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 931 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 944705 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 932 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 311752.65000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 933 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 557375.94999999995 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 934 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 802999.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 935 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG FG-4200F-USG FortiGate-4200F-USG 3 f 237284 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 936 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 427111.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 937 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 806765.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 938 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1186420 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 939 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 391518.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 940 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 699987.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 941 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1008457 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 942 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG FG-4201F-USG FortiGate-4201F-USG 3 f 220675 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 943 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 397215 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 944 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 750295 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 945 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1103375 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 946 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 364113.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 947 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 650991.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 948 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 937868.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 949 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG FG-4401F-USG FortiGate-4401F-USG 3 f 287329 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 950 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 517192.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 951 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 976918.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 952 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1436645 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 953 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 474092.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 954 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 847620.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 955 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1221148.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 956 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG FG-6300F-USG FortiGate-6300F-USG 3 f 232969 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 957 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 419344.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 958 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 792094.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 959 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1164845 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 960 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 384398.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 961 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 687258.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 962 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 990118.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 963 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG FG-6301F-USG FortiGate-6301F-USG 3 f 239441 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 964 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 430993.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 965 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 814099.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 966 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1197205 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 967 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 395077.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 968 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 706350.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 969 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1017624.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 970 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG FG-6500F-USG FortiGate-6500F-USG 3 f 388282 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 971 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 698907.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 972 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1320158.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 973 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1941410 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 974 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 640665.30000000005 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 975 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1145431.8999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 976 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1650198.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 977 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG FG-6501F-USG FortiGate-6501F-USG 3 f 394753 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 978 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 710555.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 979 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1342160.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 980 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1973765 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 981 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 651342.44999999995 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 982 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1164521.3500000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 983 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1677700.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 992 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 416016 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 993 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 785808 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 994 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1155600 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 995 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 381348 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 996 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 681804 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 997 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 982260 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 999 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 624024 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 4/1/2022 11/30/2022 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1000 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1178712 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1001 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1733400 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1002 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 572022 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1003 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1022706 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1004 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1473390 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1006 S Fortinet FAP-U431F-A-USG FAP-U431F-A-USG FortiAP-U431F-USG 3 f 1041 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1007 S Fortinet FS-124F-USG FS-124F-USG FortiSwitch-124F-USG 3 f 772 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1008 S Fortinet FS-148F-USG FS-148F-USG FortiSwitch-148F-USG 3 f 1227 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1009 S Fortinet FS-224E-POE-USG FS-224E-POE-USG FortiSwitch-224E-POE-USG 3 f 1261 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1010 S Fortinet FS-248D-USG FS-248D-USG FortiSwitch-248D-USG 3 f 1576 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1011 S Fortinet FS-248E-POE-USG FS-248E-POE-USG FortiSwitch-248E-POE-USG 3 f 2520 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1012 S Fortinet FS-1048E-USG FS-1048E-USG FortiSwitch-1048E-USG 3 f 20235 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1013 S Fortinet FS-3032E-USG FS-3032E-USG FortiSwitch-3032E-USG 3 f 27972 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1020 S Fortinet FMG-1000F-USG FMG-1000F-USG FortiManager-1000F-USG 3 f 92448 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1021 S Fortinet FMG-2000E-USG FMG-2000E-USG FortiManager-2000E-USG 3 f 92448 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1025 S Fortinet FAZ-1000E-USG FAZ-1000E-USG FortiAnalyzer-1000E-USG 3 f 23112 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1026 S Fortinet FAZ-1000F-USG FAZ-1000F-USG FortiAnalyzer-1000F-USG 3 f 34668 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1028 S Fortinet FAZ-3000F-USG FAZ-3000F-USG FortiAnalyzer-3000F-USG 3 f 57780 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1029 S Fortinet FAZ-3000G-USG FAZ-3000G-USG FortiAnalyzer-3000G-USG 3 f 57780 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1031 S Fortinet FAZ-BD-4500F-USG FAZ-BD-4500F-USG FortiAnalyzer-BigData-4500F-USG 3 f 335124 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1033 S Fortinet FSA-3000F-USG FSA-3000F-USG FortiSandbox-3000F-USG 3 f 134184 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1034 S Fortinet FWB-400E-USG FWB-400E-USG FortiWeb-400E-USG 3 f 15408 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1036 S Fortinet FWB-1000D-USG FWB-1000D-USG FortiWeb-1000D-USG 3 f 20801 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 1040 S Fortinet FAD-2000F-USG FAD-2000F-USG FortiADC-2000F-USG 3 f 63558 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 508 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG FG-40F-3G4G-USG FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG 3 f 1160 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 509 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2088 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 690 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG FG-201F-USG FortiGate-201F-USG 3 f 6608 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 510 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3944 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 511 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 5800 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 512 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1914 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 513 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3422 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 514 S Fortinet FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-40F-3G4G-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-40F-3G4G-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4930 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 515 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG FG-40F-USG FortiGate-40F-USG 3 f 602 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 516 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1083.5999999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 517 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2046.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 518 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-40F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3010 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 519 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 993.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 520 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1775.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 521 S Fortinet FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-40F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-40F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2558.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 529 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG FG-60E-POE-USG FortiGate-60E-POE-USG 3 f 925 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 530 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1665 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 531 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3145 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 532 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4625 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 533 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1526.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 879 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG FG-3301E-USG FortiGate-3301E-USG 3 f 94471 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 534 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2728.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 535 S Fortinet FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-60E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-60E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3931.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 550 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG FG-60F-USG FortiGate-60F-USG 3 f 845 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 551 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1521 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 552 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2873 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 553 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-60F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4225 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 554 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1394.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 555 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2492.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 556 S Fortinet FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-60F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3591.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 557 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG FGR-60F-USG FortiGateRugged-60F-USG 3 f 2063 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 558 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-12 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3713.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 559 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-36 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7014.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 560 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-60 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 10315 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 561 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-12 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3403.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 562 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-36 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6085.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 563 S Fortinet FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-60 FGR-60F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGateRugged-60F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 8767.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 565 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1769.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 566 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3342.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 567 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-61E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4915 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 568 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1621.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 569 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2899.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 570 S Fortinet FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-61E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-61E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4177.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 578 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG FG-61F-USG FortiGate-61F-USG 3 f 1087 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 579 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1956.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 580 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3695.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 581 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-61F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 5435 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 582 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1793.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 583 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3206.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 584 S Fortinet FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-61F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4619.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 585 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG FWF-61F-A-USG FortiWiFi-61F-USG 3 f 1239 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 586 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-12 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2230.1999999999998 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 587 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-36 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4212.6000000000004 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 588 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-60 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 6195 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 589 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-12 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2044.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 590 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-36 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3655.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 591 S Fortinet FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-60 FWF-61F-A-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiWiFi-61F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5265.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 593 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2496.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 594 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4715.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 595 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 6935 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 596 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2288.5500000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 597 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4091.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 598 S Fortinet FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-80E-POE-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-80E-POE-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5894.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 606 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG FG-80F-USG FortiGate-80F-USG 3 f 1457 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 607 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 2622.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 608 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4953.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 609 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-80F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7285 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 610 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 2404.0500000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 611 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 4298.1499999999996 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 612 S Fortinet FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-80F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-80F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6192.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 627 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG FG-81F-USG FortiGate-81F-USG 3 f 1882 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 628 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 3387.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 629 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 6398.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 630 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-81F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 9410 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 631 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3105.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 632 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5551.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 633 S Fortinet FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-81F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-81F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 7998.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 642 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 4161.6000000000004 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 643 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7860.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 644 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 11560 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 645 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 3814.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 646 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6820.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 647 S Fortinet FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-100EF-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-100EF-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 9826 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 648 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG FG-100F-USG FortiGate-100F-USG 3 f 3398 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 649 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 6116.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 650 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 11553.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 651 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-100F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 16990 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 652 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 5606.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 653 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 10024.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 654 S Fortinet FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-100F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-100F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 14441.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 662 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG FG-101F-USG FortiGate-101F-USG 3 f 4611 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 663 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 8299.7999999999993 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 664 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 15677.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 665 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-101F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 23055 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 666 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 7608.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 667 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 13602.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 668 S Fortinet FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-101F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-101F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 19596.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 670 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 7493.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 671 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 14154.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 672 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-200E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 20815 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 673 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 6868.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 674 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 12280.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 675 S Fortinet FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-200E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 17692.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 676 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG FG-200F-USG FortiGate-200F-USG 3 f 4733 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 677 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 8519.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 678 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 16092.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 679 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-200F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 23665 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 680 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 7809.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 681 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 13962.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 682 S Fortinet FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-200F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 20115.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 684 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 9568.7999999999993 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 685 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 18074.400000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 686 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-201E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 26580 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 687 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 8771.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 688 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 15682.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 689 S Fortinet FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-201E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 22593 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 691 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 11894.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 692 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 22467.200000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 693 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-201F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 33040 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 694 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 10903.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 695 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 19493.599999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 696 S Fortinet FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-201F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 28084 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 698 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 13096.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 699 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 24738.400000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 700 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-300E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 36380 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 701 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 12005.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 702 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 21464.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 703 S Fortinet FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-300E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 30923 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 711 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG FG-401E-USG FortiGate-401E-USG 3 f 9196 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 712 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 16552.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 713 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 31266.400000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 714 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-401E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 45980 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 715 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 15173.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 716 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 27128.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 717 S Fortinet FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-401E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 39083 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 719 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 16225.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 720 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 30647.599999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 721 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-500E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 45070 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 722 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 14873.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 723 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 26591.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 724 S Fortinet FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-500E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 38309.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 726 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 18306 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 727 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 34578 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 728 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-501E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 50850 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 729 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 16780.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 730 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 30001.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 731 S Fortinet FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-501E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-501E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 43222.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 733 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 18594 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 734 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 35122 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 735 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-600E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 51650 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 736 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 17044.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 737 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 30473.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 738 S Fortinet FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-600E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 43902.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 739 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG FG-601E-USG FortiGate-601E-USG 3 f 11589 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 740 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 20860.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 741 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 39402.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 742 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-601E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 57945 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 743 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 19121.849999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 744 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 34187.550000000003 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 745 S Fortinet FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-601E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 49253.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 747 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 24942.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 748 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 47113.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 749 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-800D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 69285 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 750 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 22864.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 751 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 40878.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 752 S Fortinet FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-800D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-800D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 58892.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 754 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 33802.199999999997 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 755 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 63848.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 756 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-900D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 93895 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 757 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 30985.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 758 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 55398.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 759 S Fortinet FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-900D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-900D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 79810.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 761 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 40813.199999999997 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 762 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 77091.600000000006 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 763 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 113370 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 764 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 37412.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 765 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 66888.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 766 S Fortinet FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1000D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 96364.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 767 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG FG-1100E-DC-USG FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG 3 f 31491 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 768 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 56683.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 769 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 107069.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 770 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 157455 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 771 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 51960.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 772 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 92898.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 773 S Fortinet FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1100E-DC-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1100E-DC-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 133836.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 774 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG FG-1100E-USG FortiGate-1100E-USG 3 f 31491 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 775 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 56683.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 776 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 107069.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 777 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 157455 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 778 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 51960.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 779 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 92898.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 780 S Fortinet FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1100E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1100E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 133836.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 781 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG FG-1101E-USG FortiGate-1101E-USG 3 f 35270 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 782 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 63486 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 783 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 119918 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 784 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 176350 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 785 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 58195.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 786 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 104046.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 787 S Fortinet FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1101E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1101E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 149897.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 802 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG FG-1800F-USG FortiGate-1800F-USG 3 f 45346 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 803 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 81622.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 804 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 154176.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 805 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 226730 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 806 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 74820.899999999994 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 807 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 133770.70000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 808 S Fortinet FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1800F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1800F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 192720.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 809 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG FG-1801F-USG FortiGate-1801F-USG 3 f 49125 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 810 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 88425 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 811 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 167025 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 812 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 245625 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 813 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 81056.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 814 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 144918.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 815 S Fortinet FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-1801F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-1801F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 208781.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 817 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 90693 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 818 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 171309 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 819 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 251925 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 820 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 83135.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 821 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 148635.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 822 S Fortinet FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2000E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2000E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 214136.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 824 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 102029.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 825 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 192722.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 826 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 283415 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 827 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 93526.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 828 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 167214.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 829 S Fortinet FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2200E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2200E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 240902.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 831 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 108831.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 832 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 205570.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 833 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 302310 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 834 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 99762.3 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 835 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 178362.9 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 836 S Fortinet FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2201E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2201E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 256963.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 838 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 102029.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 839 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 192722.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 840 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 283415 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 841 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 93526.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 842 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 167214.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 843 S Fortinet FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2500E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2500E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 240902.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 844 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG FG-2600F-USG FortiGate-2600F-USG 3 f 75578 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 845 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 136040.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 846 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 256965.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 847 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 377890 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 848 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 124703.7 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 849 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 222955.1 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 850 S Fortinet FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-2600F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-2600F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 321206.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 852 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 113365.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 853 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 214135.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 854 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 314905 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 855 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 103918.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 856 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 185793.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 857 S Fortinet FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3000D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3000D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 267669.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 859 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 136038.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 860 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 256961.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 861 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 377885 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 862 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 124702.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 863 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 222952.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 864 S Fortinet FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3100D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3100D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 321202.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 866 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 158711.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 867 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 299788.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 868 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 440865 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 869 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 145485.45000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 870 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 260110.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 871 S Fortinet FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3200D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3200D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 374735.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 872 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG FG-3300E-USG FortiGate-3300E-USG 3 f 88173 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 873 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 158711.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 874 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 299788.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 875 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 440865 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 876 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 145485.45000000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 877 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 260110.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 878 S Fortinet FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3300E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3300E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 374735.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 880 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 170047.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 881 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 321201.40000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 882 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 472355 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 883 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 155877.15 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 884 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 278689.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 885 S Fortinet FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3301E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3301E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 401501.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 887 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 226729.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 888 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 428267.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 889 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 629805 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 890 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 207835.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 891 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 371584.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 892 S Fortinet FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3400E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3400E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 535334.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 894 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 238066.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 895 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 449680.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 896 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 661295 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 897 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 218227.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 898 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 390164.05 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 899 S Fortinet FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3401E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3401E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 562100.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 901 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 340093.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 902 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 642399.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 903 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 944705 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 904 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 311752.65000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 905 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 557375.94999999995 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 906 S Fortinet FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3600E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3600E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 802999.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 908 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 351432 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 909 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 663816 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 910 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 976200 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 911 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 322146 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 912 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 575958 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 913 S Fortinet FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3601E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3601E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 829770 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 915 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 221490 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 916 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 418370 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 917 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 615250 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 918 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 203032.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 919 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 362997.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 920 S Fortinet FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3700D-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3700D-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 522962.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 922 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 272075.40000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 923 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 513920.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 924 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 755765 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 925 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 249402.45 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 926 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 445901.35 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 927 S Fortinet FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3960E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3960E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 642400.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 929 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 340093.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 930 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 642399.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 931 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 944705 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 932 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 311752.65000000002 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 933 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 557375.94999999995 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 934 S Fortinet FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-3980E-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-3980E-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 802999.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 935 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG FG-4200F-USG FortiGate-4200F-USG 3 f 237284 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 936 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 427111.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 937 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 806765.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 938 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1186420 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 939 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 391518.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 940 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 699987.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 941 S Fortinet FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-4200F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-4200F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1008457 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 942 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG FG-4201F-USG FortiGate-4201F-USG 3 f 220675 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 943 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 397215 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 944 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 750295 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 945 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1103375 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 946 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 364113.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 947 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 650991.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 948 S Fortinet FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-4201F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-4201F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 937868.75 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 949 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG FG-4401F-USG FortiGate-4401F-USG 3 f 287329 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 950 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 517192.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 951 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 976918.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 952 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1436645 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 953 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 474092.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 954 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 847620.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 955 S Fortinet FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-4401F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-4401F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1221148.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 956 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG FG-6300F-USG FortiGate-6300F-USG 3 f 232969 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 957 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 419344.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 958 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 792094.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 959 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1164845 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 960 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 384398.85 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 961 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 687258.55 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 962 S Fortinet FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-6300F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-6300F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 990118.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 963 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG FG-6301F-USG FortiGate-6301F-USG 3 f 239441 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 964 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 430993.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 965 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 814099.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 966 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1197205 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 967 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 395077.65 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 968 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 706350.95 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 969 S Fortinet FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-6301F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-6301F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1017624.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 970 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG FG-6500F-USG FortiGate-6500F-USG 3 f 388282 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 971 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 698907.6 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 972 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1320158.8 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 973 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1941410 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 974 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 640665.30000000005 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 975 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1145431.8999999999 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 976 S Fortinet FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-6500F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-6500F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1650198.5 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 977 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG FG-6501F-USG FortiGate-6501F-USG 3 f 394753 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 978 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 710555.4 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 979 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1342160.2 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 980 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1973765 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 981 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 651342.44999999995 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 982 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1164521.3500000001 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 983 S Fortinet FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-6501F-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-6501F-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 1677700.25 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 992 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 416016 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 993 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-36 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-36 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 785808 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 994 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-60 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-811-60 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 1155600 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 995 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-12 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 381348 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 996 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-36 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-36 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 681804 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 997 S Fortinet FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-60 FG-7030E-QSFP28-USG-BDL-950-60 FortiGate-7030E-QSFP28-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) 3 f 982260 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c
EQ90001 999 S Fortinet FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-12 FG-7040E-8-USG-BDL-811-12 FortiGate-7040E-8-USG Hardware plus 24×7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Enterprise Protection 3 f 624024 f 6108 {12,24,36,48} 8/1/2027 9/30/2027 File Name: Fortinet – Updated Q4 2021 Federal Price List 110121 me01226r01c

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